Which of the following is/are true concerning the requirements for the form of an assignment?

  1. The number of degrees of freedom (df) is the:

      a. number of factors in the experiment.
      b. number of participants who had contributed non-outlier data when computing a statistic.
      c. number of values that are free to vary when computing a statistic.
      d. number of data points that were free from systematic error when computing a statistic.
  2. A more robust parametric alternative to the independent samples t test is the:

      a. matched pairs t test.
      b. one-way ANOVA.
      c. Welch's t test.
      d. Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
  3. In a one-sample t-test, the results are as follows: t(31) = -3.41, p<.01. How many data points were there in the analysis that produced this result?

      a. 30
      b. 31
      c. 32
      d. 310
  4. Which of the following is an assumption of the independent samples t test?

      a. Interval, ratio or ordinal data
      b. Random sampling
      c. The two populations from which the samples were drawn have equal variances
      d. The values in the two populations from which the samples are drawn are normally distributed
  5. Which of the following is not a method of obtaining the effect size from an independent samples t-test?

      a. Calculating the difference of means
      b. Calculating Cohen's d
      c. Calculating the point-biserial correlation
      d. Calculating Pearson's r
  6. A matched pairs t-test compares means of ___________________ participants on ________________.

      a. different; a single measure
      b. the same; two different measures
      c. different; two different measures
      d. the same; a single measure
  7. The assumptions for independent groups one-way ANOVA are identical to those of the:

      a. Kruskal-Wallis test.
      b. Repeated measures one-way ANOVA.
      c. Independent samples t test.
      d. Matches pairs t-test.
  8. An effect size for the independent samples one-way ANOVA analysis can be calculated by:

      a. dividing the between group sums of squares by the total sum of squares.
      b. dividing the within group sums of squares by the total sum of squares.
      c. dividing the within group sums of squares by the between group sums of squares.
      d. dividing the total sum of squares by the within group sum of squares.
  9. The non-parametric alternative to the repeated measures one-way ANOVA is the:

      a. Kruskal-Wallis test.
      b. Mann-Whitney U test.
      c. Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
      d. Friedman test.
  10. Which of the following is an assumption of the repeated measures one-way ANOVA?

      a. Random sampling and independence of subjects
      b. Interval or ratio level data
      c. The values in k populations from which the samples are drawn are normally distributed
      d. The k populations do not share the same variance.
  11. A benefit of using a within-subjects design over a between-subjects design is that the within-subjects design can account for variability in the data that is due to individual differences. What is the statistical term that captures this variability in a repeated measures one-way ANOVA?

      a. Condition sum of squares
      b. Error sum of squares
      c. Total degrees of freedom
      d. Eta-squared
  12. In a recent study, a researcher discovered that performance on a spatial memory task is related to the number of hours that participants slept for the night before doing the task, but this effect was stronger for participants with existing low spatial skills and much smaller for participants with existing high spatial skills. What kind of effect is this?

      a. A main effect
      b. A post-hoc effect
      c. An interaction
      d. A mediation
  13. The more comparisons you test in an analysis, the higher the:

      a. Type I error.
      b. Type II error.
      c. Effect size.
      d. Posthoc error.
  14. Which of the following is true about conducting a two-way ANOVA?

      a. Test for an interaction effect occurs after the main effects have been found to be statistically significant.
      b. Test for main effects occurs if the interaction is found to be statistically significant.
      c. Multiple comparisons between different groups are done only if there is a significant main effect or interaction involved.
      d. You should first conduct multiple comparisons in the form of t tests on all pairs of groups, then decided whether to conduct the ANOVA based on the pattern of statistical significance.
  15. Julienne displays her data in a scatterplot and finds that the two variables are related in a U-shape manner. The most suitable test statistic that she should compute with the data is:

      a. Spearman's rho.
      b. Pearson's r.
      c. F-statistic.
      d. chi-square.
  16. Which of the following is/are true?

