Which of the following most accurately describes the reproducibility crisis quizlet?

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Which of the following most accurately describes the reproducibility crisis quizlet?


6th EditionSpencer A. Rathus

380 solutions

Which of the following most accurately describes the reproducibility crisis quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

525 solutions

Which of the following most accurately describes the reproducibility crisis quizlet?

Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, Being

13th EditionMichael R Solomon

449 solutions

Which of the following most accurately describes the reproducibility crisis quizlet?

Essentials of Understanding Psychology

14th EditionRobert S Feldman

399 solutions



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Terms in this set (96)

If a researcher found a correlation coefficient of -.85 between amount of exercise and weight, this would indicate that the more people exercise, the ________ they weigh.


When both the researchers and the participants do not know which conditions the participants are assigned to, the research design is known as ________.


Following a group of kindergarteners every other year until they graduate and evaluating their performance is an example of ________.

Longitudinal Research

A popular, new personality test consistently yields the same results when given to the same people over a period of several months and when administered to similar people. The test asks so many cultural questions, however, that many think the test does not accurately measure personality. This test has________ reliability and ________ validity.

High; Low

If you participate in a study and find out that the medication you received did not contain actual medication inside, then that pill is considered a(n) ________.


The strength and direction of the relationship between two variables is expressed by the ________.

Correlation coefficient

Informed consent means clearly explaining all of the following EXCEPT

explaining the hypothesis to the participants

Briggs is interested in whether there is a difference in the way males and females carry objects such as backpacks and computer cases, so she sets up a hidden camera on the main mall of the college and videotapes students at various times throughout the day. Which type of study is this?

Naturalistic observation

Using existing records to try to answer a research question is known as ________.

archival research

Chelsea wants to know if the room temperature in the testing center affects participants test scores. In this experiment, the independent variable is ________.

room temperature

In order for an experiment to be considered fair, ________.

all data should be considered when evaluation a hypothesis

What measures the effects of the independent variable?

dependent variable

Maxwell's research group is conducting a study on the relationship between daytime toddler naps and dinnertime appetite. Some groups are assigned to a 1 ½-2 ½ hour afternoon nap, some to a 30-60 minutes nap, or some to no nap at all. The amount they eat for dinner is recorded. In this study, the ________ is the dependent variable and ________ is the control group.

amount of food; no nap

A little girl at the local elementary school is writing symphonies for full orchestra at age 7. You're curious to know about the child's personality and other psychological qualities. Which type of study would you conduct?

Case Study

A little girl at the local elementary school is writing symphonies for full orchestra at age 7. You're curious to know about the child's personality and other psychological qualities. Which type of study would you conduct?


Francis is studying the relationship between personality traits and drug abuse. If she determines that there is a significant relationship between these two variables, that means her study would have a p-value of ________ or less


If a researcher wants to understand if eating more bananas causes increased irritability, what type of study should they perform?


If an experiment can be easily replicated by another researcher and provide similar results, it is considered


If an experiment measures what it is supposed to measure, it is considered ________.


Ryan is conducting an experiment on the type of breakfast eaten by high schoolers and their wakefulness and alertness during the day. Which is the best way for Ryan to prevent experimenter bias?

He should not know what the student ate for breakfast

Which organization reviews research conducted using animal subjects?


If two different variables are not related at all, they probably have a correlation coefficient of ________.


There is ________ correlation between the number of hours of sleep a person gets and how tired they feel.

a negative

A psychologist who is interested in finding out about the lives and experiences of blended multi-racial families wants to know how such individuals are viewed by their families, friends, and co-workers and how they view themselves. He conducts a series of structured interviews with the various individuals and asks specific questions based on ideas he has that he thinks will be important for understanding this particular life experience. What type of study is this?

case study

In order for an experiment to be considered predictable, ________.

it should make assumptions about future events

Heather is conducting a study on music and memory. She plays different types of music while students memorize lists of words, then tests them on their retention after 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week. In this example, which is the independent variable?

the type of music

If Miguel wants to replicate Sara's study, which section of Sara's research article will be most valuable to him?


