Which types of power are effective when coaching a new employee to improve role performance quizlet?

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Which types of power are effective when coaching a new employee to improve role performance quizlet?

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The sum of perceptions employees have about their interactions with the organization in which they work

An emotional state were we feel passionate, energetic, and committed toward our work

Culture: A set of values, norms, guiding beliefs & understandings that are shared by members of an organization and is taught to new members as the way to feel, think, and behave

Which statement indicates that the nurse leader understands the significance of implementing successful recruitment strategies?

A.) Successfully recruiting quality nurses is achieved through the hospital's marketing strategy.

B.) Successfully recruiting nurses is the primary job of the facility recruiter in the HR department.

C.) Successfully recruiting qualified nurses who plan to stay on the job long-term will save money.

D.) Successfully recruiting and retaining nursing staff does not have an impact on patient safety and quality outcomes.


The nurse manager is having problems recruiting and hiring an adequate number of qualified nurses on the unit. Which actions indicate the nurse manager has a good grasp on various factors that can have an adverse effect on recruiting efforts?
Select all that apply.

A.) Quickly addressing any concerns or complaints among staff members

B.) Fostering a relationship of mutual respect and trust with employees

C.) Offering higher salary to offset a negative reputation of the organization

D.) Interacting closely with employees to build a good reputation in the community

E.) Ignoring gossip on the unit, as it is unethical to engage in or consider such conversation

A, B, D

A nurse manager is evaluating new marketing strategies to attract new nurses. How can the nurse manager most effectively find quality applicants to fill staff nursing positions?
Select all that apply.

A.) Collaborate with the hospital marketing department
Include virtual tours and testimonials on the hospital web page

B.) Post ads that include job duties, key qualifications, and benefits on local job boards

C.) Develop a web page with job openings, relocation benefits, and other useful information

D.) Rely primarily on the human resources (HR) department to create new ideas for posting ads and interview potential new hires

A, B, D

The nurse leader has weekly staff meetings with the nurses on the unit and asks for input on major decisions affecting staff; some of the input has led to the creation of a task force team, and the nurse leader has asked a staff nurse to join the team. Which strategies are being used to help retain employees?
Select all that apply.

A.) Respect
B.) Work redesign
C.) Empowerment
D.) Shared governance
E.) Professional practice environment

A, C, D

It is the holiday season and the nurse leader of a busy psychiatric unit notices that many staff members seem to be experiencing nursing burnout. Which action should the nurse manager take to address this issue?

A.) Advise the staff to take a much-needed vacation

B.) Ensure an adequate nurse-patient ratio on the unit throughout the holiday season

C.) Remind staff to be loyal to the hospital and continue working long hours throughout the holiday season

D. ) Understand that this is a normal part of psychiatric nursing and that the nurse will be okay once the holiday season is over


The nurse manager of a busy medical/surgical unit is concerned because patient satisfaction on the unit has decreased from 90% to 65%, incident reports for falls on the unit have doubled in the past 30 days, and staff morale is low. How can the manager help improve patient outcomes and raise staff morale?
Select all that apply.

A.)Ask colleagues to intervene and update safety policies on the unit

B.) Implement a team nursing strategy for performing patient care on the unit

C.) Schedule a staff meeting to start a dialogue with the nursing staff on the unit about these concerns

D.) Check patterns of nurse-patient ratio to ensure adequate number of staff members have been scheduled during the past 30 days

E.) Wait to see what the numbers look like in the second quarter reports, as perhaps patient satisfaction and patient safety rates will increase

B, C, D

The nurse manager is evaluating staffing needs for the next shift to ensure that the unit will be adequately staffed. The nurse manager notes that the current patients do not drastically differ in levels of acuity. Which model or system should the nurse use to estimate staffing needs?

A.) Prototype
B.) Productivity
C.) Factor evaluation
D.) Registered Nurse Safe Staffing


The nurse leader is mentoring a new nurse manager about the use of patient classification systems to predict staffing needs on the unit. The nurse manager asks why it is necessary to use electronic systems to predict staff needs. What response from the nurse leader is appropriate?

