Which of the following questions should most likely be answered by a utility analysis

Which of the following questions should most likely be answered by a utility analysis

Chapter 7

Employee selection

Multiple choice questions

1. In their selection processes, employers are giving increasing emphasis to:

a. computer-based skills.

*b. behavioural and attitudinal characteristics.

c. assessment centres.

d. unstructured interviews.

General Feedback:

Page 252. Learning Objective 1. Factual. Many organisations are focussing on job applicants'

cultural fit and thus on attitudes and behaviours in their selection decisions believing that job

skills are more trainable.

2. Selection criteria should:

a. include all the performance indicators identified in recruitment.

b. correspond closely to how a job is performed now and in the future.

*c. be consistent with the organisation's strategic direction and culture.

d. reflect the standard of applicants from which a choice is to be made.

General Feedback:

Page 252. Learning Objective 1. Factual. An organisation's success depends on it having the right

people in the right place at the right time. The strategic business objectives and culture should

determine the people selected.

3. Which of the following is not one of the major research findings about interviewing?

a. Interviewees who play hard to get are rated more highly.

b. Unfavourable information outweighs favourable information.

c. Interviewers' post-interview ratings are highly related to their pre-interview impressions.

*d. Interviewers are less likely to change their initial opinion of the applicant from positive to

negative than from negative to positive.

General Feedback:

Page 267. Learning Objective 5. Factual. Research has shown that interviewers are more likely

to change their initial opinion from positive to negative.

4) As a manager, what is the most important reason to select employees carefully?A) meet industry and organizational standardsB) comply with federal and state labor lawsC) improve personal and organizational performanceD) establish a high-performing work systemAnswer:Explanation:C) Careful employee selection tends to lead to improved organizationalperformance because the right people (the right “fit” or person-job fit) are in the right jobs. Amanager's own performance also depends on having skilled subordinates.C

5) Effective employee screening will most likely ________.D

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6) Which of the following questions should most likely be answered by autility analysis?A

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7) Which of the following shows the degree to which using a selection measure improves thequality ofindividuals selected for a job?A

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  • Q6:

    For over 40 years,Golden Creamery has been mixing up fresh,gourmet ice cream for customers.The company originated in Dallas and now boasts stores in 35 states.The business has primarily expanded by selling franchises to qualified candidates.Golden Creamery executives realize that the firm's success depends upon the success of each franchise.In the past,each individual franchise owner determined the best method for screening applicants.However,as the firm grows,Golden Creamery executives want to standardize the hiring process by requiring all franchisees to use the same preemployment tests. Which of the following,if TRUE,supports the argument that Golden Creamery should require franchise owners to use the firm's preemployment tests? A) Hourly employees at Golden Creamery stores typically remain with the company long enough to be promoted to management positions. B) Annual turnover rates for hourly employees of Golden Creamery stores are three times the rate of comparable businesses. C) Golden Creamery uses a series of videos to train new hires as well as a mentoring program that has proven successful in the past. D) Individuals interested in working at a Golden Creamery store can complete online applications on the firm's website.

  • Q7:

    What is the final step in the test validation process? A) averaging test scores B) analyzing the job C) publishing the test D) cross-validating

  • Q8:

    ________ is used as an estimate of reliability and involves administering two equivalent tests and then comparing the two resulting test scores. A) Equivalent form estimate B) Retest estimate C) Internal comparison estimate D) Criterion validity

  • Q9:

    A reliable employment test will most likely yield ________. A) consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test B) improved scores when a person takes the same test more than once in a single day C) high scores when two different people are administered the test at different times D) similar scores when two different people are administered the test at the same time

  • Q10:

    Which of the following describes using a retest estimate to assess reliability? A) administering a test with x number of items designed to assess a topic and then statistically analyzing the degree to which responses vary B) administering the same test to the same people at two different times and comparing their test scores at time 2 with their scores at time 1 C) administering an employment test to measure the skills an individual needs to perform the job D) administering a test to a person and then administering an equivalent test at a later time

  • Q12:

    All of the following are used for estimating reliability of a test EXCEPT ________. A) retest estimates B) equivalent form estimates C) content validity estimates D) internal comparison estimates

  • Q13:

    Which of the following shows the degree to which using a selection measure improves the quality of individuals selected for a job? A) utility analysis B) validity score C) reliability coefficient D) internal HR audit

  • Q14:

    If a person scores a 70 on an intelligence test on one day and scores 110 when retested on another day,you might conclude that this test is ________. A) valid B) reliable C) unreliable D) inconsistent

  • Q15:

    Which of the following terms refers to the accuracy with which a test fulfills the function for which it was designed? A) validity B) reliability C) relevancy D) consistency

  • Q16:

    The unreliability of a test would most likely be explained by all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) poor sampling of question material B) inconsistent testing conditions C) failure to predict job performance D) differences in the test-taker

Which of the following shows the degree to which using a selection measure improves the quality of individuals selected for a job?

Answer and Explanation: The correct option is A. The utility shows the satisfaction of an individual, which the individual attains with rational decisions. The utility analysis in the job selection helps an individual and the organization to select the appropriate candidate.

Which one of the following refers to the process of choosing the individual that best meets the requirements of the job from a group of applicants?

Explanation: B) Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and the organization. Properly matching people with jobs and the organization is the goal of the selection process.

When job candidates results from a selection test are compared with the results from existing employees the company is using?

There are two main types of criterion validity: concurrent validity and predictive validity. Concurrent validity is determined by comparing tests scores of current employees to a measure of their job performance.

Which of the following terms refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with alternate forms of the same test?

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Reliability of a test refers to its consistency. Therefore, when a person takes two alternate forms of the test or when he or she takes the same test on two or more different occasions and earns similar scores, the test is most likely reliable.