Which of the following sources of information would customers usually view to be less credible than the others quizlet?

i. Although consumers may like an ad featuring a famous endorser, they will buy the product advertised only if they trust the marketer as well.

ii. Marketers who use celebrities in testimonials or endorsements must ensure that the message contents are congruent with spokespersons' qualifications.

iii. Marketers must ensure that there is a synergy among the celebrity's trustworthiness, expertise, physical attractiveness, and the product or brand endorsed.

iv. They must also take into account the celebrity's number of prior endorsements, because consumers perceive celebrities who appear in commercials too often as less credible than celebs with lesser commercial exposure.

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Which of the following sources of information would customers usually view to be less credible than the others quizlet?

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Which of the following sources of information would customers usually view to be less credible than the others quizlet?

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Which of the following sources of information would customers usually view to be less credible than the others quizlet?

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personal selling

human-driven interactions between and within organizations

brings economic exchange within value-creation context

integrated marketing communications

selling the way a buyer wants to buy

trade salespeople

employed by manufacturers to sell to distributors

distributor salespeople

sell products made by different manufacturers to businesses

missionary salespeople

work for a manufacturer and promote the manufacturer's products to another firm

expressed warranty

written or oral

implied warranty

not actually stated but obligated by law

binding contract

signed by both parties


exaggerated statements


unfair or untrue statements


an agreement between two competitors before customers are contacted


competitors working together

derived demand

demand for a good is based on what its customers sell to end-users

buying process (8 steps)

1.) recognition of need
2.) definition of product type needed
3.) development of detailed specifications
4.) acquisition and analysis of proposals
5.) evaluation of proposals and selection of supplier
6.) order placement and receipt
7.) evaluation of product performance

creeping commitment

customer's commitment to a particular course of action while going through the steps in the buying process

new task buying

buying a product for the first time

straight rebuy

same product from the same source

modified rebuy

has purchased before but is interested in new information

buying center

group of people involved in the purchase decision


actually uses products


initiates buying process


controls the flow of information


provides information


makes the final decision

rational needs

directly related to the performance of a product

emotional needs

personal rewards and gratification of the person buying the product

life cycle costing

method for determining the cost of the equipment or supplies over their useful lives

value analysis

supplies and customers work together to reduce costs yet still deliver desired performance


translation of thoughts into words


interpreting meaning of perceived message


info given to a salesperson on how he/she is going


things that interrupt the communication process


tuning in and tuning out

passive listening

not listening to the deeper meaning

active listening

actively trying to put self in speaker's place

distance zones

public zone (12 feet)
social zone (4-12)
personal zone (2-4)
intimate zone (0-2)

how to add value to a company

salespeople provide an interface
encourage two way communication

higher creativity

new customer, important decision of purchase, services being offered

lower creativity

existing customer, low importance of purchasing decision, products being sold

emotional intelligence

knowing one's own feelings and emotions as they are experienced; controlling emotions

can be used to intimidate, manipulate, and spin outcomes

backdoor selling

ignore purchasing agent's policy and contact people directly involved in the purchasing decision

uniform commercial code

legal guide to commercial practice in the us


transfer of title

contract to sell

salesperson makes an offer and receives an acceptance from a buyer


great stories include conflict, trials, crises and they help the listener to think about choices


speaker attempts to draw parallel line between 1 thing and another

One of the advantages of personal selling is that it is the most _____ method used to communicate with customers.

A. credible

B. reasonable

C. generic

D. defensive

E. flexible

E. flexible

One of the advantages of personal selling as compared to advertising is that:

A. salespeople can be closely supervised.

B. salespeople can become very persuasive, since they give an identical sales presentation to so many different people.

C. salespeople can change their message if they find their customers losing interest.

D. A & B Only are Correct.

E. All of the above.

C. salespeople can change their message if they find their customers losing interest.

Compared with team selling, salesperson who work alone:

A. have higher job satisfaction.

B. have higher levels of emotional intelligence.

C. spend more than 90 percent of their time in internal selling.

D. have higher levels of confidence and optimism.

E. have higher turnover intentions.

E. have higher turnover intentions.

Vincent is the sales manager of his company, which manufactures aluminium and alloys. He contacts different spacecraft manufacturers and aviation companies that use these raw materials and sells them his company's products. This enables him to eliminate all levels of middlemen in his sales. Which of the following statements is most likely true about this scenario?

A. Vincent is a missionary sales agent.

B. Vincent is a retailer.

C. The manufacturing company uses word-of-mouth marketing.

D. The manufacturing company has great monopoly over other companies.

E. Vincent is using a direct channel of distribution.

E. Vincent is using a direct channel of distribution.

_____ is the trait of having imagination and inventiveness and using them to come up with new solutions and ideas.

A. Emotional intelligence

B. Agility

C. Creativity

D. Optimism

E. Empathy

C. Creativity

Ray is a new salesperson in an automobile manufacturing company. In order to meet his sales target, he regularly steals potential customers of other salespeople in his team. This is an example of:

A. collusion.

B. a conspiracy.

C. insider selling.

D. poaching.

E. upselling.

D. poaching.

Javier, a new insurance agent, pays one of his customers to buy his firm's insurance product. Javier explains to the customer that he would pay the customer a few thousand dollars if the customer decides to invest in the policy recommended by Javier. This is an example of:

A. sales puffery.

B. a conspiracy.

C. kickbacks.

D. bribery.

E. collusion.

D. bribery.

Kevin purchased a lawn mower. The blades were so dull that the mower could not cut the grass in his backyard. Because of existence of _____ warranties, Kevin can return the mower and expect to receive a replacement that will cut grass.