A.) "They can assign extra staff for other units as needed."

B.) "They promote advancement and development of the nursing staff."

C.) "They more accurately measure all variables to determine patient needs."

D.) "They can increase the efficiency with which patient data can be entered and evaluated."


A nurse manager suggests implementing a productivity system instead of a structured acuity model due to key issues with patient classification systems. Which statement supports the justification behind this decision?
Select all that apply.

A.) Improved patient safety and quality is associated with productivity systems.

B.) Productivity models bypass many key issues associated with patient acuity systems.

C.) Increase in nurse burnout rates have been attributed to the use of patient classification systems.

D.) The credibility of the data reports generated from patient classification systems is questionable.

E.) Adequate staffing suggested by the patient classification may not available by the facility, leaving the unit short staffed.

B, D, E

The nurse manager has calculated overtime hours for the regular and temporary staff, reviewed the costs of new nurse training and orientation, and added up the total labor costs for each patient over a number of days. The nurse has acted to improve patient outcomes by implementing which step of nurse management?

A.) Create a nurse staffing plan

B.) Develop a unit productivity report

C.) Calculate the nurse-to-patient ratio

D.) Analyze The Joint Commission (TJC) Review


The nurse manager is preparing for an upcoming review process by The Joint Commission (TJC). Which actions can the nurse manager take to ensure a successful evaluation?
Select all that apply.

A.) Ensure an adequate number of staff for patients

B.) Work toward improving quality of care in the unit

C.) Implement a structure to evaluate staff capabilities

D.) Advise staff to always be positive if approached by reviewers

E.) Check to see if the quality of care is aligning with current staffing problems

A, B, C, E

The charge nurse on a post-surgical unit is being asked by the shift supervisor to float one of the staff to another floor during the 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. day shift. What information is vital for the charge nurse to convey to the shift supervisor before allowing one of his staff members to be reassigned to a different floor?
Select all that apply.

A.) "My budget has included 12 RNs on the unit for the day shift."

B.) "There are two new admissions scheduled for mid-day on the unit."

C.) "Several patients will be returning from surgery mid-morning to early afternoon."

D.) "The patient acuity level on the unit is always higher during the day shift than any other shift."

E.) "The morale of the unit is low due to staff nurses being asked to float to other units frequently."

B, C, D

The Urgent Care Manager is planning to assign one of the charge nurses as an employee coach. Which charge nurse would be the best choice?

A.) An experienced charge nurse who works per diem shifts

B.) A full-time charge nurse who has experience as a preceptor

C.) A new charge nurse who recently completed a coaching course

D.) An experienced part-time charge nurse who serves on several educational committees


The nurse manager walks into the break room and sees a staff nurse crying at the table. The nurse states, "This is the worst day! No matter what I do, I can't please my patients!" Which coaching role should the nurse manager assume with the staff nurse?

A.) Tutor
B.) Mentor
C.) Counselor
D.) Confronter


The charge nurse has been delegated to act as a coach for a newly hired nurse. Which actions demonstrate ineffective coaching by the charge nurse?
Select all that apply.

A.) Providing feedback only when incorrect actions are noted

B.) Using general group coaching techniques with the new hire

C.) Including positive feedback when coaching the nurse on skills

D.) Refraining from providing feedback until after the orientation period

E.) Giving detailed, specific feedback on the nurse's overall performance

A, B, D

The nurse coordinator in the intensive care unit is preparing employee feedback for the charge nurse. Which statement by the coordinator demonstrates effective feedback?

A.) "I know some days can be tough, but you're doing a super job. Keep it up!"

B.) "A few things need to be worked on, but overall you are doing well with our unit."

C.) "I've noticed some great things, and things that can be improved upon. It's important that you are performing at or above standards."

D.) "You have a great rapport with the patients, but I noticed you're struggling with time management skills. Let's discuss some strategies for improvement."


A nurse manager is gathering information to provide feedback to a nurse who recently completed the orientation period. Which behavior should be discussed?

A.) The nurse prefers to eat lunch alone.

