Which of the following is relevant to the decision to eliminate an unprofitable segment?

An opportunity cost is the potential benefit given up by using resources in an alternative course of action



Direct materials, direct labour, and allocated fixed and variable manufacturing overhead are all relevant in a make-or-buy decision



Plant capacity is not relevant in decision making



Eliminating an unprofitable segment is always a good management decision



Sunk costs are considered relevant when choosing among alternatives because they are differential



Max Company has excess capacity. A customer proposes to buy 400 widgets at a special unit price even though the price is less than the unit variable cost to manufacture the item.

Max should accept the special order if demand on other products is unaffected



One incremental analysis decision is the allocation of limited resources



Which one of the following stages of the management decision-making process is properly sequenced?

a) Evaluate possible courses of action; make decision.

b) Review the actual impact of the decision; determine possible courses of action.

c) Assign responsibility for the decision; identify the problem.

d) Make a decision; assign responsibility.

a) Evaluate possible courses of action; make decision.

Which of the following statements about making decisions is correct?

a) Only relevant financial information should be considered.

b) All information should be considered in the final decision.

c) Management should consider both relevant financial and non-financial information.

d) Management accountants should provide the information, but they should not make recommendations. It is up to the managers to make decisions.

c) Management should consider both relevant financial and non-financial information.

Which one of the following is non-financial information that management might evaluate in making a decision?

a) opportunity costs of a decision

b) contribution margin

c) the effect on profit of a decision

d) the corporate profile in the community

d) the corporate profile in the community

Which of the following statements about incremental analysis is true?

a) It cannot be used if more than two alternatives are available.

b) It considers only cost factors, not revenue.

c) Its focus is on the past activities.

d) It only considers factors that are different for each alternative, and only those factors that will occur in the future.

d) It only considers factors that are different for each alternative, and only those factors that will occur in the future.

For which of the following decisions is incremental analysis not appropriate?

a) elimination of an unprofitable segment

b) determining cost behaviour

c) a make or buy decision

an allocation of limited d) resource decision

b) determining cost behaviour

For which of the following is incremental analysis appropriate?

a) Acceptance of a special order and a make or buy decision.

b) A retain or replace equipment decision and CVP analysis.

c) A sell or process further decision and allocation of indirect costs.

d) Elimination of an unprofitable segment and allocation of indirect costs.

a) Acceptance of a special order and a make or buy decision.

M&H Ltd. has sufficient capacity to fill an order at a special price below its usual price. The special price exceeds its variable costs.

What non-financial factors should also be considered in the decision?

a) Is there the potential for additional sales to the customer in the future?

b) How will existing customers respond if they find out about the special price?

c) If there is the potential for additional sales to the customer in the future, can a higher price be charged?

d) All of the above.

When a company does not have sufficient capacity to fill an order for less than the current selling price, what additional factor must be taken into consideration?

a) The decision process is the same whether there is sufficient capacity or not.

b) How will the lack of capacity affect the quality of the product?

c) Can resources be transferred from producing product to sell at the current price to producing product at the special price?

d) Opportunity costs.

When making a decision to accept a special order, management must consider

a) the impact that additional manufacturing time will have on unit costs of its current products.

b) whether the purchaser will accept additional high costs of a special order.

c) whether a lower price will convince the purchaser to become a regular customer.

d) whether capacity exists to meet the demand of the order.

d) whether capacity exists to meet the demand of the order.

When management has excess capacity available to it in the short run, which of the following would be the best path to follow?

a) Consider ways to reduce its fixed costs.

b) Consider accepting special orders.

c) Consider outsourcing certain products.

d) Consider mixing its product offerings in a new way.

b) Consider accepting special orders.

Which one of the following does not affect a make-or-buy decision?

a) variable manufacturing costs

b) opportunity cost

c) incremental revenue

d) direct labour

Meow Cat Toys utilizes Lincoln Fabrics by purchasing the fabric to cover toy mice for its mouse toy division. As it pertains to Lincoln Fabrics, what decision situation does this create?

a) make or buy

b) sell or process further

c) relevant costing

d) budgeting

In a sell or process further decision,

a) management should process further as long as the incremental revenues from additional processing are greater than the incremental costs.

b) the basic decision rule is: process further if the total processing costs exceeds the incremental revenue.

c) it is better to process further rather than sell now if the sales price increases.

d) the allocation of joint product costs is important and relevant.

a) management should process further as long as the incremental revenues from additional processing are greater than the incremental costs.

In a decision concerning replacing equipment

a) with new equipment, the book value of the old equipment can be considered an opportunity cost.

b) or keeping it, the salvage value of the old equipment is a sunk cost in incremental analysis.

c) with new equipment, old equipment which is not fully depreciated should always be replaced.

d) any trade-in allowance or cash disposal value of existing assets is relevant to the decision to retain or replace equipment.

d) any trade-in allowance or cash disposal value of existing assets is relevant to the decision to retain or replace equipment.

What is the salvage value of old equipment considered to be?

a) a relevant cost

b) a non-incremental cost

c) an opportunity cost

d) a cost that is not differential

What role does a trade-in allowance on old equipment play in a decision to retain or replace equipment?

a) It is relevant since it increases the cost of the new equipment.

b) It is not relevant since it reduces the cost of the old equipment.

c) It is not relevant to the decision since it does not impact the cost of the new equipment.

d) It is relevant since it reduces the cost of the new equipment.

d) It is relevant since it reduces the cost of the new equipment.

A company should

a) eliminate any segment in which the contribution margin is less than the fixed costs that are unavoidable.

b) eliminate an unprofitable product line as it will always increase the total profits of a company.

c) eliminate an unprofitable product as fixed expenses allocated to the eliminated segment will likely be eliminated.

d) identify the relevant costs in deciding whether to eliminate an unprofitable segment

d) identify the relevant costs in deciding whether to eliminate an unprofitable segment

How should that portion of fixed costs that are unavoidable be handled when making a decision on whether to eliminate an unprofitable segment?

a) They should be subtracted from the contribution margin and if that results in a net loss, the segment should be eliminated.

b) They should not be considered as they are not relevant.

c) They should be allocated to other segments. If that causes a loss in another segment, that segment should be eliminated as well.

d) Fixed costs are never relevant.

b) They should not be considered as they are not relevant.

Which of the following is a relevant to the decision to eliminate an unprofitable segment?

The correct answer is a. Common fixed costs apply to all segments, therefore they are irrelevant to the decision to eliminate an unprofitable segment. On the other hand, segment margin, revenue, and direct fixed costs are highly relevant to this decision because they directly influence it.

What is the general rule for eliminating an unprofitable department?

When deciding if a company should drop an unprofitable segment, the company should create a segment contribution margin income statement. If the contribution margin is positive, the company should consider direct and common fixed costs, what to do with freed capacity, and the effect on sales of other products.

What happens if an unprofitable segment is eliminated?

What happens if an unprofitable segment is eliminated? it is impossible for net income to decrease. variable expenses of the eliminated segment will be eliminated.

Why shouldnt an unprofitable segment automatically be eliminated?

If a company decides to eliminate an unprofitable segment, its net income will increase if the segment's contribution margin is less than the fixed costs which are eliminated.


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