      a. Parametric statistical tests involve data that are ratio or interval.
      b. Parametric statistical tests contain more assumptions that non-parametric tests.
      c. Non-parametric statistical tests are more suited to deal with data that are not normally distributed than parametric statistical tests.
      d. All of the above.
  17. Which of the following is an example of a residual in linear regression?

      a. The point at which the line of best fit intersects the Y-axis.
      b. The deviation of the slope of the line from zero.
      c. The difference between each raw data point from its predicted value.
      d. The deviation of each raw data point from the midpoint of the best fitting line.
  18. Anne is investigating the influence of factors such as room temperature, humidity and room lighting on how many mistakes an individual makes on a computer-based reaction time game. Which of the following statistical tests best suits her study design?

      a. Linear regression
      b. Chi-square test
      c. Pearson correlation
      d. Spearman rank order correlation
  19. A researcher is interested in the effect of playing puzzle games on academic achievement. He devised a scale that measures how often an individual plays puzzle games such as Sudoku, and uses student GPA has a measure of academic achievement. He finds that the correlation between the two variables is .40 and has a regression coefficient of .25. What is the percentage of variation in academic achievement accounted for by playing puzzle games?

      a. 40%
      b. 25%
      c. 16%
      d. 25%
  20. In Bayesian data analysis, the posterior distribution is computed by combining:

      a. all the means from the sample data.
      b. the prior distribution with the sample data.
      c. the width of the credible intervals.
      d. the minimally informative prior with the sample data.
  21. Which of the following is an advantage of the Bayesian approach as compared to the traditional null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) approach?

      a. The interpretation of the posterior distribution is more intuitive than the interpretation of p-values.
      b. A Bayesian approach allows for the explicit inclusion of prior knowledge and expertise in the specification of the prior distribution.
      c. The Bayesian approach can robustly handle skewed or otherwise non-normal distributions that may cause problems for classical statistical tests.
      d. The credible intervals in a Bayesian analysis are more likely to produce theoretically significant findings than the confidence intervals from NHST.
  22. Which of the following is true about the Bayesian approach to data analysis?

      a. When researchers use an objective prior, assumptions are made about the population that might be wrong.
      b. If a posterior distribution is very much different from a prior distribution, the p value will be less than .05.
      c. Bayesian data analysis can be easily conducted by common statistical software.
      d. Bayesian data analysis is immune from researcher bias because it has fewer assumptions than parametric tests like ANOVA.
  23. In an ANOVA, a mean square is obtained by:

      a. dividing the sum of square by its degrees of freedom
      b. dividing the F-statistic by the p-value
      c. dividing the sum of squares by the number of participants (N)
      d. dividing the F-statistic by the standard error
  24. Which of the following is true about a between-subjects one-way ANOVA?

      a. The F statistic is a proportion of the between subjects variance and the within subjects variance.
      b. The F statistic is a product of the mean difference from each group divided by the standard error.
      c. The p-value is positively associated with the F statistic.
      d. The degrees of freedom of the F statistic are equal to the total number of participants in the data set.
  25. When analyzing the data from a study with 200 participants using a one-way between subjects ANOVA, a researcher finds that the total sum of squares is 200 and the within-subjects sum of squares is 20. Which of the following is true?

      a. The between-subjects sum of squares is 220.
      b. The between-subjects sum of squares is 180.
      c. The between subjects sum of squares is 10.
      d. There is insufficient information to calculate the between-subjects sum of squares.

At what point are assignments valid quizlet?

An assignment becomes valid when the obligor receives notice of the assignment. An assignment must be written and follow all legal formalities.

What is an intended beneficiary of a contract who receives the benefits of the contract as a gift called?

A donee beneficiary receives the benefit of a contract between two other parties as a gift from one of the parties to the contract.

Which of the following beneficiaries can enforce the underlying contract quizlet?

An intended donee beneficiary may enforce the contract only against the promisor. In some states, the vesting of a third party's rights occurs only when the third party learns of the contract and assents to it.

Which of the following is an intended beneficiary to a contract quizlet?

Intended beneficiary: A person who is not a party to a contract but who the contracting parties meant to benefit from the contract and has rights to sue if the contract is not performed.