Which of the following statements is true of the Moro reflex in babies quizlet?

Which of the following scenarios illustrates the rooting reflex?

1.) Abdul moving his feet forward, one foot at a time
Jane curling her fingers around her favorite toy

2.) Jane curling her fingers around her favorite toy

3.) Nia turning her head to the left when her cousin touches her left cheek

4.) Ruby flinging her arms and drawing them back when she gets startled by the sound of a car horn


Who among the following infants is most at risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome?

1.)Sandy, an infant who is breastfed regularly

2.)Billy, an infant who is always put to sleep on his stomach

3.)Mel, an infant who sleeps in the same room as her parents

4.) Jason, an infant with a slightly above average birth weight


Jessica is the mother of a 4-month-old boy. She notices that whenever she picks her baby from his crib, he moves his arms and legs as if he is trying to hug her. The baby moves in this manner due to the _____.

Moro Reflex

A(n) _____ is defined as an unlearned, stereotypical response to a stimulus.


Judy has a 3-month-old baby. Whenever someone tickles the baby's cheeks or chin, she moves her head toward that person's fingers and puts them in her mouth. This is most likely due to the _____.

rooting reflex

According to research by Fernandes et al. in 2011, _____ solutions have a calming effect on neonates.


what is the chemical in the body that has a role in the development of SIDS?


Which of the following statements is true of the palmar reflex observed in infants?

1.) It begins three months after the birth of the baby.

2.) It facilitates finding the mother's nipple in preparation for sucking.

3.) It is replaced by voluntary grasping within five to six months of age.

4.) It can be elicited by loud noises and sudden movements.


T/F: The first major growth spurt of the brain occurs during the fourth and fifth months after birth


In the context of the development of hearing, which of the following is true?

1.) Till the age of three months, babies are unable to distinguish between speech sounds that are highly similar.

2.) Infants can discriminate the sounds of their parent's voices by one month of age.

3.) By nine months of age, the accuracy of the sound-localizing ability of infants approaches that of adults.

4.) Neonates can crudely orient their heads in the direction of a sound.


According to S. P. Johnson (2011) and Slater et al. (2010), the most dramatic gains in visual acuity are made

between birth and 6 months of age

Infants' brains are different from adults' brains in that infants' brains...

have more connections among neurons than adults' brains do.

Most infants can remain in a standing position by holding on to something by the age of ______

8 or 9 months

Which of the following is a similarity between sensory changes and motor changes in infants?

1.) Both are passive modes of development.

2.) Both can be achieved without sensory stimulation.

3.) Both are linked to the maturation of the nervous system.

4.)Both are fully developed at the time of birth.


Dennis is four months old. He holds his toys between his fingers and palm when he plays with them. He does not use his thumb even after his mother shows him how to hold something the right way. This is an example of _____.

an ulnar grasp

In the context of the ability of neonates to lift and hold their torsos and heads, which of the following is true?

1.) They cannot move their heads on their own.

2.) They can lift their heads and torsos for short periods of time when on their stomachs.

3.) They generally manage to hold their heads quite
well; hence, supporting the head is not necessary.

4.) They can move their heads slightly to the side.


Samson is a seven-year-old boy. He always gets poor grades in school. His language teacher complains that he does not remember anything that she teaches and he speaks in an incoherent manner. If Samson's condition is caused by brain damage, which part of the brain is his physician most likely to check first?

the cerebrum

Which of the following statements is true of dendrites?

They are short fibers that constitute neurons.

Voluntary reaching and grasping are not present at birth because these actions require:

visual-motor accomodation

T/F: When one-month-old neonates are given the opportunity to look at human faces, they tend to pay most attention to the edges.


An adults arms are nearly ___ times the lengths of their legs


The introduction of whole cow's milk to an infant:

should be delayed until the infant is nine to twelve months old.

Elsa is a one-year-old infant. Her mother notices that while playing in the garden, Elsa often picks up tiny insects and worms by making a tight fist. A few months before, she had only been able to pat the insects and not pick them up as they were so tiny. This is an example of _____.

a pincer grasp

When should solid foods be introduced?

4-6 months

Which of the following is true of myelination?

1.) It is part of the maturation process that leads to the abilities to crawl and walk during the first year after birth.

2.) It is complete at birth.

3.) Myelination of the brain's prefrontal matter is completed during neonatal development.

4.) The breakdown of myelin generally occurs in the first decade of life.


example of Failure to Thrive

feeding problems

Baby Bonita is eight months old. Which of the following motor activities is she most likely to be involved in?


3.) Crawling

4.) Standing up without support


Which of the following statements supports the role of nature in perceptual development?

Neonates are born with a variety of sensory preferences.

Raymond, a one-year-old infant, loves playing with his rattle. He holds it in his hand by making a tight fist and shakes it vigorously. This is an example of _____.

a pincer grasp

Maggie, an infant, is holding a toy clumsily, using only her fingers and palm. This is an example of _____.

an ulnar grasp

As children mature, their behaviors become less loose and global, and more specific and distinct, a tendency called...?


