Which type of hypothesis proposes relationships among variables that occur or exist together in the real world?

Which type of hypothesis proposes relationships among variables that occur or exist together in the real world?





- Theory is a set of statement that describes or explains phenomena in a systematic way,

pointing out why one event relates to another or what causes an event to occur.

- The term theory is used in many ways. For example, nursing instructors and student often use

the term to refer to classroom content, as opposed to the actual practice of performing nursing

actions. In both lay and scientific usage, the term theory connotes an abstraction (Polit and

Beck, 2012)

-In research, the term theory is used differently by different authors. Classically, scientists have

used theory to refer to an abstract generalization that offers a systematic explanation about how

phenomena are interrelated. In this traditional definition, a theory embodies at least two

concepts that are related in manner that the theory purports to explain. Thus, traditional theories

typically have explanation or prediction as their purposes

Evaluating a Theory

- To determine whether or not a theory serves the purpose of the study, its usefulness and

applicability depend on internal and external criteria (Tomey, 2008).

1. Internal Criteria

- It deals with how theory component fit with each other

a. Semantic and Structural Clarity (How clear is the theory?)

-A theory should identify major concepts and its sub-concepts. The words contained therein

should be chosen carefully to elicit its true meaning and use. Proposition must be clear,

assumptions are consistent with the theory goals and relationships between concepts are

simple and well structured, valid and reliable through testability of its hypothesis.

b. Semantic and Structural Simplicity (How simple is the theory?)

- A theory must be comprehensive and concrete. The words used must be simple and depicts

reality which enables the nurse to understand its meaning. Paradigm and models are developed

and formulated according to its goals and propositions.

C. Generalizability (How broad is the theory?)

-The scope and goals of theory must be broad, yet significant enough to state its entire meaning

into one holistic idea.

d. Empirical precision(How accessible is the theory?)

-A theory is limited to its testability and ultimate use. All its major and minor concepts are

A hypothesis is an approximate explanation that relates to the set of facts that can be tested by certain further investigations. There are basically two types, namely, null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. A research generally starts with a problem. Next, these hypotheses provide the researcher with some specific restatements and clarifications of the research problem.

The criteria of the research problem in the form of null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis should be expressed as a relationship between two or more variables. The criteria is that the statements should be the one that expresses the relationship between the two or more measurable variables. The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis should carry clear implications for testing and stating relations.

Which type of hypothesis proposes relationships among variables that occur or exist together in the real world?

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The major differences between the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis and the research problems are that the research problems are simple questions that cannot be tested. These two hypotheses can be tested, though.

The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are required to be fragmented properly before the data collection and interpretation phase in the research. Well fragmented hypotheses indicate that the researcher has adequate knowledge in that particular area and is thus able to take the investigation further because they can use a much more systematic system. It gives direction to the researcher on his/her collection and interpretation of data.

The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are useful only if they state the expected relationship between the variables or if they are consistent with the existing body of knowledge. They should be expressed as simply and concisely as possible. They are useful if they have explanatory power.

The purpose and importance of the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are that they provide an approximate description of the phenomena. The purpose is to provide the researcher or an investigator with a relational statement that is directly tested in a research study. The purpose is to provide the framework for reporting the inferences of the study. The purpose is to behave as a working instrument of the theory. The purpose is to prove whether or not the test is supported, which is separated from the investigator’s own values and decisions. They also provide direction to the research.

The null hypothesis is generally denoted as H0. It states the exact opposite of what an investigator or an experimenter predicts or expects. It basically defines the statement which states that there is no exact or actual relationship between the variables.

The alternative hypothesis is generally denoted as H1. It makes a statement that suggests or advises a potential result or an outcome that an investigator or the researcher may expect. It has been categorized into two categories: directional alternative hypothesis and non directional alternative hypothesis.

The directional hypothesis is a kind that explains the direction of the expected findings. Sometimes this type of alternative hypothesis is developed to examine the relationship among the variables rather than a comparison between the groups.

The non directional hypothesis is a kind that has no definite direction of the expected findings being specified.

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Which type of hypothesis proposes relationships among variables that occur or exist together in the real world so that when one variable changes the other also changes?

An associative hypothesis proposes relationships among variables that occur or exist together in the real world, so that when one variable changes, the other changes.

What type of research is conducted to generate knowledge that will directly influence clinical practice?

Applied Research Applied, or practical, research is a scientific investigation conducted to generate knowledge that will directly influence or improve clinical practice. The purpose of applied research is to solve problems, to make decisions, or to predict or control outcomes in real-life practice situations.

What clarifies the relationship among concepts or variables with the goal of understanding of how they work with each other?

Quantitative research is conducted to describe variables or concepts, examine relationships among variables, and determine the effect of an intervention on an outcome.

Which variable is more frequently used to identify an intervention that is manipulated by the nurse researcher to create an effect on another variable?

The independent variable (IV) in psychology is the characteristic of an experiment that is manipulated or changed by researchers, not by other variables in the experiment. For example, in an experiment looking at the effects of studying on test scores, studying would be the independent variable.