B.) The nurse double-checks all medications.

C.) The nurse takes a long time to get reports and begin patient care.

D.) The nurse arrives early to review the census and prepare for the shift.


A nurse manager has received reports from other staff members that Jeannie, a staff nurse, is very abrupt with colleagues and patients. Which should the nurse manager consider prior to providing feedback to Jeannie?
Select all that apply.

A.) Observing Jeannie interacting with her colleagues and patients

B.) Preparing to speak in general terms so as to minimize Jeannie's discomfort

C.) Being ready to provide positive feedback if Jeannie responds poorly to criticism

D.) Confronting Jeannie immediately about the situation regardless of her response

E.) Preparing for the possibility that Jeannie will want to know who complained about her behavior

A, C, E

The clinical director is concerned about the poor performance of a staff nurse. What is the first action the director should take prior to implementing a disciplinary plan?

A.) Advise the nurse that he or she will be placed on an action plan

B.) Review the termination policies and procedures of the organization

C.) Gather all the supporting data and assess the nurse's outlook of the situation

D.) Contact human resources (HR) to discuss appropriate disciplinary actions


The nurse educator places highest priority on completing the performance appraisal of which staff nurse?

A.) The nurse who will be placed on an action plan

B.) The newly hired nurse who is receiving a first annual evaluation

C.) The nurse who has a positive appraisal and will be off for the next three days

D.) The nurse who will receive feedback on an incident that occurred this morning


The nurse manager on the maternal-newborn unit is preparing a performance appraisal for a staff nurse. Despite frequent reinforcement, the staff nurse consistently calls in sick or is late to work. The manager has documented each encounter with the nurse regarding these concerns. What is the manager's best next step?

A.) Prepare termination paperwork
B.) Contact the human resources (HR) department
C.) Tell the nurse that the behavior will not be tolerated
D.) Ask the nurse why the absence or tardiness behavior continues


Which situations show a nurse leader using structural empowerment to increase employee satisfaction?
Select all that apply.

A.) Allowing the staff more paid holidays per year

B.) Establishing a mentoring program for new nurses

C.) Providing ergonomic work stations to enhance comfort

D.) Providing continuing education courses for nursing staff

E.) Engaging staff in a weekly status meeting to discuss organizational change that will affect the staff

B, D, E

Which examples indicate that a nurse leader on a rehabilitation floor understands and utilizes effective empowerment principals?
Select all that apply.

A.) Providing ongoing positive feedback
B.) Encouraging voluntary sign up for mentorship programs
C.) Scheduling regular staff meetings to inform staff about problems on the unit
D.) Depending on experienced staff members to coach new graduates on the unit
E.) Allowing staff nurses to schedule patients' weekly physical therapy around nursing care

A, B, E

Which are benefits of the nurse leader's empowerment of others?
Select all that apply.

A.) Decrease in nurse burnout
B.) Influx of more qualified nursing staff
C.) Higher efficiency in day-to-day tasks
D.) More independence for the nurse leader
E.) Development of a support base for the leader

A, C, E

The nurse manager is mentoring a nurse on strategies for empowerment. Which statement from the nurse manager describes the empowered nurse leader's role in conflict resolution?

A.) "It is important to prevent all conflict before it happens."

B.) "The act of conflict resolution can lead to disempowerment of the nursing staff."

C.) "Be sure to resolve conflict in a timely manner to prevent it from getting out of hand."

D.) "Conflict resolution is important, but it requires a skill set different from that of an empowered leader."


A new nurse manager wants to empower the staff in an effort to increase staff productivity and decrease burnout. Which personality traits should the nurse manager adopt to accomplish this goal?
Select all that apply.

A.) Kind and polite demeanor
B.) Adaptable to all situations
C.) Willingness to try new approaches
D.) Ability to separate oneself from conflict
E.) Tendency to succeed in all management endeavors

A, B, C

Several new nurses have just been hired on the pediatrics unit. The nurse manager wants to take steps to ensure nurse satisfaction and increase staff retention on the unit. Which actions show that the nurse manager is implementing effective strategies to empower the staff?
Select all that apply.