A. communicated

B. applied

C. functional

D. implied

E. codified

D. implied

Effective selling to government agencies requires:

A. advertising in The New York Times.

B. effective internal controls designed to maximize just-in-time delivery of requests for proposals.

C. an advanced knowledge of 80-20 ordering procedures.

D. a thorough knowledge of their unique procurement procedures and rules.

E. active listening centered on gatekeepers' internal satisfaction requirements.

D. a thorough knowledge of their unique procurement procedures and rules.

Salespeople need to understand that purchases made by their customers' customers are based on:

A. derived demand.

B. the competitive advantage offered by other sellers.

C. economies of scale in production.

D. just-in-time (JIT) inventory control.

E. direct demand.

A. derived demand.

The supervisor of an automated teller machine (ATM) facility learns that the machine is not functioning efficiently because it uses an old software. According to the organizational decision buying process, which of the following should the supervisor do next?

A. The supervisor should look for a new software.

B. The supervisor should place an order for an alternative software.

C. The supervisor should evaluate the performance of the existing software.

D. The supervisor should immediately buy a new machine.

E. The supervisor should identify and define the type of update needed.

E. The supervisor should identify and define the type of update needed.

Which of the following sources of information would customers usually view to be less credible than the others?

A. Trade publications

B. Colleagues

C. Outside consultants

D. Review sites on the Internet

E. Sales literature

E. Sales literature

The need for risk reduction is one of the factors affecting an individual making an organizational buying decision. What can a salesperson do to help reduce the risk?

A. Turn a straight rebuy situation into a modified rebuy situation

B. Provide the buyer with product information from independent sources not connected with the company for which the salesperson works

C. Send the buyer the complete portfolio of all collateral sales materials and follow it up with a phone call

D. Make the buyer understand that every buy should be a new-task buy situation

E. Persuade the buyer to not perform vendor analysis

B. Provide the buyer with product information from independent sources not connected with the company for which the salesperson works

In the context of changing the perceived value of a product, which of the following could be considered a dangerous strategy if employed by a salesperson?

A. Decreasing the rating of a competitive product

B. Increasing the price of the product

C. Decreasing the price of the product

D. Adding a new dimension to the product

E. Increasing the performance rating of the product

A. Decreasing the rating of a competitive product

Virginia sees Carl, her high school friend, at a traffic signal after 15 years. She honks and waves to say "hello." Carl does not recognize her and thinks that a stranger is honking because of the way he changed his lane. In this scenario, Carl is facing a problem _____ the message.

A. controlling

B. suppressing

C. sending

D. decoding

E. verbalizing

D. decoding

The 80-20 _____ suggests that salespeople should try to listen 80 percent of the time and talk no more than 20 percent of the time.

A. talking model

B. personal-interpersonal differential

C. body language agreement model

D. listening rule

E. inflection-articulation zone

D. listening rule

During a sales presentation, the salesperson, Clara, listens to her customer rather than describing her product to the customer. She nods her head and uses verbal cues such as "I see," "Uh-huh," and "That's interesting" to encourage the conversation. In this scenario, Clara is:

A. trying to figure out the appropriate time to close the deal.

B. engaging in passive listening.

C. engaging in active listening.

D. encouraging active speaking.

E. none of these.

C. engaging in active listening.

During a sales presentation, the salesperson, Sabrina, needs to refrain from speaking after asking her customer a difficult question. Tolerating silence is often important to:

A. provide the customer time to think.

B. provide the customer with an opportunity to end the meeting.

C. help shift from the intimate to the social zone.

D. allow the customer to reveal underlying tension.

E. encourage the customer to show his or her anxiety.

A. provide the customer time to think.

Which of the following patterns of signals most likely indicates that the customer is reacting positively to a salesperson's presentation?

A. Crossed arms or legs

B. Little change in facial expression

C. An overly erect posture

D. Intense eye contact

E. Leaning forward

E. Leaning forward

In the context of using proper techniques and etiquette when leaving voice mail messages, callers should _____.

A. avoid even a little casual conversation up front

B. speak slowly and leave a concise message

C. ask for an option to talk to somebody immediately

D. use a fresh greeting each day

E. avoid asking for a call back

B. speak slowly and leave a concise message

Which of the following sources of information with customers usually view to be less credible than the others?

Customers usually view information from independent sources to be less credible than company advertising.

Which of the following is usually the first step in the selling process of a product?

1. Prospecting. The first step in the sales process is prospecting. In this stage, you find potential customers and determine whether they have a need for your product or service—and whether they can afford what you offer.

Which of the following is usually the last step in the selling process of a product quizlet?

Terms in this set (48) Closing, in which the salesperson asks the customer for a buying commitment, is the last step in the sales process.

Which of the following is a true of a strong listener?

Which of the following is a true of a strong listener? Strong listeners resist distractions and know how to concentrate. Which of the following is true of pictures? They enhance understanding and are easy to recall.