Which of the following is a foundation competency required of OD practitioners?

By Libby Anderson April 24, 2008

Q: HR competencies have drawn a lot of attention as we work to become more strategic. What organizational development (OD) competencies should I be developing, and how do I develop them?

A: Organizational development is receiving more attention as companies engage in the global marketplace, competition increases and organizations see the need to be more proactive about change and overall business outcomes. In addition, this discipline is becoming more closely aligned with HR.

Much research continues to be done in the field of HR competencies. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Human Resource Development study module for the Human Resource Certification Institute’s certification notes a recent study that identifies six specific competencies. Because OD is tied to improving organizational effectiveness, often through planned change intervention and management, all six could apply. The roles associated with these competencies are:

  • Credible Activist: Combinescredibility and activism, often referred to as “HR with an attitude.”
  • Culture and Change Steward: Facilitates culture changesthrough the development of disciplines and implementation of strategy.
  • Talent Manager/Organizational Designer: Practices effective techniques that combine talent management and organizational design.
  • Strategy Architect: Participates and actively supports an overall strategy that maintains an organization’s sustainability.
  • Operational Executor: Understands and executes an organization’s operational strategies to support its business goals and people.
  • Business Ally: Contributes to the success of the organization by understanding the business of the business and planning change as the organization evolves.

In addition, the 2007 SHRM “Research Quarterly” titled Organizational Development: A Strategic HR Tool identifies essential competencies for organizational development professionals. Among the competencies noted are the ability to:

  • Manage the consulting process.
  • Diagnose and analyze.
  • Design and choose appropriate interventions.
  • Facilitate and process consultation.
  • Develop client capability.
  • Evaluate organizational change.

The report specifies key values that represent OD but can translate into needed competencies. These values are respect and inclusion, collaboration, authenticity, self-awareness, empowerment and democracy/social justice.

In summary, the OD competencies that are essential for the practitioner to be most effective relate to understanding and practicing these concepts: business strategy, change management and effective communications/leadership skills.

Libby Anderson M.S., SPHR, is president of EDA Human Resource Services and the Southwest Florida Employer’s Association. She is a member of SHRM's Organizational Development Special Expertise Panel and can be reached at .

With the development of new and varied intervention approaches, the role of the OD professional needs to be seen as being along the entire continuum from client-centered to consultant-centered.


True False

What are the ethical considerations of an OD practitioner?


Not Answered

Which of the following is a foundation competency required of organization development practitioners?


Multiple Choice

Discuss the role of the OD practitioner in depth. Outline the skills associated with effective practitioners.

Not Answered

Which is true of external OD consultants?

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Following entry and contracting, an OD practitioner starts diagnosing an organization or department.

True False

Which is generally correct concerning OD practitioners?

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The evidence suggests that OD careers are

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Which of the following is not a "core" skill of an OD practitioner?

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To be able to design and execute an intervention is not a requirement for the OD practitioner.

True False

refers to the ability to recognize and express emotions appropriately, to use emotions in decisions, and to regulate emotions.

Multiple Choice

Ethical dilemmas of the OD practitioner concern

Multiple Choice

Contrast the role of the internal consultant with that of the external consultant.

Not Answered

The term Organizational Development Practitioners refers specifically to external consultants on large scale projects.

True False

Compare and contrast the client-centered and consultant-centered approaches to OD. Discuss situations where each might be appropriate.

Not Answered

Despite the flexibility of the OD profession, most OD professionals have had specific training in OD.

True False

Which is the foundation competency for the OD practitioners?

In summary, the OD competencies that are essential for the practitioner to be most effective relate to understanding and practicing these concepts: business strategy, change management and effective communications/leadership skills.

Which of the following are important skills for an OD practitioner?

The most important OD skills are listening, integrity, and organizational diagnosis.

Which of the following is not a core competency of an OD practitioner?

Which of the following is NOT an interpersonal competency of an effective OD practitioner? All tutors are evaluated by Course Hero as an expert in their subject area. Diagnosing the root problem is an intrapersonal competency not an interpersonal competency for OD practitioners.

What role can OD practitioners play in developing and implementing competency approaches in organizations?

OD professionals are adept at designing and implementing employee engagement strategies; facilitating communication between employees and work groups; and articulating and codifying talent and leadership principles, values, and competencies that guide the organization's culture.