A.) Provide free continuing education training at the hospital

B.) Assign patient care by difficulty of task and based on nursing experience

C.) Evaluate nurses annually to provide positive feedback on job performance

D.) Establish a committee of veteran nurses designed to provide advice and support

E.) Pair new nurses with nurse leaders to provide an on-the-job preceptor program and mentorship after orientation

A, D, E

The registered nurse (RN) manager at a nursing home has hired a certified nursing assistant (CNA) from a neighboring state. Which delegation strategies may prove challenging for the RN?
Select all that apply.

A.) The right task
B.) The right person
C.) The right direction
D.) The right circumstances
E.) The right communication

A, B

The registered nurse (RN) would question which activity if delegated to a licensed vocational/licensed professional nurse (LPN/LVN) by the nurse manager?

A.) Medication administration is delegated to the LVN/LPN.

B.) Pain assessment of a postoperative patient is delegated to the LVN/LPN.

C.) Dressing changes on a pediatric patient are delegated to the LVN/LPN.

D.) Measurement of vital signs for all patients on the unit are delegated to the LVN/LPN.


The RN supervisor leaves a note on the unit instructing the LVN/LPN and UAP to "make out your own assignments today." Which right of delegation has the RN supervisor omitted?

A.) The LVN/LPN cannot take written orders from an RN.

B.) The RN supervisor did not provide clear and concise directions.

C.) The UAP is only supposed to take assignments from the unit manager.

D.) The RN supervisor cannot delegate assignments to the LVN/LPN.


The registered nurse (RN) has delegated several tasks to the licensed vocational/licensed professional nurse (LVN/LPN) to be completed by the end of the shift. Which is the most important action for the RN to take?

A.) Outline the time frame for each task

B.) Assist the LVN/LPN in completing some of the tasks

C.) Observe the LVN/LPN while he or she performs the tasks

D.) Encourage the LVN/LPN to delegate some tasks to the UAP


The registered nurse (RN) of a busy urgent care center has noticed that the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) has not been satisfactorily completing assigned tasks. What is the best action by the nurse?

A.) Inform the supervisor of the findings

B.) Review and discuss the concerns with the UAP

C.) Reassign all the UAP's tasks to another staff member

D.) Encourage the UAP to review the policy and procedure manual


The charge nurse is assigning a patient care activity to an unlicensed assistive professional (UAP) who has expressed her willingness to help. To ensure patient safety, the nurse places the highest priority on which factor related to the UAP?

A.) Skill
B.) Availability
C.) Self-confidence
D.) Conflict resolution


A medical surgical unit has a steady nursing staff to patient ratio. Which actions or findings indicate the nurse manager may be utilizing the strategies used by magnet-designated hospitals?

A.) the unit has fever cases of patient falls
B.) the unit has reduced rate of nursing staff turnover
C.) the unit has a high level of patient satisfaction regarding care
D.) the unit passes inspection by the Joint Commission for hospital accreditation
E.) the unit under the direction of the nurse manager, implements a new staffing strategy called " Forces of Magnetism"

A, B, C

A nurse manager is looking to launch a new job posting to attract new nurses to her health care facility. Which recruitment strategies would the manager expect to discuss with marketing department?

A.) duplication how recruiters at other facilities are attracting new candidates
B.) including links to local real estate firms to encourage relocating nurses
C.) Adding a live chat session between prospective applicants and human resources
D.) Updating the job posting to include information about types of patients treated
E.) Delegating recruiting strategies to hospital marketing department to leverage costs

B, C, D

A nurse manager is considering hiring graduate nurses for the unit and wants to consider innovative ideas to attract them. Which actions should the nurse consider?

