Which of the following is the fastest and most expensive transportation mode?

Q1. Which of the following is the fastest and most expensive transportation mode?a. railroadsb. airplanesc. pipelinesd. water carrierse. trucks

Q2. Which of the following best describes the purpose of point-of-sale displays?

Which of the following is the fastest and most expensive transportation mode?

Q3. Which of the following describes the function of search engines that act as collectionsof business Web sites representing diverse products?

Q4. Which of the following concerns finding the most effective techniques forcommunicating information about and selling a product?

Q5. Most business products are distributed through direct channels.a. Trueb. False

Q6. If prices are set too high, the company will make a large profit on each item but willsell fewer units.

Q7. The oldest and most expensive form of sales is personal selling, in which a salespersoncommunicates one-on-one with potential customers to identify their needs and align them

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Which of the following is the fastest and most expensive transportation mode?

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Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization


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The correct option is C AeroplaneAir transport includes all transport through air such as airplanes, helicopters, etc. It is the fastest means of transport and expensive too. Road transport like buses, cars, etc., are used to travel shorter distances and are quite cheaper.

Last updated date: 29th Dec 2022

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Hint: The transportation has various modes namely air transport, water transport, land transport, pipeline transport, cable transport and space transport.

Complete Step by Step Answer:

Option a: There are two types of waterways namely inland waterways and ocean waterways. Any navigable waterbody is called a waterway. Suez canal, Panama canal, Saint Lawrence Seaway and Great lakes waterway are some of the major waterways. Waterways are not the fastest mode of transport. This is the incorrect answer.

Option b: There are two types of road transport namely roadways and railways. Road transport is a type of transport in which transportation is done through the roads. ROad transport vehicles may be bikes, trucks, tractors or any animal such as horse or donkey. Roadways are not the fastest mode of transport. This is the incorrect answer.

Option c: The fastest method of transport is air transport. But it is very costly and it creates a negative impact on the environment. There are some vehicles used for air transportation namely airplanes, helicopters, airships, autogyros etc. Airways is the fastest mode of transport. This is the correct answer.

Option d: Railways can also be called as train transport. Rail transport is a way of transport in which a vehicle runs on a track. Generally the rails are powered by an engine which runs on electricity or diesel. Railways is not the fastest mode of transport. This is the incorrect answer.

Note: A movement of goods, persons and things is called transportation. Water transport is the slowest mode of transportation. It is used for the transportation of the raw material which is not affected by the speed of movement.

What is the fastest and most expensive transportation mode?

Air transport is the fastest, but also the most expensive mode of shipping. Although air cargo makes only small portion of total international freight, it is essential transport mode for many industries, such as high-tech, automotive, medical etc., where time-critical deliveries are needed.

What is the most expensive transportation mode?

Air transportation is the costliest mode of transportation whereas rail transportation is the cheapest mode of transportation.

Which is the fastest mode of transportation?

An aeroplane is the fastest mode of transport. It covers thousands of kilometres in just a few hours. So it is useful for travelling very long distances in a short time.

Which mode of transportation is the fastest and least expensive?

Among different modes of transport, Railways are the cheapest. Trains cover the distance in less time and comparatively, the fare is also less to other modes of transportation. Therefore, Railways is the cheapest mode of transportation.