Which of the following is the managerial activity that involves establishing and maintaining positive employee

Which of the following is the managerial activity that involves establishing and maintaining positive employee

Joel is a manager who is doing an activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee-employer relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity and a cohesive work environment. This is defined as:


Multiple Choice



Explanation: A)Employee relations is the managerial activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee-employer relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, morale, and discipline, and to maintaining a positive, productive, and cohesive work environment.

Which component of organizational justice refers to the fairness and justice of a decision's result?


Multiple Choice



Explanation: A)Distributive justice refers to the fairness and justice of the outcomes.

Johnson & Johnson has a corporate ethics code that states "We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services." What is the most likely purpose of Johnson & Johnson's ethics code?


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Explanation: C)Johnson & Johnson's ethics code clarifies the firm's expectations with respect to the values it considers critical. The firm expects its employees to follow the ethics code, but it does not necessarily offer incentives.

Which component of organizational justice refers to the fairness of a process?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is NOT an element of bullying?

Multiple Choice

Managing employee relations is usually assigned to HR.

True False

What are the two main components of organizational justice?

Multiple Choice

According to surveys, which of the following is the primary cause of ethical compromises in the workplace?

Multiple Choice

Unfair treatment of employees in the workplace causes all the following EXCEPT ________.

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is NOT an effect of an abusive supervisor?

Multiple Choice

Employee relations involves managers establishing and maintaining positive employee-employer relationships to contribute to satisfactory productivity and a productive work environment.

True False

As a manager, all of the following would most likely encourage ethical behavior among subordinates EXCEPT ________.

Multiple Choice

When a company rewards employees who behave ethically using the firm's incentive plan and appraisal system, they are ________ to encourage ethical behavior.

Multiple Choice

________ is the activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee-employer relationship.

Multiple Choice

Which of the following best defines procedural justice?

Multiple Choice

A(n)________ is a type of formal problem-solving team, usually composed of 6 to 12 specially trained employees who meet weekly to solve problems affecting their work area.

Multiple Choice

The distributive justice component of organizational justice is best defined as the ________.

Multiple Choice

The company Wilson works for believes it should (and it does)channel resources toward improving one or more segments of society other than the firm's owners or stockholders. This is known as:

Multiple Choice

According to surveys, at work, fair treatment reflects concrete actions such as, "Employees are treated with respect and ________."

Multiple Choice

What is defined as the perceptions a company's employees share about the firm's psychological environment?

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is the managerial activity that involves establishing and maintaining positive employee

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Employee relations is the managerial activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee-employer relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, morale, and discipline, and to maintaining a positive, productive, and cohesive work environment.

Which of the following refers to the extent to which companies should channel resources toward improving society?

Answer: TRUE Explanation: Social responsibility (or corporate social responsibility) refers to the extent to which companies should and do channel resources toward improving one or more segments of society other than the firm's owners or stockholders.

Which of the following is the management of employee relations usually assigned to?

Managing employee relations is usually assigned to HR.

What is the most likely reason for more firms providing training and development to employees?

Training and development programs provide a host of benefits. They enhance employee performance, boost employee productivity, reduce employee turnover, and improve company culture. Explore the importance of training and development programs for employees and employers by pursuing a career in human resources.