Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

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25.Which of the three historical epistemological stages of human society did Comte claimwas characterized by the development of social physics to explain human behavior?a.the theological stageb.the metaphysical stagec.the scientific staged.the post-scientific stageANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Page 17

TOP: Factual OBJ: Epistemological Stages26.Which of the three historical epistemological stages did Comte argue would explainhuman society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

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TOP: Factual OBJ: Epistemological Stages27.Which of the following are known as “the founding fathers of the sociological discipline”?

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TOP: Factual OBJ: Classical Sociology28.Which of the following founders of sociology is known, in part, for having his writingsbecome the basis of Communism?

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TOP: Factual OBJ: Karl Marx29.To Marx, conflict between a small number of capitalists and a large number of workerswould divide society. He referred to this large number of workers as:a.employees.b.proletariat.c.subordinates.d.slaves.ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Page 20

TOP: Factual OBJ: Karl Marx

50 Questions  |  By Rohane | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 | Total Attempts: 1863

Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?
Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?


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Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

This quiz is to help me study for my sociology test.

  • 1. 

    As defined by C. Wright Mills, which of the following “enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society”?

    • A. 

      Formal sociology

    • B. 

      Sociological imagination

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 2. 

    During what decade did C. Wright Mills develop his theory about grasping the relationship between history and biography in society?

    • A. 

      The 1940s

    • B. 

      The 1950s

    • C. 

      The 1960s

    • D. 

      The 1970s

  • 3. 

    Feeling discomfort about rural Chinese society, where many generations of a family sleep in the same bed, is known as:

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Social identity

    • D. 

      Social ecology

  • 4. 

    Why might a visitor to a rural Chinese community feel discomfort?

    • A. 

      Rural Chinese communities do not yet understand the relationship between history and biography.

    • B. 

      Without formal education, residents of rural communities lack any form of social awareness.

    • C. 

      Rural communities are uncivilized because they have yet to embrace Western culture.

    • D. 

      It’s sometimes difficult to understand a reality different from the one that a visitor grew up with.

  • 5. 

    Which definition best describes the practice of sociology?

    • A. 

      The study of human society

    • B. 

      A liberal manner of determining social status

    • C. 

      The effect of globalization on capitalism

    • D. 

      The study of the psychological effects of societal relationships

  • 6. 

    All of the following are listed in Chapter 1 as subdisciplines within the larger discipline of sociology EXCEPT:

    • A. 

      Sociology of animals

    • B. 

      Sociology of music

    • C. 

      Sociology of religion

    • D. 

      Sociology of sports

  • 7. 

    How does the textbook author use dialogue from Pulp Fiction, in which the characters discuss how in Holland, people put mayonnaise on their french fries?

    • A. 

      To introduce the sociology of film

    • B. 

      To explain the sociological imagination

    • C. 

      To explain social institutions

    • D. 

      To define formal sociology

  • 8. 

    Sociologists and economists have shown that the benefits of higher education include higher median incomes for college graduates. This is known as:

    • A. 

      Educational investment

    • B. 

      The returns to schooling

    • C. 

      Study hard or be poor

    • D. 

      Get an education; get a job

  • 9. 

    According to Randall Collins’s (1979) research, the expansion of higher education is:

    • A. 

      Mainly caused by the globalization of capitalism

    • B. 

      Likely caused by less-prepared high school students entering college

    • C. 

      A result of credentialism and expenditures on formal education

    • D. 

      A result of increasing governmental interference in educational funding

  • 10. 

    According to research used to question credentialism, what might it cost to buy a college diploma online?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      At least $1,000

  • 11. 

    All of the following are examples of social institutions used to prevent Web sites from undermining colleges' degree-conferring abilities EXCEPT:

    • A. 

      Copyright law

    • B. 

      Police forces

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 12. 

    which of the following is defined as a set of stories embedded within a social network about the standard ways a society meets it needs?

    • A. 

      A social identity

    • B. 

      A social institution

    • C. 

      A theory

    • D. 


  • 13. 

    The Phillip Morris Company changed its name to Altira in an attempt to start a new:

    • A. 

      Line of cigarettes

    • B. 

      Defense against law suits

    • C. 

      Social identity

    • D. 

      Multinational company

  • 14. 

    The “grand narrative” that constitutes a social identity:

    • A. 

      Is nothing more than a sum of individual stories told between pairs of individuals

    • B. 

      Remains the same throughout time

    • C. 

      Can only be defined by the individual him- or herself

    • D. 

      Is best displayed online on MySpace and Facebook

  • 15. 

    Some sociologists argue that the basis for all social life is:

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 16. 

    Positivism is also known as:

    • A. 

