Which of the following is an accurate statement in the context of enculturation and socialization?

  • In her work on Italian children’s play, Rebecca New used which concept to interpret her findings?
  • A. developmental pathways

    B. developmental niche

    C. developmental domain

    D. developmental outcomes

  • Which of the following IS NOT a component of the developmental niche?
  • A. physical and social setting

    B. childrearing customs and practices

    C. psychology of the caregivers

    D. political organization

  • One example of the developmental niche component – the psychology of the caregivers that surfaced in New’s work was:
  • A. mothers’ concern for the infants’ well-being

    B. the physical setting of the home

    C. parents believed they should be their child’s play partner

    D. teaching a child to pursue his or her own interests

  • In her work, New discovered a connection between play and culture. Which of the following IS TRUE?
  • A. mothers rarely verbally communicated with their infant

    B. women engaged infants in more rough– n– tumble play than most men did

    C. parents believed one important role was for them to be their infant’s play partner

    D. play was not a context for learning

  • Which of the following individuals defined culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society?
  • A. Sir Edward Tylor

    B. Charles Darwin

    C. Michael Cole

    D. Franz Boaz

  • One recent metaphor of culture includes our skills, abilities, practices, scripts and worldviews that help us navigate and make sense of our social world. This metaphor is the:
  • A. melting pot

    B. tool kit

    C. mental construct

    D. shared system of meaning

  • In the text, the definition of culture includes all of the following EXCEPT:
  • A.context for learning

    B. participating in daily cultural practices

    C. a phenomenon that shapes our thinking

    D. a phenomena that we never live, experience, or perform

  • The view of culture as a tool kit and the definition of culture presented in the text share which of the following in common?
  • A.culture is a physical artifact

    B. culture is language

    C. culture is shared

    D. culture helps us navigate and make sense of our social worlds

  • Which of the following is an example of culture as a shared system of meanings?
  • A. the form of buildings

    B. the act of creating artwork

    C. a community’s subsistence pattern

    D. a parent teaching a child appropriate ways to address an elder

  • A child helping a caregiver set the table is learning about proper table etiquette through the process of:
  • A. Socialization

    B. enculturation

    C. acculturation

    D. the developmental niche

  • Mikael’s parents immigrated to the US from the Ukraine. His caregivers use parenting practices they acquired in Russia and have adopted new parenting practices from their new home in the US. This is an example of which characteristic of culture?
  • A. adaptive and ever-changing

    B. shared

    C. symbolic

    D. transmitted

  • Nationality refers to:
  • A. a person’s place of birth

    B. the language one speaks

    C.a person’s ethnic identity

    D. the country to which a person emigrates

  • An individual who lives and participates in more than one cultural setting is:
  • A. bilingual

    B. bicultural

    C. biathletic

    D. bisymbolic

  • Ethnicity refers to:
  • A. a person’s place of birth

    B. group members who share beliefs, customs, practices, language, and ancestry

    C. individuals who live in more than one cultural setting

    D. native parenting practices

  • One difference between ethnicity and nationality is that ethnicity is:
  • A. permanent

    B. connected to a person’s country of birth

    C. set at birth

    D. a free-flowing, social construct

  • You believe that humans should all think, feel, and act alike because psychological processing is independent of the context in which human activity occurs. Your belief aligns with the concept of:
  • A. psychic unity

    B. cultural relativism

    C. universalism

    D. absolutism

  • Which of the following is a major goal of cross-cultural psychology?
  • A. to search for universals and cultural variability in the way we act, think, and feel

    B. to search for evidence for psychic unity

    C. to treat culture as an independent variable

    D. to search for evidence to support absolutism

  • Which of the following IS NOT true about cultural psychology?
  • A. the role of culture is equal to that of heredity in shaping our actions, thoughts, and feelings

    B. cultural psychologists are interested in the connection between cultural activity and psychological differences

    C. cultural participation can transform most elements of the mind

    D. culture psychology does not acknowledge the influence of nature and nurture

  • Which of the following subfields subscribes to the metaphor of culture in mind?
  • A. cultural studies

    B. anthropology

    C. cultural psychology

    D. indigenous psychology

  • You are working with a colleague who studies psychological phenomenon in local contexts, with local researchers, using locally derived measures and occasionally methods. What type of social scientist is your colleague?
  • A. indigenous psychologist

    B. cross-cultural psychologist

    C. anthropologist

    D. sociologist

  • Which of the following distinguishes anthropology from other social sciences?
  • A. an adherence to the view of psychic unity

    B. the study of humans across cultures and all times

    C. a focus on studying individual behavior rather than group behavior

    D. a focus on culture as an independent variable

  • Cultural studies:
  • A. is a multidisciplinary field

    B. focuses upon quantifying human activity

    C. do not focus upon the context in which human activity occurs

    D. accepts the position of psychic unity

  • Which two subfields share a focus upon studying groups rather than individual activity?
  • A. cultural studies and psychology

