Who are internal users of accounting data How does accounting provide relevant data to this users?


Who are the external users of accounting data? Gi…

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Financial Accounting: Tools for Business and Decision Making

Chapter 1

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Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso

Financial Accounting: Tools for Business and Decision Making

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What are the distinguishing features of managerial accounting?

How would you describe the difference between financial and managerial accounting? First, the primary users of reports in financial accounting is external users: stockholders, creditors, and regulators. The primary users of managerial accounting is internal users: officers and managers. Second, the types and frequency of reports for financial accounting uses financial statements and they are quarterly and annually. Managerial accounting uses internal reports and as frequently as needed. Third, the purpose of reports for financial accounting is general-purpose and managerial accounting is special-purpose for specific decisions. Fourth, content of reports for financial accounting is limited to double-entry accounting and cost data, highly aggregated (condensed), pertains to business as a whole, and generally accepted accounting principles. Managerial accounting is extended beyond double-entry accounting to any relevant data, very detailed, pertains to subunits of the business, and standard is relevance to decisions. Last, financial accounting verification process is audit by CPA and managerial accounting verification process is no independent audits.

Who are internal users of accounting data and how does accounting provide relevant data to these users?

How does accounting provide relevant data tointernal users? Internal users of accounting information are managers who plan, organize, and run a business. Internal users of accounting information are managers who plan , organize , and run a business . 5.

Who are the internal users of accounting data?

Internal users are people within a business organization who use financial information. Examples of internal users are owners, managers, and employees. External users are people outside the business entity (organization) who use accounting information.

How does accounting provide data to internal users?

The analysis of the financial information presented in the reports assist internal users such as managers to make informed decisions concerning the financial needs of a company. Also, the financial reports or statements enable the managers to make projections on the future performance of a company.

Who are internal users of accounting explain?

Internal users are those within an organization who use financial information to make day-to-day decisions. Internal users include managers and other employees who use financial information to confirm past results and help make adjustments for future activities.


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