In order for an experiment to be considered falsifiable, ________.

it should be capable of being disproved

Research that compares multiple segments of the population at the same time is known as ________.

cross-sectional research

Which variable is manipulated by the experimenter?

independent variable

A theory is a(n) ________.

set of ideas that propose an explanation for observed phenomena

A(n) ________ is a testable prediction that is arrived at logically from a(n) ________.

hypothesis; theory

Random assignment is important in grouping participants in a research study because ________.

it balances out the differences that might naturally exist between participants

If you are studying depression rates during the cold winter months, a potential ________ could be the stress of the busy holiday season.

confounding variable

Using a p-value of .05 means that there is a 95% chance that the results of a study are truly statistically significant. This means that there is still a 5% chance those results are due to chance. This, combined with ________, are two main contributing factors to the reproducibility crisis.

publication bias

In order for an experiment to be considered verifiable, ________.

it must be replicable by another researcher

McCabe and Castel conducted experiments to assess whether a brain image influenced the way students perceived the quality of a scientific article. Across three experiments, they found that students rated the quality of scientific reasoning higher when a brain image was present. Their research would indicate that the study ________.

does replicate

If Maria conducts a study and discovers the results seem consistent enough to not have been caused by chance, she can conclude that her findings are ________.

statistically significant

In a study about anxiousness, researchers have participants either read a story about a girl who is stressed about her final exams and other work and family commitments or a classic fairytale. Before the study, they plan to have students self-report on their levels of anxiety, then re-test them after the study to see if the anxious story increased anxiousness levels. In this example, the students' reported anxiousness after reading a story is the

dependent variable

Jonas wants to understand the relationship between head size and intelligence. What type of study might he perform?


When other experimenters attempted to replicate the results of the McCabe and Castel study about the effect of an image on the perceived quality of research article, they found ________.

that the result did not replicate

If every person in a population has an equal chance of being chosen to participate in a study, then it is considered a ________.

random sample

What best describes the purpose of the IRB?

to review proposals for research that involves human participants

What is the abstract of a scholarly article?

The section with a summary of the whole article

Which best describes the basic steps of the scientific method?

make an observation, ask a question, form a hypothesis, do an experiment, analyze the results, prove or disprove the hypothesis

Which animals are most commonly used in psychological research?

rodents and birds

Correlation means all of the following EXCEPT that ________.

one variable causes another

Which of the following represents a weak positive corelation?


Simply expecting something to happen can make it happen. This describes ________.

Placebo effect

A major advantage of case studies is _________

detailed information

Which correlation coefficient best represents a moderate relationship showing fewer anxiety symptoms in people who report higher life satisfaction?


In a_________study, both the researchers and the participants are unaware of the group assignment.


________research uses past records or data sets to investigate research questions or to look for patterns or relationships


A group of preschool-age children are enrolled


Spurling et al. Investigated the effects of two vocabulary learning strategies.

Independent; dependent

A________is a variable that affects both variables of interest and may falsely give the impression of a cause-and effect relationship

A confounding variable

________ is/are often conducted with large numbers of participants and can even be conducted by phone, email, or mail.


Which of the following research designs will allow cause-and-effect conclusions?


Patwardhan et al. report data from a study where they hired experimental confederates to attend speed dating events, posing as daters, and carefully take notes on the behaviors of the daters. What type of research design did they use?

naturalistic observation

Research shows that people who smoke cigarettes are more likely to get lung cancer than those who do not smoke. This research alone demonstrates that ________.

there is a relationship between smoking and lung cancer

Dr. Mattar is interested in knowing more about brain injury to the occipital cortex, and he studies patients individually in order to gain in-depth knowledge about their behaviors. These studies would best be described as ________.

case studies

In order to assess whether viewpoints on decriminalization of marijuana for medical purposes change with age, four groups of participants, ages 20, 30, 40, and 50, are asked whether they support this issue. What is one flaw of this design?

D. Social or cultural factors may influence the results, not age.

________ refers to the ability to consistently produce a given result.


Stan and Jenny are in a psychology course that requires them to repeat an experiment that researchers have conducted in the past, in order to determine whether they produce the same results. This is called ________.


Which of the following represents a strong negative correlation?


On a graph of a correlation coefficient, points falling near to a straight sloped line indicate ________.

a strong correlation

________ refers to the ability of an instrument or tool to accurately measure what it is supposed to measure.


A negative correlation means ________.