A.) implementing shadowing opportunities for senior nursing students
B.) offering residency program on the unit to senior level nursing students
C.) taking time each day to talk to staff about their feelings about the job and workflow
D.) guaranteeing the automatic placement of senior students on the unit as they approach graduation
E.) Giving nursing students the number for hospital HR department to inquire about upcoming jobs

A, B, C

A nurse leader is experiencing a higher than average nursing staff turnover on a rehabilitation unit. What actions can the nurse manager take in hopes of retaining employees? Select all that apply:

A.) Execute a transactional leadership style on the unit
B.) Incorporate a new staffing plan involves primary nursing on the unit
C.) check the scheduling to ensure adequate staffing ratios on the floor are being maintained
D.) Set a goal to improve listening skills b allowing time for staff to contribute and voice concerns in staff meetings
E) improve the nurse discharge summary procedure to streamline the process of discharging a patient from the unit

C, D, E

A newly hired nurse manager is unsure of how to address conflicting issues with subordinates, many of whom are older than the nurse manager and who seem to be opinionated and sometimes aggressive. Which action should the nurse manger take?

A.) ignore the conflict and let the issue work itself out
B.) work with the staff to identify the source of conflict and come to a resolution and earn their respect
C.) consider putting in a resignation notice and seeking out a job on a unit with younger, less experienced nurses
D.) ask a staff member to discuss the issue with the other nurses on the unit and inform the charge nurse of the results of the conversation


A new nurse manager is assigned a patient care unit with very poor staff retention. The nurse manger knows that which factor may be most useful in assessing nurse retention rates and patient outcomes?

A.) staffing levels
B.) collaborative environment
C.) Transformation leadership style
D.) shared governance within the nursing unit


How should nurse Johnson respond to ensure that staffing needs are met for the unit?

A.) request float nurses to cover the shift
B.) reevaluate the needs using the prototype system
C.) take no action, as the classification system only estimates need
D. ) reevaluate staffing needs by reviewing the accuracy of the classification data related to patient numbers and acuity


The nurse leader determines more nurses are necessary than are currently scheduled for the shift. Which consequences are possible if the staffing need are not met? Select all the apply:

A.) increased nurse burnout rates
B.) increased incident reports on the unit
C.) increased being sued if an incident occurs
D.) increased number of temporary nurses with specific clinical competency levels
E.) increased unreliability of the collected data, so the consequences are difficult to measure

A, B, C

The nurse manager is put in charge of selecting the type of patient classification system that would best serve the newly built maternity unit. Which technique should be utilized?

A.) staffing matrix
B.) prototype system
C.) productivity model
D.) factor evaluation system


The nurse manager is working on an effective staffing plan for the unit. Which considerations should the nurse manager take into account in making a staffing plan? select all that apply:

A.) nurse to patient rations mandated by the joint commission (TJC)

B.) nurse to patient rations mandated by the center for accreditation of rehabilitation facilities (CARF)

C.) mandated patient to nurse ratios, which control the number of patients cared for per shift by one nurse

D.) each hospital is responsible for calculating the future patient needs over a 6 month or 1 year time span

E.) implemented plans should involve collaboration with outside organizations to se proper nurse to patient ratios

C, D

A charge nurse for the medical surgical unit working on the 7:00 am to 3;00pm shift is informed that there is currently a high need for RNs on a postoperative unit. The charge nurse must consider whether to pull a nurse off the medical surgical unit to send to the postoperative unit. Which elements would the charge nurse need to consider before making this decision? Select all that apply:

A.) the upcoming personnel changes on the unit
B.) the level of postoperative experience of the float nurse being
C.) the projected services of upcoming shifts on the medical surgical unit
D.) the patient acuity report's number of RNs required on the medical surgical unit
E.) the number of new admissions expected on the medical surgical unit for current shift

B, D, E

A charge nurse of a medical surgical floor is working on predicting upcoming staffing needs for the unit. Which factors should the nurse manager consider when estimating RN needs on the unit? select all that apply:

A.) budgetary constraints for hiring
B.) the number of graduates beginning orientation
C.) reports of the staffing needs for the past 3 months on the unit
D.) the timing of upcoming survey by the Joint Commission (TJC)
E.) the number of additional patients to be admitted to the unit by a new hospital surgeon.

B, C, E

Which example describes the nurse leader's role in empowering staff?