Samantha, a three-year-old girl, showed stunted growth. She weighed only 22 pounds and was much shorter than most of her peers six months ago. She was treated for failure to thrive. She is now returning to her normal growth rate, and her weight is showing an increase. Which of the following phenomena does this scenario represent?


an _____ can be up to several feet in length if it is carrying messages from the toes to the spine.


Physical development is similar to motor development in that...?

the latter follows cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns and differentiation.

According to studies conducted by Kibbe in 2013 and Yermolayeva & Rakison in 2014, the development of object permanence is tied into the development of infants' _____.

reasoning ability

What is a symptom of Wernicke's aphasia?

trouble understanding speech

When does cooing decrease?

8 months

The ____ comprises both mental-scale and motor-scale items and also includes a behavior rating scale

Bayley Scales of Infant Development

What is a difference between primary and secondary circular reactions?

Primary circular reactions focus on an infant's own body, while secondary circular reactions focus on the environment.

Research conducted by Corballis in 2010 suggests that
______ are connected with the built-in human capacity to acquire language.

mirror neurons

According to research by Mayor & Plunkett in 2010, _____ gradually pull back to their proper references as a child's vocabulary and ability to classify objects develop.


According to the first substage of the sensorimotor stage, reflexes are _____ at birth.


In the context of language acquisition, the critical period is also known as the _____

sensitive period

What is a criticism of Piaget's theory on cognitive development?

It did not focus on adult and peer influences on cognitive development.

The mean length of utterance is the average number of _____ that communicators use in their sentences.


Darin, an infant, makes babbling sounds but cannot say actual words. This is an example of?

prelinguistic vocalization

According to research by Rose et al. in the year 2012, in a continuing effort to find aspects of intelligence and cognition that might remain consistent from infancy through later childhood, a number of researchers have recently focused on _____.

visual recognition memory

What substage of the sensorimotor stage serves as a transition between sensorimotor development and the development of symbolic thought?

6th substage

A researcher who contradicts Piaget's theory on cognitive development is most likely to state that:

infants show deferred imitation as early as nine months of age.

According to studies conducted by Keebaugh, A. C., et al. in 2015 and by Young in 2015, increasing _____ levels transform an indifferent male into a caring, monogamous, and protective mate and father.


People often get accustomed to a loud or irritating noise after being exposed to it for a considerable amount of time. This best exemplifies _____.


Which of the following is true of an infant's brain?

1.) At birth, an infant's brain is fully developed.

2.)An infant's brain is not myelinated at birth.

3.) Infants have lesser connections among neurons than adults do.

4.) An infant's brain reaches nearly 70 percent of its adult weight by the age of one year.


According to studies conducted by Pelphrey et al. in 2004 and Rose et al. in 2011, memory improves dramatically between _____.

two and six months of age

In the context of the development of hearing, which of the following is true?

1.) Neonates can crudely orient their heads in the direction of a sound.

2.) Till the age of three months, babies are unable to distinguish between speech sounds that are highly similar.

3.) By nine months of age, the accuracy of the sound-localizing ability of infants approaches that of adults.

4.) Infants can discriminate the sounds of their parent's voices by one month of age.


An individual develops intellectual disability because of a disorder called phenylketonuria. Which of the following occurrences is a cause of the intellectual disability in the individual?

1.) The inhibition of normal myelin development in the individual's brain

2.) Insulation of the neurons by myelin

3.) Myelination of the prefrontal matter of the individual's brain

4.) The replacement of myelin by hard, fibrous tissue in the individual's neurons


In the context of Piaget's theories of cognitive development, which of the following statements is true of the pattern and sequence of events related to the cognitive development of a child?

1.) Most researchers now agree that cognitive development is tied to discrete stages as Piaget suggested.

2.) The pattern and sequence of events Piaget described were noticed more clearly in boys than girls.

3.) The pattern and sequence of events Piaget described have been observed in children cross-culturally.

4.) Piaget believed that deferred imitation in babies appears as early as nine months.


In the context of research by Klee & Stokes in 2011, which of the following sentences is true about receptive vocabulary and expressive vocabulary?

1.) Children's receptive vocabulary development outpaces their expressive vocabulary development.

2.) Children's receptive vocabulary is equal to their expressive vocabulary at any given time.

3.) Children's receptive vocabulary develops only after their expressive vocabulary is completely developed.

4.) Children's receptive vocabulary is lost if proper reinforcement is not provided, whereas expressive vocabulary is permanent.


What is the Moro reflex in Babies?

The Moro reflex is a normal reflex for an infant when he or she is startled or feels like they are falling. The infant will have a startled look and the arms will fling out sideways with the palms up and the thumbs flexed. Absence of the Moro reflex in newborn infants is abnormal and may indicate an injury or disease.

Which of the following is characteristic of the Moro reflex quizlet?

involuntary movements built into the newborn nervous system that involve one or several body parts. Which of the following describes the Moro reflex? The infant stretches out her arms and then pulls them in towards her body.

What is the Moro reflex quizlet?

Moro reflex (aka startle) infant startle response to sudden, intense noise or movement. When startled the newborn arches its back, throws back its head, and flings out its arms and legs.

Which of the following statements is true of the walking reflex in Babies quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of the walking reflex in babies? Babies display this reflex when their bare feet touch a flat surface.