Which statement most accurately describes the organizing function of management?

21.Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of national culture onemployees?a.The impact of national culture is greater than the impact of organizational culture.b.The impact of national culture is less significant than the impact of organizational culture.c.The impact of national culture is similar to the impact of organizational culture in terms ofits effects on employees.d.The impact of national culture is marginal compared to the impact of organizationalculture.e.The impact of national culture is less apparent than the impact of organizational culture.

(a; Moderate; p. 578)What Do Cultures Do?22.Which one of the following is nota function of culture? It _____.

23.Culture performs all the following functions except_____.

24.As organizations have widened spans of control, flattened structures, introduced teams,reduced formalization, and empowered employees, the _____ provided by a strong cultureensures that everyone is pointed in the same direction.

Which statement most accurately describes the organizing function of management?

25.Culture is mostlikely to be a liability when _____.a.it increases the consistency of behaviorb.the organization’s environment is dynamic

c.the organization’s management is ineffectuald.it reduces ambiguitye.countercultures are integrated into the dominant cultures(b; Moderate; p. 578)26.Consistency of behavior is an asset to an organization when it faces _____.

27.Culture may be a liability because it is a barrier to _____.

28.In recent years, _____ has become the primary concern in acquisitions and mergers.

Creating and Sustaining Culture

187.Which of the following statements accurately describe the management process?A.The management process involves using four functions to mobilize resources in order toperform important tasks and achieve organizational goals.B.The management process is concerned with the mechanics, but not the results, ofmanaging.C.The management process is a formal system that removes responsibility for decisionmaking from individual managers.D.A and B.E.A and C.

Chapter 1: The Dynamic New Workplace19Functions of Management188.__________ is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use ofresources to accomplish performance goals.

DKTFa189.The four basic functions of management are __________.CGTFa

190.Setting performance objectives and determining the action steps for accomplishing themdescribes the management function of __________.

AKTFa191.Suppose that the company’s president decides to develop a policy to increase thecompany’s commitment to its employees and then develops a set of procedures toimplement this policy. The president is practicing the management function of__________.A.Decision making.B.Planning.C.Organizing.D.Leading.E.Controlling.

BKTAp192.Assigning tasks, allocating resources, and arranging the coordinated activities of individualsand groups to implement plans describes the management function of __________.CKTFa

20Schermerhorn & Wright: Management193.Suppose that a manager sets up a committee to develop procedures for dealing withcompany-wide training needs and then assigns people to conduct specific trainingprograms. This manager is performing which management function?

BKTAp194.Arousing the enthusiasm of employees to work hard and inspiring their efforts to fulfill plansand accomplish objectives describes the management function of __________.DKTFa

Which of the following describes the organizing management function?

Organizing is the function of management that involves developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives.

Which statement best describes the management function of controlling?

Correct Response: B. The management function of controlling is often defined as the process of monitoring performance and taking action to ensure desired results.

What is the organizing management function quizlet?

Organizing is the management function that includes setting up the way a business's work will be done. After a manager has created a plan, s/he needs to arrange the business's employees, resources, policies, and procedures to put the plan into action.

Which description identifies the organizing function of the management process quizlet?

Which description identifies the organizing function of the management process? Determining how best to arrange an organization's resources into a coherent structure.