Which of the following is the first step in verifying that a problem has been fixed?

Applies to editions of Google Workspace and other paid subscriptions in your Google Admin console.

Use this information to fix your issue if you get a payment-related alert in your Google Admin console.

If your issue is related to a different Google service, search that product’s Help Center to fix the issue.

Video: How to fix a payment issue

How to Fix a Payment Issue in Google Workspace

Step 1: Make sure your primary payment method is valid

The most common billing problem is not having a valid primary payment method for automatic payments. If we can’t charge your primary payment method, your account gets suspended or placed in a grace period. After you fix your primary payment method, any outstanding balance will be charged automatically.

If you make a manual payment to lift a payment failure, and then update your primary payment method, you might be charged twice. If this happens, we'll apply any leftover credit to your next payment.

  1. Next to your subscription, click View payment methods.

  2. View your payment methods. Verify one of them is set to Primary, and it's valid.
  3. (Optional) To avoid service interruption in the future, add a backup credit card for automatic payments.

If this task didn't solve your problem, continue to step 2.

Step 2: Find a solution based on an alert

If step 1 didn't solve your problem, find your alert below.

Subscription suspended (free trial ended)

  • Set up Google Workspace billing
  • Set up Essentials billing

Your payments profile is currently suspended Verify your account information
Subscription has been suspended by your reseller Contact your Google reseller

Subscription suspended (grace period has expired)
Account needs a working payment method
Couldn't process your last payment
The account is closed
Transaction declined
Transaction declined: invalid payment method
Transaction declined: low balance

Make a payment using:
  • Your primary payment method
  • Another payment method in your billing account
  • A new payment method
If you're using an India credit or debit card:
  • Troubleshoot India credit or debit cards
Card: Expired Make a payment using:
  • The same card after you update it
  • Another payment method in your billing account
  • A new payment method
Card: Expiring soon Update your card details
Verification in progress Verify a newly added bank account

Verify your Google Account or bank account

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Verify your Google Account

If we can’t verify your Google Account information, Google suspends your payments profile and dims the Make a payment button. Verify your information by filling out this form.

Other ways to fill out the form:

  • Click Learn More in the alert that says your payments profile is suspended.
  • Reply to the email we sent with the subject “Important Information Regarding Your Google Account.” This email was sent to the email address of your payments primary contact for the domain associated with your Google Account.

Google Workspace support can’t lift your suspension in this situation. You need to fill out the account verification form. In the Email field of the form, enter an email address that’s listed under Payments contacts on the Billing

Which of the following is the first step in verifying that a problem has been fixed?
Manage Settings page. Entering a different address can delay the response to your request.

Allow 48 hours after submitting the form to receive a response.

Verify a newly added bank account

Before we can debit a new bank account, we need to verify it's really yours. This process and the time it takes depends on your location:

  • If you’re in the U.S. or Europe outside the UK, you verify the account by making a test deposit.

    This process can take up to 10 days, although it often happens much sooner. If you don’t get a test deposit after 5 days, check if your test deposit failed.

  • If you’re in the UK, we can typically verify your account within an hour after you enter valid account information in your Payment settings.

While Google is verifying your bank account, you get a “Billing verification in progress” message on your Payments page in the Admin console. If you're setting up billing for the first time, your paid service won't begin until your account is verified.

Note: To ensure uninterrupted service, you can add a credit card to use for automatic payments until your bank account is verified. Go to Add a credit card as your primary payment method.

Fix a common alert problem

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Pay with a new payment method

  1. At the top of the page, click Pay Now in the alert.
  2. On the Make a payment screen, click the Down arrow and choose an option.
    Depending on your country/region, you might have 2 or more options to choose from, such as:
    • Add new credit or debit card
    • Add a bank account

    Go to Payment options in my country.

  3. Enter your account or card information.
  4. Click the Verify button if it displays.
  5. Click Make A Payment.
  6. (Optional) Check the box to use this payment method for future recurring payments.
    This option sets the new bank account or credit card as your primary payment method.
  7. Review the payment details, then click ConfirmGot It.
    If you added a bank account as your primary payment method, it might take a few days for your payment to go through.

Update an expired card

Follow these steps to update an expired primary payment method and then use it to make a payment.

To update an expired credit card that isn’t your primary payment method, instead follow the steps in Update your card details.

  1. At the top of the page, click Update in the alert.
  2. On the Make a payment screen, update the card expiration date and security code (CVC or CVV).
  3. Click Make A Payment.
  4. Review the payment details, then click ConfirmGot It.

Update your card details

Follow these steps if your credit card:

  • Is expiring soon, but hasn’t yet
  • Has expired, but isn’t your primary payment method

If your card has expired and it’s your primary payment method, instead follow the steps in Update an expired card.

If a credit card in your billing account is about to expire, update the card's expiration date in your Admin console. If its CVC or CVV number changes, update it too. Otherwise, we won't be able to charge your card, putting your service at risk of suspension.

Note: On the screen where you update your card’s expiration date, you can also update the cardholder name or the card’s billing address.

  1. Next to your subscription, click View payment methods.

  2. Next to the credit card you want to update, click Fix.
  3. Update the card information and save your changes.

Card number changed?

If so, you can’t change the number on the screen where you edit the details. Instead, add it as a new card. Then remove the old card from your account. Go to Remove a payment method.

I get an error message when making a payment

If you get an error when you try to make a payment in the Admin console, go to Billing error messages.

I'm still having problems after making a payment

If you made a payment, but you were charged twice or your account still isn't active, go to Troubleshoot problems after making a payment.

  • Change which payment method to use
  • View and understand transactions
  • Cancel Google Workspace

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