    B. cultural studies and anthropology

    C. anthropology and sociology

    D. sociology and cross-cultural psychology

  • Sociology is:
  • A. the study of human groups across all times

    B. the study of social relations, institutions, and social problems

    C. the study of psychic unity

    D. the study of the content and context in which human activity occurs

  • Which of the following is a traditional topic in sociology?
  • A. social inequality

    B. emotion

    C. language

    D. marriage

  • The view that humans think, act, and feel the same way across cultural contexts aligns with which of the following positions?
  • A. absolutism

    B. cultural relativism

    C. universalism

    D. emics and etics

  • If you believe human nature is culturally patterned, then you would agree with which of the following positions?
  • A. absolutism

    B. psychic unity

    C. cultural relativism

    D. universalism

  • Which set of terms illustrates the connection between the study of languages and how one could investigate cultures?
  • A. socialization and enculturation

    B. socialization and acculturation

    C. emics and etics

    D. phonemes and phonetics

  • Alexandra is studying the basic meaningless units of sound in Punjabi. She is studying:
  • A. phonetics

    B. emics

    C. etics

    D. phonemes

  • Cultural psychologists, indigenous psychologists, and anthropologists interested in study human activity in local contexts would most likely use which approach:
  • A. etic

    B. cross-cultural

    C. emic

    D. sociological

  • Many Westerners view female genital surgery as a dangerous and immoral procedure. Judging another community’s practices and customs in the context of your own cultural experiences is an example of:
  • A. ethnocentrism

    B. cultural relativism

    C. absolutism

    D. universalism

  • In some Pacific Rim communities, caregivers use strict physical discipline when their children do not behave appropriately. If you want to understand these beliefs and practices in their local context and in a non-judgmental way you are taking which of the following approaches:
  • A. ethnocentrism

    B. cultural relativism

    C. absolutism

    D. universalism

  • If you were trying to help someone reduce his or her ethnocentric thinking, you might suggest all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. acknowledge that we always try to interpret actions from a familiar perspective

    B. be mindful of judging behavior using your own cultural framework

    C. work at accepting the actions and practices in the local cultural and social contexts

    D. always judge others using your own cultural framework

  • Individualism is a belief system that emphasizes:
  • A. self-expression

    B. group harmony

    C. interdependent relationships

    D. sensitivity to others

  • In individualism, the self is viewed as:
  • A. interconnected

    B. bounded and distinct

    C. interdependent

    D.a conformist

  • Which of the following IS TRUE about the comparative dimension, individualism-collectivism?
  • A. cultural orientation is an all or none phenomenon

    B. all forms of collectivism are similar

    C. all members will exhibit the same level of individualism or collectivism

    D. members in some individualistic communities may display individualistic qualities

  • Which of the following forces IS NOT a reason to study culture?
  • A. ethnocentrism

    B. modernization

    C. globalization

    D. migration

  • The applied value of cultural psychology with respect to migration includes the following EXCEPT:
  • A. helping people problem solve

    B. helping people adjust to life changes

    C. improving the quality of life of relocated people

    D. forcing people to assimilate to their new host country

  • One application of cultural psychological research in US classrooms is:
  • A. instilling mainstream American values in all school age children

    B. relying upon mainstream American cultural and behavioral scripts

    C. relying upon mainstream American teaching strategies

    D. helping students bridge the gap between home and school learning practices

  • Some American teachers of Western heritages may misinterpret when Native American children remain silent in class because the teachers:
  • A. are using Western behavioral scripts and norms

    B. are taking a cultural relativist approach

    C. are taking a universalist approach

    D. are taking an absolutist approach

  • According to San Pedro, silence fulfills several purposes for Native American children which include:
  • A. not wishing to contribute to the class discussion

    B. identity construction

    C. a strategy not be called upon in class

    D. a way to disengage in class

  • One reason some Native Hawaiian children have difficulty in school is:
  • A. a disruptive home life

    B. a disconnect between home and school cultural practices

    C. an emphasis upon group learning experiences in the classroom

    D. a compartmentalized approach to learning at home

  • Which of the following programs has been successful in helping improve Native Hawaiian children’s school success?
  • A. Bridging Culture

    B. Bridging the Gap

    C. The Kamehameha Elementary Education Program

    D. The Honolulu Elementary Education Program

  • Which of the following programs has been successful in helping improve Latino/a children’s school success?
  • A. Bridging Cultures

    B. Bridging the Gap

    C. The Kamehameha Elementary Education Program

    D. The Honolulu Elementary Education Program

  • Which text illustrates the connection between children’s cultural routines and developmental outcomes?
  • A. Bridging Culture

