Which of the following statements best describes the effect of natural selection on population?

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  1. The main proponent of the theory of Catastrophism was

      a. Charles Darwin
      b. Georges Cuvier
      c. Charles Lyell
      d. Jean-Baptiste de Monet de Lamarck
      e. Carolus Linnaeus
  2. Mutation

      a. Decreases the genetic variability of a population
      b. Decreases the genetic distance between populations
      c. Introduces new alleles into a population
      d. Is the primary evolutionary process that results in macroevolution
      e. Is a special form of genetic drift
  3. Which of the following would be an example of acclimatization?

      a. A short, stocky body type
      b. Increased lung capacity due to living
      c. Greater chest dimensions from living at high altitude
      d. Sweating
      e. A long, linear body type
  4. Which of the following best describes natural selection?

      a. The exchange of genes between previously isolated populations
      b. Change due to the genetic isolation of a subpopulation
      c. Individuals that are best suited for a particular environment will produce more offspring than other individuals
      d. Alteration of the sequence of DNA bases
      e. Random changes in gene frequencies from one generation to the next
  5. Genetic drift has the greatest impact on genotypic frequencies in a population when

      a. The population is small
      b. Subpopulations are isolated from a population core
      c. The population is large
      d. Both A and B
      e. Both B and C
  6. Why was the mutation of the sickle cell allele ( HbS), which is harmful in the homozygote form, not eliminated from the human gene pool?

      a. Because when an individual has the heterozygote genotype it confers no advantage conferred to the individual
      b. Because when an individual has the homozygote dominant genotype there is no advantage conferred to the individual
      c. Because when an individual has the homozygote recessive genotype it is fatal
      d. Because when an individual has the heterozygote genotype it confers resistance to malaria
      e. Because when an individual has the homozygote dominant genotype it means that the person has protection against malaria
  7. Which of the following is a likely explanation for the appearance and retention of the HbS allele in human populations?

      a. The clearing of land associated with plant cultivation create an environmental more suitable for the main vector of malaria, the mosquito.
      b. The clearing of land associated with plant cultivation resulted in the conditions that favored the mutation of the DNA sequence which codes for hemoglobin.
      c. Hunter/gatherer populations started to exploit food sources close to mosquito habitat.
      d. The sedentism associated with hunter/gatherer groups exposed them to areas where mosquitoes were endemic.
      e. The introduction of animal husbandry resulted in exposing humans to new disease vectors like the mosquito.
  8. Questions #7 and #8 refer to an example of how evolution can be influenced by the modification of the environment by organisms, also known as

      a. Anagenesis
      b. Macroevolution
      c. Microevolution
      d. Acclimatization
      e. Niche construction
  9. Phenotypes have the ability to adapt to environmental stresses. This is known as

      a. Morphometrics
      b. Species selection
      c. Genotypic plasticity
      d. Macroevolution
      e. Phenotypic plasticity
  10. Macroevolution is also known as

      a. Speciation
      b. Changes in genotypic frequencies over a short time
      c. Cladogenesis
      d. The genetic isolation of subpopulations from a main population
      e. Anagenesis
  11. Which of the following is the main process behind the appearance of new species in phyletic gradualism?

      a. Anagenesis
      b. Cladogenesis
      c. Genetic drift
      d. Founder effect
      e. Punctuated equilibrium
  12. According to mainstream neo-Darwinian theory, natural selection operates at what level?

      a. Gene
      b. Individual organism
      c. Population
      d. Genus
      e. Species
  13. Which of the following is one mechanism that explains the distribution of skin color?

      a. Short-wavelength radiation (UVA) stimulates the production of vitamin B, which is necessary for proper bone development.
      b. Long-wavelength radiation (UVB) stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is necessary for proper bone development.
      c. Short-wavelength radiation (UVA) stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is necessary for proper bone development.
      d. Short-wavelength radiation (UVA) destroys vitamin D, which is necessary for heavy cell division.
      e. Long-wavelength radiation (UVB) destroys vitamin D, which is necessary for proper bone development.
  14. Which of the following most accurately describes clinal variation?

      a. There is no overlap in the distribution of morphological features.
      b. There is gradual intergradation of genetic variation between populations.
      c. There are discrete changes in morphology between populations.
      d. Morphological features are controlled by single genes, and therefore there exist in only a limited number of phenotypic expressions.
      e. Clinal distributions result in reproductively isolated populations.
  15. How does gene flow affect the gene pool of a given populations?

      a. Gene flow increases the genetic distance between populations.
      b. Gene flow decreases the genetic distance between populations.
      c. Gene flow decreases the genetic variation within a population.
      d. Gene flow increases the genetic variation within a population.
      e. Gene flow results in the loss of genetic variation in a population.

Which of the following is the most likely effect of natural selection on a population?

What effect does natural selection have on the allele frequency of a population? It increases the frequency of alleles that improve a species' survival in a particular environment.

Which statement describes an effect of natural selection on a species?

Which statement describes an effect of natural selection on a species? It increases competition between populations that occupy different niches, increasing the chance of extinction of the less-adapted species.

What statement describes natural selection?

It is a key mechanism of evolution. It is the differential reproduction and survival of an individual as a result of variations in the phenotype. Variations of inheritable characteristics are seen in a population over generations.

Which of the following best describes how natural selection causes evolution to occur?

The answer choice that best describes the theory of natural selection is D) Some individuals have genes that increase their chances for survival and reproduction. These individuals are more likely to reproduce and pass on their genes, causing their genes to become more common in the next generation.