A.) the nurse leader is a resource for information and ideas for the staff

B.) the nurse leader sees value in staff collaboration when making key decisions that affect the unit

C.) the nurse leader manages all decision making and implementation of unit policies and procedures

D.) the nurse leader provides direction to nurses to effectively make decision and to be self driven in the clinical aspects of their work


Which idea related to distribution of power is necessary for empowered nurse leaders to adopt when fostering innovative change and increasing employee satisfaction?

A.) power should be shared with all employees, regardless of rank
B.) power must be appropriately rationed to ensure the right balance
C.) power should be placed in the bands of the employees, rather than the leader
D.) power should stay in the hands of the leaders so the they can appropriately lead their teams


Which outcomes are common for nurses who feel empowered by their managers?

A.) job promotions
B.) job satisfaction
C.) support of management
D.) loss of power to the group
E.) a collaborative relationship with management

B, C, E

A new nurse manager is being mentored by the supervisor on the best ways to empower employees. The supervisor indicates that the nurse must be self empowered before being able to empower employees. Which actions should the supervisor advise the nurse manager to take demonstration self empowerment? select all that apply:

A.) standing up straight and walking with confidence
B.) trying to find the positive aspect of negative situations
C.) learning to use appropriate body language in conversation
D.) being willing to bend or breath the rules to ensure problems are resolved
E.) taking a passive approach to problem solving ensure power is distributed equally

A, B, C

A newly appointed nurse manager has developed a primary goal of improving communication among staff members to enhance patient care on the unit. The nurse manager has identified specific responsibilities necessary to reach this goal, as well as the short term goals associated with each of these responsibilities. According to Covey's steps to empowerment what should the nurse manager do next?

A.) update policies to optimize performance
B.) make a list of the most important goals for each day
C.) evaluate the ability to meet each of the short term goals
D. ) write out a weekly task chart and determine the most important risk


Which statements indicate that the nurse leader knows how to effectively use empowerment to promote staff development? select all that apply:

A.) I use a functional method of managing care on the unit to assign all the nursing care tasks.
B.) I provide annual feedback on job performance for the RNs I manage
C.) I encourage positive professional attitudes and train my staff in how to best achieve these mindsets.
D. I divide the work among various teams made up of nurses with different knowledge and skill levels
E.) I manage nurses who are competent to make their own decisions in planning and implementing nursing care

C, D, E

A newly hired nurse is overhead saying " I'd like to become the clinical educator of this unit one day!" The following shift, the nurse manager offers to introduce the new hire to the unit's current clinical educator. Which coaching strategy is the nurse manager exercising?

A.) tutoring
B.) mentoring
C.) counseling
D.) confronting


The emergency department is concerned about the poor nursing performance by new hires on the unit. How can the manager effectively coach the staff to improve performance?

A.) Provide targeted positive feedback to all nurses on their nursing performance
B.) frequently compliment the nurses on their professional appearance and punctuality
C.) observe the staff nurses without feedback for one week to look for improvement before explaining the reason for concern
D.) focus on the major aspects of the poor performance and explain in detail to the nurses each task that is being performed incorrectly


Which action demonstrates a nurse manager effectively acting in the role of coach as confronter?

A.) Discussing with a nurse the appropriate way to address a violent patient

B.) Warning a graduate nurse about the potential pitfalls of the job that could affect career aspirations

C.) Explaining the correct way to perform preoperative care after observing a nurse making error

D.)Having a one-on-one meeting with a nurse who has received several patient complaints regarding unfriendliness


The staff nurse is observed recapping a needle after it has been used to collect blood from a patient. Which is an appropriate action by the nurse manager?

A.) document the finding and review it with the nurse during his or her next appraisal

B.) advise the nurse immediately about using caution when recapping needles

C.) Pull the nurse aside right away to review proper needle handling techniques

D.) discuss the observation with the nurse at the of the shift, after patient care has been completed


The clinical coordinator is meeting with a staff nurse to review concerns about the nurse's patient assessment technique. Which statement reflects effective feedback?