      Symbolic interactionism

    • B. 

      Social physics

    • C. 

      Social psychology

    • D. 

      Social ecology

  • 17. 

    Positivism is best defined as:

    • A. 

      The idea that we can scientifically and logically study social institutions and the individuals within them

    • B. 

      The effect of religion on social institutions and the individuals within them

    • C. 

      The study of the symbolic interactions between social institutions and the individuals within them

    • D. 

      The relationship between scientific and religious social institutions

  • 18. 

    According to Comte, positivism arose out of a need to make ____________ sense of the social order in a time of declining religious authority.

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 19. 

    As a formal field, sociology is a relatively ____________ discipline, as discussed in Chapter 

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 20. 

    All of the following are known as the three epistemological stages of  human society, as explained by Comte, EXCEPT:

    • A. 

      The theological stage

    • B. 

      The metaphysical stage

    • C. 

      The scientific stage

    • D. 

      The post-scientific stage

  • 21. 

    Which of the three historical epistemological stages of human society did Comte explain was highlighted by Enlightenment thinking such as Rousseau’s, Mill’s, and Hobbes’s beliefs in biological causes for human behavior?

    • A. 

      The theological stage

    • B. 

      The metaphysical stage

    • C. 

      The scientific stage

    • D. 

      The post-scientific stage

  • 22. 

    Which of the three historical epistemological stages of human society did Comte claim was characterized by the development of social physics to explain human behavior?

    • A. 

      The theological stage

    • B. 

      The metaphysical stage

    • C. 

      The scientific stage

    • D. 

      The post-scientific stage

  • 23. 

    Which of the three historical epistemological stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    • A. 

      The theological stage

    • B. 

      The metaphysical stage

    • C. 

      The scientific stage

    • D. 

      The post-scientific stage

  • 24. 

    Who was the author of the first methods book in the discipline of sociology?

    • A. 

      Emile Durkheim

    • B. 

      Harriet Martineau

    • C. 

      Jane Addams

    • D. 

      Max Weber

  • 25. 

    In the book How to Observe Morals and Manners, the institution of marriage is criticized as:

    • A. 

      Based on an assumption of the inferiority of women

    • B. 

      Based on an assumption of the inferiority of men

    • C. 

      Reinforcing compulsory heterosexuality

    • D. 

      Perpetuating social class stratification

Welcome to your introductory quiz to the wonderful study of sociology – wherein we analyze the developments, structure, and general functioning processes of human society. Take the following quiz on sociology to see how...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 32887   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Sociology is the study of:

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    People in a society

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    Interactions among people

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    Social institutions

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    All of the above

In our society, much goes in to influence how people relate to each other and changes in their environment. Through the study of sociology, we understand the factors and how to understand the nature of those around us. Well, this...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 12421   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Social Stratification is...

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    A process in which people are divided into groups reflecting their relative wealth, and prestige

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    A system in which people are divided into layers reflecting their relative wealth (property), power, and prestige

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    A process in which the government divides people into layers according to their financial need

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    A system in which the more superior class of persons oppresses those of a lower class

Test 1 participant observation, in-depth interviewing Experiments control and observe specific variables in a highly controlled environment Life histories individual biography Comparative research comparing...

Questions: 25  |  Attempts: 10816   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

  • Sample Question

    What is the Global Prespective?

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    Views society as the product of the symbols, language, and everyday interactions between individuals

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    Structured groups or contexts within which significant processes of socialization occur

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    The study of the larger world and our societies place in it

    Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?

    The systematic study of how human societies shape the lives of people who live in them

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Which of the three historical stages did Comte argue would explain human society by consulting the Bible or other religious texts?
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Which of the three historical epistemological stages did Comte argue would explain human society by identifying the laws that govern human behavior?

Comte suggested that all societies have three basic stages: theological, metaphysical, and scientific. Finally, Comte believed in positivism, the perspective that societies are based on scientific laws and principles, and therefore the best way to study society is to use the scientific method.

Which of the following is one of Comte's three stages of society quizlet?

Observation, experiment, and metaphysics are Comte's three basic methods of sociology. The metaphysical stage is the final and most important stage in Comte's sociology.

What is Auguste Comte sociological perspective?

Auguste Comte was one of the founders of sociology and coined the term sociology. Comte believed sociology could unite all sciences and improve society. Comte was a positivist who argued that sociology must have a scientific base and be objective.

Which of the following is the study of social meanings that emphasizes subjectivity and understanding human behavior?

Which of the following is the study of social meanings that emphasizes subjectivity in understanding human behavior? Positivism is best defined as: the idea that we can scientifically and logically study social institutions and the individuals within them.