Which of the following is the most effective for preventing targeted attacks from succeeding Quizlet

1B, 2E, 3A, 4C, 5D

Masquerading is convincing personnel to grant access to sensitive information or protected systems by pretending to be someone who is authorized and/or requires that access.
Masquerading passive when compared to impersonating.
Urgency is an active social engineering technique that attempts to make the people believe they must act quickly to avoid imminent damage or suffering.
Scarcity is an active social engineering technique that attempts to make the people believe that if they don't act quickly, they will miss out on an item, opportunity or experience.
Tailgating refers to an attacker who enters a secured building by following an authorized employee through a secure door without providing identification.
Piggybacking usually implies consent of an authorized employee, whereas tailgating implies no such consent.
Phishing is an email pretending to be from a trusted organization that asks the receiver to verify personal information or send money.
Whaling is another form of phishing that targets senior executives and high-profile victims.
Vishing is similar to phishing, but instead of an email, the attacker uses Voice over IP (VoIP) to gain sensitive information.
Spear phishing is an attack that uses specific information about the victim, such as identifying which online banks they use.

C. Viewing calendar, emails, and messages on a mobile device without authorization

Bluesnarfing is the use of a Bluetooth connection to gain unauthorized access to an existing Bluetooth connection between phones, desktops, laptops, or PDAs. Bluesnarfing allows access to view the calendar, emails, text messages, and contact lists. Many Bluetooth devices have built-in features to prevent bluesnarfing, but it is still a known vulnerability.
Bluejacking is a rather harmless practice that entails an unknown sender sending business cards anonymously to a Bluetooth recipient within a distance of 10-100 meters, depending on the class of the Bluetooth device. The business cards usually include a flirtatious message so the attacker to see a visual reaction from the recipient. Multiple messages are sent to the device if the attacker thinks there is a chance they will be added as a contact. Bluetooth devices are not susceptible to bluejacking if they are set to non-discoverable mode.
Bluebugging gives an attacker access to all mobile phone commands that use Bluetooth technology, such as initiating phone calls, sending and receiving messages, eavesdropping, and reading and writing phone book contacts. Only highly-skilled individuals can perform bluebugging.

C. Bluejacking

Bluejacking is a rather harmless practice that entails an unknown sender sending business cards anonymously to a Bluetooth recipient within a distance of 10-100 meters, depending on
the class of the Bluetooth device. The business cards usually include a flirtatious message so the attacker can see a visual reaction from the recipient. Multiple messages ware sent to the device if the attacker thinks there is a chance they will be added as a contact. Bluetooth devices are not susceptible to bluejacking if they are set to non-discoverable mode.
Bluesnarfing is the use of a Bluetooth connection to gain unauthorized access to an existing Bluetooth connection between phones, desktops, laptops, or PDAs. Bluesnarfing allows the attacker to view calendars, emails, text messages, and contact lists. Bluebugging gives an attacker access to all mobile phone commands that use Bluetooth technology, such as initiating phone calls, sending and receiving messages, eavesdropping, and reading and writing phone book contacts.
Slamming entails unauthorized or fraudulent changes made to a subscriber's telephone service or DSL internet service.

Incremental (I Disagree with Full Backup)

From a security point of view the three-primary backup types are:
- Full: All changes
- Differential: All changes since last full backup
- Incremental: All changes since last backup of any type

Consider a scenario where you do a full backup at 2 a.m. each morning. However, you are concerned about the possibility of a server crash before the next full backup. So, you want to do a backup every two hours. The type of backup you choose will determine the efficiency of doing those frequent backups and the time needed to restore. Let's consider each type of backup in a crash scenario and what would happen if the system crashes at 10:05 a.m.

- Full: In this scenario you do a full backup at 4 a.m., 6 a.m., ...10 a.m., and then the system crashes. You just have to restore the last full backup, which was done at 10 a.m. This makes restoration much simpler. However, running a full backup every 2 hours is very time consuming and resource intensive and will have a significant negative impact on your server's performance.
- Differential: In this scenario you do a differential backup at 4 a.m., 6 a.m., ...10 a.m., and then the system crashes. You need to restore the last full backup done at 2 a.m., and the most recent differential backup done at 10 a.m. This is just a little more complicated than the full backup strategy. However, those differential backups are going to get larger each time you do them, and thus more time consuming and resource intensive. Although they won't have the same impact as doing full backups, they will still slow down your network.

- Incremental: In this scenario you do an incremental backup at 4 a.m., 6 a.m., ...10 a.m., and then the system crashes. You need to restore the last full backup done at 2 a.m., and then each incremental backup done since then, and they must be restored in order. This is a much more complex restore,
* but each incremental backup is small and does not take much time nor consume many resources. *

Which of the following is an effective way for preventing targeted attacks from succeeding quizlet?

Use a long and unique passphrase.

What is the most effective way of preventing social engineering attacks?

Best Practices to Prevent Social Engineering Attacks.
Set spam filters to high. Every email program has spam filters. ... .
Never use the same password for different accounts. ... .
Use two-factor or multi-factor authentication. ... .
When in doubt, change passwords right away. ... .
Educate employees..

Which of the following is most likely indicator of a phishing attack?

The most common indicators of a phishing attempt usually involve tone, grammar and urgency in an email message and subject line. Major warning signs in an email are: An unfamiliar greeting.

Which of the following is the most secure way to keep sensitive data private when using social networking sites or apps?

Use a VPN If you want to keep your conversations, messages, and calls secure; you can use an encryption tool which is called VPN. A VPN helps you to keep your communication encrypted and secure. All your information will be passed through a secure tunnel between the websites and your VPN services provider.