A.) I've noted that you assess your patients very quickly. Please take more time during assessments so that you can be thorough

B.) Please slow down during your patient assessments. It should take you a while to work through each patient. No need to rush, you don't want to miss anything

C.) I see that your assessment are completed much faster than everyone else on the unit. You may be doing a good job in there but just take a few more minutes with your patient's please.

D.) I've observed that you complete your morning assessments in less than 10 minutes. It's important to be focused during each patient assessment and to take your time reviewing the systems completely form head to toe.


The nurse manager has just provided feedback to a nurse about performance. How should the nurse manger end the meeting?

A.) end the meeting without asking for feedback from the nurse
B.) remind the nurse that feedback can be a learning experience
C.) encourage the nurse to share how things could have been better handled
D.) explain to the nurse that feedback is provided to improve employee performance


Which action should nurse Richardson include during the appraisals to best reinforce positive behavior?

A.) remind the employee that positive behavior may result in a merit increase

B.) encourage the employee to keep up the good work he or she has been doing

C.) revisit appraisals form past years to remind the employee of past positive behavior

D.) praise the employee about a specific time he or she assisted a patient or family member.


The assistant nurse manger is creating a schedule of performance appraisals for the nursing staff. Which represents an ideal schedule?

A.) at the completion of orientation then twice per year
B.) at the completion of orientation and the annually for two years
C.) at the completion of orientation annually and on an ongoing basis
D.) at the completion of orientation and when performance concerns arise


Which nurse action will most likely result in a formal appraisal?

A.) a patient praises the staff nurse as being the "best"
B.) a staff nurse stays late to complete patient charting
C.) a staff nurse does not perform proper hand hygiene before entering patients room
D.) a staff nurse auscultates bowel sounds for five minutes because of an abnormal finding


The nurse manager is preparing for an appraisal with an employee that has not been meeting performance standards. What is the most important item the manger should include?

A.) a record of employee's previous formal performance appraisals
B.) the organization's policies and procedures for terminating employees
C.) the employee's signed job description outlining the responsibilities
D.) a written documentation of the manger 's observations with an action plan


Which factors must be considered when delegating tasks to a delegaete?

A.) the experience of the potential delegatee
B.) the best way to explain the delegated task
C.) the specific task that needs to be performed
D.) the person who was last delegated a similar task
E.) the patient's preference for who should complete the task

A, B, C


what is the hospital's policy on delegation?

does the situation support delegation?

what experiences do the potential delegatee have?

does the delegatee understand the instructions given?

A.) Right task
B.) Right person
C.) Right circumstance
D.) Right direction/communication
E.) Right circumstance

what is the hospital's policy on delegation? = right task

does the situation support delegation? = right circumstance

what experiences do the potential delegatee have? = right person

does the delegatee understand the instructions given? = right direction/communication

During a busy shift a RN delegates unsupervised discharge teaching of a patient to the LVN/LPN. Which of the five rights of delegation has the RN violated?

A.) right task
B.) right person
C.) right delegator
D.) right supervision
E.) right circumstances

A, B

Which task should nurse Camacho perform first when delegating the feeding of the newly admitted patient?

A.) assess Mrs. Rodriguez's cognitive ability
B.) assess Mrs. Rodriguez's ability to swallow
C.) evaluate the delegatee experience in patient feeding
D.) teach the delegatee the appropriate way to feed Mrs. Rodriguez


The RN needs to delegate several task to the LVN/LPN during a busy shift. The RN is concerned because the LVN/LPN has inadequately completed delegated task in the past, despite explicit instructions. Which strategy is most important for the nurse to use to ensure appropriate delegation and completion of the tasks?

A.) conflict resolution
B.) mindful communication
C.) providing an explicit time frame
D.) providing detailed feedback about past work


The RN has asked the UAP to collect a patient's stat blood glucose level. The UAP tells the nurse " I've done this a few times before, but I'm not sure what exactly to do here." Which is the best action by the nurse?

A.) Clearly tell the UAP how to collect he sample
B.) delegate the task to another UAP who is confident in the procedure
C.) Wait to collect the sample until after the UAP has reviewed the procedure
D.) Reassure the UAP that this task is similar to what he or she has done before