Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

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Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

9th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

961 solutions

Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

8th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

470 solutions

Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition

8th EditionMarc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz

263 solutions

Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

Western Civilization

9th EditionJackson J. Spielvogel

651 solutions

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Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

Ways of the World: A Global History

3rd EditionRobert W. Strayer

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Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

U.S. History

1st EditionJohn Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen

567 solutions

Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

8th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

470 solutions

Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

Western Civilization

9th EditionJackson J. Spielvogel

651 solutions

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Terms in this set (20)

Both Usman dan Fodio and Muhammad Ibn abd al-Wahhab drew on which of the following inspirations for Islamic reform?

The connections that had emerged between Islam and regional religious traditions

The similarities between Islam and other Abrahamic religions

The rejection of the corrupting power of wealth in the established Islamic empires

The life of Muhammad and early Islamic practices

The life of Muhammad and early Islamic practices

Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Islamic reform movements were encouraged by proximity to major trade routes and the growth of capitalism.



Wahhabi Islam was a direct threat to the political power of which of the following?

The House of Saud

The Napoleonic Empire

The British Empire

The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire

In Restoration-period Europe, which of the following was a goal of liberal thinkers?

Exporting European innovations to other parts of the world

Returning to prerevolutionary patterns of political and economic authority

Continuing to pursue political reforms without attempting economic reforms

Supporting individuals' right to speak, think, and act as they chose

Supporting individuals' right to speak, think, and act as they chose

The impetus of Mohammad Ibn al-Wahhab's Islamic reform movement was a reaction to which of the following?

The tendency of some Muslims to experiment with European ideas and technologies

Polytheistic beliefs that had taken root among some Muslims

The presence of multiple Islamic empires such as the Mughals and the Ottomans

Debates among representatives of different religions at the Mughal court

Polytheistic beliefs that had taken root among some Muslims

What did Marx and Engels believe would be the outcome of the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat?

A victory by the bourgeoisie that would reduce the proletariat to slavery

A victory by the bourgeoisie that would result in the reinforcement of capitalism and private property, and things would stay as they were

A victory by the proletariat that would result in the destruction of capitalism, the end of private property, and the eventual withering away of the state

A victory by the proletariat that would lead to the return of an idealized form of feudalism

A victory by the proletariat that would result in the destruction of capitalism, the end of private property, and the eventual withering away of the state

Which of the following was called for in the People's Charter?

Creating land charters to protect the property rights of small farmers

Annual parliamentary elections, universal male suffrage, and the secret ballot

The eight-hour day, weekends off, and safer working conditions in factories

Creating charters outlining the rights of workers in mines and mills

Annual parliamentary elections, universal male suffrage, and the secret ballot

Which of the following was a common factor in the Shawnee, Maya, and Indian rebellions against colonial control?

A rejection of traditional cultural and political resources

Reliance on Christian traditions taught by missionaries

Nonviolent resistance against colonial power

The use of prophecy and charismatic leadership

The use of prophecy and charismatic leadership

Marx and Engels believed that the conflict between proletariat and bourgeoisie would be succeeded by other stages of class conflict.


Which of the following was a sharp contrast between millenarian revolts such as the Taiping Rebellion and orthodox institutions?

Millenarian revolts were often led by scholars.

Millenarian movements were supported by militias raised by the gentry.

Millenarian movements were inspired by Confucian, not Daoist, ideals.

Millenarian revolts often had women in leadership roles.

Millenarian revolts often had women in leadership roles.

Which of the following is a similarity between the goals of Hong, the leaders of the Islamic revitalization movements, and Shaka?

They all believed that lack of harmony was caused by foreign rule.

They all sought to restore lost harmony and perceived the present world as unjust.

They all proposed a return to the ways of traditional Islam.

They all rejected foreign religious ideas.

They all sought to restore lost harmony and perceived the present world as unjust.

The Taiping Rebellion was a nineteenth-century example of what Chinese tradition?

Confucian codes of administration

Violent uprisings by members of ethnic minority groups

Rejection of outside influences as inferior to Chinese ideas

Millenarian peasant revolts

Millenarian peasant revolts

What was one of the reasons for the collapse of the Taiping Rebellion?

It failed to attract strong support from the peasants.

It received from Western powers, which alienated the majority of the Chinese people.

It failed to attract strong support from the landed gentry and other elite groups.

Its followers were mainly Manchus, alienating the Han Chinese majority.

It failed to attract strong support from the landed gentry and other elite groups.

How did the outcome of the War of 1812 hasten the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans east of the Mississippi?

Other tribes west of the Mississippi who had sided with the Americans supported the removal of the eastern tribes.

The British withdrew their support from south of the Great Lakes, leaving the Shawnee at the mercy of land hungry American settlers.

Both the British and the French slaughtered large numbers of Native Americans in the conflict.

The Shawnee migrated to Canada, leaving the lands south of the Great Lakes free of Native American tribes.

The British withdrew their support from south of the Great Lakes, leaving the Shawnee at the mercy of land hungry American settlers.

Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories "scientific" socialism?

Because all of their statements had been verified through experimentation

Because their arguments were rooted in a materialist view of history

Because their inspiration came from Newton's grand synthesis of knowledge, the Principia

Because their arguments were based in statistical analysis

Because their arguments were rooted in a materialist view of history

Which of the following was the most important device used by Mexicans to lure Mayans into plantation labor?

Mayans were forced to work on plantations to free their wives and children who had been taken hostage by the plantation owners.

Mexicans lured Mayans with promises of teaching them new agricultural techniques that would enrich Mayan villages.

Debt peonage forced fathers and sons to work for low wages on sugar plantations.

The imposition of the new caste of "Indians" meant Mayans had few political rights and could be forced into plantation servitude.

Debt peonage forced fathers and sons to work for low wages on sugar plantations.

The leaders of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Islamic revitalization movements sought to reestablish the glory of Islam through which practice?

Making alliances between Islam and other religious traditions

Establishing new religiously based governments in lands already under Muslim control

Increasing the Islamic presence in world markets

Abolishing slavery in all Muslim lands

Establishing new religiously based governments in lands already under Muslim control

Both Chinese and Native American rebellions were inspired by popular religious movements.


The British avoided the use of technologies like the railroad and telegraph in India because they feared that rebels could turn their tools against them.


On what idea could disparate groups of radicals agree?

Popular sovereignty

Abolishing private property

Return to the status quo

Constitutional monarchy

Popular sovereignty

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Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

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Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

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Why did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels call their theories scientific socialism quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

8th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

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Why is Karl Marx important quizlet?

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