B. one variable decreases as the other increases

An intelligence test yields the same results when administered on three separate occasions. However, the test's results are more strongly correlated with hours spent doing homework than they are with other standardized intelligence tests. This test has________ reliability and ________ validity.

high; low

A(n) ________ is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena.


Devine et al. are interested in assessing whether active versus passive play causes a preference for sweet or salty foods in toddlers. They assign groups of children to either an active play, passive play, or no play group and record their food choices when presented with a variety of sweet and salty foods. In this study, ________ is the independent variable and ________ is the control group.

D. type of play; no play

________ is a reduction in the number of research participants as some drop out of the study over time.


In order for an experiment to be considered fair, ________.

all data must be considered when evaluating a hypothesis

A(n) ________ is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena.


Which of the following is NOT part of obtaining informed consent?

Explaining the hypothesis to the participant

Preliminary, non-experimental, research that gathers information about behavior is called ________ research.


Observational research that focuses on just one individual or a group of people is called a(n) ________.

Clinical or case study

Comparing the population in two different states to examine the prevalence of depression is an example of _

Cross-Sectional Research

A correlation coefficient of .90 indicates a(n) ________ relationship between two variables.

strong positive

The belief that strange behavior is linked to the occurrence of a full moon is an example of a(n) ________.

illusory correlation

Harrison et al. are conducting a study assessing the ability of depressed versus non-depressed participants to remember negative emotions in a short story about a family whose car breaks down. They plan to ask participants to read the story and then make a list of the emotions expressed in the story. Before beginning the study, they make a list of negative emotions (e.g., sadness and anger) that they will record from the participants' responses. In this example, negative emotions are the ________.

Dependent Variable

An intelligence test yields the same results when administered on three separate occasions. However, the test's results are more strongly correlated with hours spent doing homework than they are with other standardized intelligence tests. This test has________ reliability and ________ validity.


When the findings in a research study are believed to be due to an actual phenomenon under investigation and not due to chance or random occurrence, this is called ________.

Statistical Significance

Stuart wants to study whether there is a relationship between the number of hours a high school senior spends on social networking sites and their grade point average. He obviously cannot study every 12th grader, so instead he will select a smaller ________ of seniors to study.


Where in a scholarly article would you expect to find a concise summary of the entire experiment?


If a research team conducts an experiment using a point value of .05 and gets statistically significant results, there is still a 5% possibility that their results are due to chance. This, combined with ________, are two main contributing factors to the reproducibility crisis.

publication bias

________ research uses past records or data sets to investigate research questions or to look for patterns or relationships.


An intelligence test yields the same results when administered on three separate occasions. However, the test's results are more strongly correlated with hours spent doing homework than they are with other standardized intelligence tests. This test has________ reliability and ________ validity.

high; low

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good hypothesis?

It is complex.

Which of the following would be difficult to assess using empirical research?

whether the id, ego, or superego is most responsible for emotional reactions

________ research studies the same groups of participants over time.


The ________ is controlled by the experimenter.

independent variable

The ________ group does not get the experimental treatment.


A(n) ________ is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena.


A basic experiment involves a minimum of ________ participant group(s).


An upper-level psychology class is conducting an experiment on racial prejudice that involves having participants rate the likeability of faces in a set of photos. However, they tell participants that the study is about the effects of aging on likeability. When participants are finished, they are thanked for their time and leave the experiment. In this example, the class forgot to ________ in order to resolve the ________ in the study.

debrief participants; deception

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Megan, a third grader, is having trouble with math. She is starting to do poorly in other subjects, because she feels she cannot master math. Based on Erickson's stages of psychosocial development, which stage is Megan in? a. Autonomy versus shame and doubt. b. Initiative versus guilt. c. Competence versus inferiority. d. Identity versus role confusion. e. Intimacy versus isolation.

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Dr. Welle tries to help her clients by teaching them to modify the way they think when under stress or experiencing symptoms. This means that Dr. Welle engages in _____ therapy. a. behavior. b. cognitive. c. group. d. rational-emotive behavior. e. client-centered.

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Which of the following are visible on the EEG of a person in NREM-3 sleep? a. Sleep spindles. b. REM. c. Alpha waves. d. SCN. e. Delta waves.

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