Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the nature of Gilded Age politics?

  • School University of Texas, San Antonio
  • Course Title ANT MISC
  • Pages 5

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: AGilded Politcs and Jim Crow 20 questions Period 5Multiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____ 1. Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the nature of Gilded Agepolitics? a. Presidents tended to be far more powerful than parties during the Gilded Age,transforming the nature of the executive branch.b. New movements and parties failed to arise at any point during the Gilded Age, as itcameto be defined by the remarkable existing leadership.c. Elections remained one of the few areas of politics that were untouched by theinfluenceof Big Business.d. Dominated by “special interests,” the Gilded Age showed more political corruptionthanpolitical innovation.e. Gilded Age politicians struck a sharp contrast with leaders of Big Business inthatpoliticians based their decisions on morality alone.

____ 2. Which of the following is true of William Tweed?

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____ 3. Which of the following would MOST likely have been a Gilded Age

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____ 4. What strategy did Republicans commonly use in political campaigns during the 1870s and

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Name: ________________________ ID: A

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Chapter 19Question 12 / 2 ptsWhich of the following happened as a result of the election of 1896?

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Question 22 / 2 ptsWho were the Mugwumps?

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Question 32 / 2 ptsOne of the most troublesome, unintended consequences of the growth of urbanpopulations at the turn of the century was thegrowth of disease from the lack of sanitation in crowded city neighborhoods.Question 42 / 2 ptsWhich of the following would MOST likely have been a Gilded Age Democrat?

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Question 50 / 2 ptsWhy was Lester Frank Ward’sDynamic Sociologyconsidered a challenge toWilliam Graham Sumner’s “social Darwinism”?

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Question 62 / 2 ptsWhat was the purpose of the “subtreasury plan”?

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Question 72 / 2 ptsWhich of the following statements accurately describes tenement houses in NewYork City during the Gilded Age?

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Question 82 / 2 ptsWhich of the following statements accurately summarizes the nature of Gilded

  • Q54:

    Which of the following cultural movements developed due to the experiences of the Civil War, combined with an increasingly scientific approach to modern life? A) cubism B) fundamentalism C) transcendentalism D) Romanticism E) realism

  • Q55:

    Why was the Supreme Court decision in Munn v. Illinois significant to understanding the power of government to regulate industry? A) It was a ruling that lasted for a century and denied the right of state and local governments to regulate industry. B) It upheld the sweeping power of the federal government to regulate any industry in any fashion it saw fit. C) It denied the federal government any power to regulate any industry, as Big Business was seen as untouchable. D) It upheld the right of state and local governments to regulate industry essential to the public interest. E) It decided that all government regulatory power over industry rested with city and town governments.

  • Q56:

    What was the purpose of the "subtreasury plan"? A) It promoted deflation by withdrawing silver certificates from circulation. B) It reestablished the gold standard. C) It reclaimed unused land from the railroads. D) It allowed farmers to secure low-interest government loans. E) It said that the national bank could pull supplemental cash from private banks.

  • Q57:

    What distinguished the Granger movement from the Farmers' Alliances? A) Whereas the Grange had always focused solely on social and recreational activities as a means of raising awareness of the plight of farmers, the Alliances focused solely on political action. B) Whereas the Grange enacted legislation only at the state level and often took out loans from banks, the Alliances focused solely on the local level and refused to participate in loans. C) Whereas the Grange supported free-silver economic policies and low tariffs, the Alliances supported the gold standard and high tariffs. D) Whereas the Grange failed to address declining crop prices and the inadequate amount of money in circulation, the Farmers' Alliances were created expressly to solve this problem. E) Whereas the Grange was predominantly a wing of the Democratic party, the Alliances were predominantly a wing of the Republican party.

  • Q58:

    Why was the Interstate Commerce Commission created? A) to expand American exports B) to regulate railroads C) to encourage increased imports of foreign goods D) to boost the dairy industry E) to clean up corruption in politics

  • Q60:

    Why was Lester Frank Ward's Dynamic Sociology considered a challenge to William Graham Sumner's "social Darwinism"? A) Whereas Ward embraced the notion of "survival of the fittest," Sumner embraced the notion of "survival of the smartest." B) Whereas Ward believed that humans had no control over their destiny, Sumner argued that as the best fit organisms, humans had great power to promote public welfare. C) Whereas Ward believed that Darwinian evolution was an important discovery, Sumner strongly felt that it went against the beliefs of Christianity. D) Whereas Ward believed intellect, informed by science, gave humans the ability to shape social change, Sumner believed society functioned according to natural selection. E) Whereas Ward denied the existence of evolution, Sumner focused entirely on the scientific theory of evolution as opposed to its social implications.

  • Q61:

    By the end of the Gilded Age, the values of a metropolitan and industrial America had triumphed over those of a rural and agrarian America. What evidence supports this statement?

  • Q62:

    What was one reason why the Democratic convention in 1896 held in Chicago was one of the greatest turning points in American political history? A) Cleveland emerged as stronger than ever due to his success in quickly responding to and curbing the depression of 1893, setting a precedent for future presidents. B) The economic issues of everyday people were largely forgotten, as candidates focused solely on how best to support Big Business in their speeches and campaigns to the public. C) Promises made to African Americans and immigrants for the first time became the central focus of a presidential election, as they were considered the most influential block of voters. D) The Democratic Party was fractured, and the Silverite, largely rural delegates surprised the party leadership and the "Gold Democrats," or "goldbugs," by capturing control of the convention. E) For the first time since the Civil War, the Democrats developed a unified platform that would go on to earn them votes in all areas of the country and secure them a presidential victory.

  • Q63:

    Compare social Darwinism and reform Darwinism. What were the basic assumptions of each movement?

  • Q64:

    One of the causes of the 1893 depression was failure of A) the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. B) the stock market. C) the commodity price index. D) housing starts in 1891 and 1892. E) regulation of the railroads on the part of Cleveland.

Which statement best describes the politics of the Gilded Age?

What economic policy, or "hands off" approach, best describes the Gilded Age? Laissez-Faire economics best describes the Gilded Age. This means no government regulation of business.

In what way was the Gilded Age politics different from American politics today quizlet?

In what way was Gilded Age politics different from American politics today? . During the Gilded Age, bribery in politics was nonexistent because the federal government had put strict rules and punishments in place to deter potential offenders.

Which list best describes the characteristics of the Gilded Age?

The defining characteristics in the gilded age included individualism, urbanization, new values, art, and forms of entertainment.

What was the Gilded Age known for quizlet?

The Gilded Age refers to the era of rapid economic and population growth in the United States during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction eras of the late 19th century. it have technology, big business, urbanization, immigration and reaction segment.