    B. Playing on the Mother Ground

    C. The Kamehameha Elementary Education Program

    D. The Honolulu Elementary Education Program

  • In his work, Playing on the Mother Ground, Lancy argues that:
  • A. teachers play a critical role in children’s academic success

    B. it is not necessary to bridge the gap between home and school learning practices

    C. cultural routines help children acquire the norms and skills to be successful in their settings

    D. parents should be their children’s conversational partners

  • According to Lancy, what is the function of the ‘mother-ground?”
  • A. to provide a space for children’s play close to adults so adults can keep an eye on children

    B. to keep mothers and infants in close proximity

    C. to keep mothers close to their infants for feedings

    D. to provide a place for adults to socialize

  • According to Lancy, Kpelle children’s make believe play involves:
  • A. fantasy scripts

    B. gender segregated groups

    C. reenacting adult activities

    D. manufactured play objects

  • For many children, play functions as:
  • A. a context for learning

    B. a distraction for children

    C. a way for adults to keep an eye on children

    D. a way to strengthen adult-child relationships

  • The connection between culture and business surfaces in all the following statements EXCEPT?
  • A. Chinese professionals emphasize the importance of personal relationships in their business dealings

    B. many Americans separate business and personal relationships

    C. Chinese professionals work at cultivating relationships

    D. ensuring the business partnership is profitable

  • Many Chinese companies prefer long term business contracts. These companies want to do business with people they trust. This connects to Chinese cultural values which emphasize:
  • A. individuality

    B. self-expression

    C. uniqueness

    D. sensitivity to others

  • Cultural psychology emphasizes the importance of accepting and understanding actions in the context in which they occur. One such area is non-verbal communication. Which of the following IS TRUE if you are an Australian conducting business in China?
  • A. It is impolite to make direct eye contact with a boss

    B. Be sure to make direct eye contact with the boss

    C. Be sure to shake hands after a business meeting

    D. Be sure to bow at the waist to every company employee

  • For clinicians, understanding and being sensitive to your client’s cultural heritage can affect all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. the goals of the therapeutic process

    B. whether the client will seek therapy

    C. what the client is able or willing to disclose to the therapist

    D. no difficulty in identifying with the therapist

  • Helen Morton Lee’s Becoming Tongan: An Ethnography of Childhood illustrates which of the following?
  • A. culture in mind

    B. the connection between cultural practices, parental beliefs about children, and developmental outcomes

    C. the cultural historical developmental approach to human activity

    D. the cultural relativist perspective

  • According to Helen Morton Lee, the goal of socialization practices for Tongan children is:
  • A. to acquire poto

    B. to value conformity

    C. to value sensitivity to others

    D. to value individuality

  • What commonality do Kpelle and Tongan children share?
  • A. social status is important in each society

    B. they learn similar economic skills

    C. they learn cultural values and skills through observation and participation in daily activities

    D. they both play on the mother ground

  • Which of the following cultural values IS NOT part of a Tongan child’s lived experiences?
  • A. love

    B. obedience

    C. respect

    D. uniqueness

  • According to the developmental niche, which of the following is an example of a Tongan caregiver psychological characteristic?
  • A. adults believe children’s negative behaviors are simply natural

    B. adults do not believe they should play with their children

    C. children rarely watch adults to observe adult behavior

    D. children learn to bow at very young ages

  • Which of the following is a gesture of respect?
  • A. Tuluo

    B. poto

    C. poto he anga

    D. smacking games

  • In Tonga, cultural models connect to help children learn appropriate ways to express emotions. Which of the following is an example?
  • A. teaching a child how to bow

    B. teaching a child a formal and respectful reply

    C. when the caregiver uses threatening actions and cuddling with their young infant

    D. when adults play smacking games with infants

  • In their works, Lancy and Lee both illustrate:
  • A. how cultural practices shape developmental outcomes

    B. the importance of emics and etics in research

    C. the value of using indigenous approaches

    D. the differences between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism

    Are the first and most important agents of socialization and enculturation agents who help instill cultural mores and values in children?

    The first and most important of these agents is parents, who help instill cultural mores and values in their children, reinforcing those mores and values when they are learned and practiced well and correcting mistakes in that learning. provides a useful framework for organizing the many dimensions of enculturation.

    What is the context of enculturation?

    As a concept, enculturation is the process of learning the norms, values, and practices of a culture through unconscious, tacit repetition. The totality of actions within a culture—everything from institutional procedures to everyday behaviors—sets the conditions for what is possible in a society.

    Which of the following is a difference between high context cultures and low context cultures quizlet?

    Which of the following is an example of the difference between a​ low-context culture and a​ high-context culture? An employee from a​ high-context culture is more likely than one from a​ low-context culture to ignore a deadline.

    Which of the following statements is true of the cultural indigenous perspective to personality?

    Which of the following statements is true of the cultural indigenous perspective to personality? It rejects the possibility of biological and genetic mechanisms underlying the universality of personality.