Which of the following is a characteristic of an lower motor neuron lesion quizlet?

o CN I: loss of smell (sinus conditions, head trauma, smoking, aging, cocaine, Parkinsons)
o CN II: inspect disc for bulging, blurred margins (papilledema), pallor (optic atrophy), cup enlargement (glaucoma);
o CN II and III: CN III palsy pupil reacts poorly to light or anisocoria, Ptosis and opthalmoplegia: intracranial aneurysm; Horner syndrome: anisocoria worsens in darkness, small pupil has abnormal pupillary dilation
o CN III, IV, VI: nystagmus: indicative of cerebellar disease and vestibular disorders; Ptosis: CN III palsy, Horner syndrome or myasthenia gravis
o CN VII: look for flattened NS fold or drooping eyelid for deficit

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Terms in this set (58)

Which signs point to a diagnosis of Alzheimer disease? Select all that apply.

Mood swings
Loss of initiative

Which type of basic reflex includes the pupillary response and accommodation?


Which statement describes decerebrate rigidity?

Back is hyperextended, and the palms are pronated.

The nerve fibers present in the posterior column of the spinal cord carry information about which sensation?

Position and vibration

Which findings would the nurse observe in a patient with flaccid quadriplegia? Select all that apply.

Complete loss of muscle tone
Paralysis of all four extremities

Which type of tremor is common in a patient with cerebral palsy?


The reflex arc consists of which structures? Select all that apply.

Sensory nerve
Motor nerve
Neuromuscular junction

The patient with aphasia has lost which ability?

Understand language

Which test is used to assess for a sensory cortex lesion?

Point location

Which muscle tone abnormality would the nurse anticipate in a patient with Guillain-Barré syndrome?


Which cranial nerve would the nurse assess by touching a cotton wisp to the patient's forehead, cheeks, and chin?

V (trigeminal nerve)

Damage to which cranial nerve can cause drooping of the upper eyelids in the patient with myasthenia gravis?


The nurse flashes light into the eyes of a 5-year-old child and observes ocular misalignment and a deviated gaze. Which term would the nurse use to document this finding?


Which statement describes the efferent fibers?

Motor neurons carrying impulses to the muscles, organs, and glands

Which test helps screen the gross and fine motor coordination skills of a child?

Denver II

Which percentage of the population has a dominant left hemisphere, including those who are left-handed?


Which response to the brachioradialis reflex test is documented as normal?

Flexion and supination of the forearm

Which reflex helps the nurse assess the functioning of cranial nerve VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve) in an infant?

Acoustic blink

Which assessments are included in the Glasgow Coma Scale? Select all that apply.

Eye opening
Verbal response
Motor response

Which conditions are characteristic of lower motor neuron lesions? Select all that apply.

Muscular atrophy

Which tract of the central nervous system carries the sensations of pain and temperature?

Lateral spinothalamic

In which location would the nurse test a patient's superficial reflex?

Sole of the foot

How would an adult patient normally respond to the plantar reflex?

Flexing the toes

In which patient would the nurse expect to find a palmar grasp reflex and a positive Babinski reflex?


Which test involves the placement of a paper clip in the palm of a patient whose eyes are closed and asking him or her to recognize the object?


The nurse assesses the patient's deep tendon reflexes to be very brisk and hyperactive, with clonus. Which grade would the nurse enter in the patient's medical record?


The patient with cerebellar damage will likely experience a change in which characteristic?

Voluntary movements

The nurse anticipates the patient with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 3 to be in which condition?


The nurse suspects damage to which cranial nerve in a patient who has an asymmetric smile and is unable to wrinkle the forehead?

VII (facial nerve)

With the eyes closed, the patient is unable to identify by touch a key that is placed in the hand. The nurse uses which term to document this finding?


Injury to which cranial nerve may cause anosmia in the patient?

I (olfactory nerve)

During the neurologic assessment, the nurse asks the patient to stand straight with the eyes closed. The nurse then instructs the patient to stretch out both arms with the palms facing up and to hold that position. The nurse observes that the patient's left palm starts turning downward within 10 seconds, though the patient can hold the right hand steady. Which condition would the nurse suspect?

Pronator drift

Which instruction would the nurse give the patient to perform the Romberg test?

"Stand with feet together and eyes open then closed."

Which response by the infant to having the nose pinched indicates a normally functioning cranial nerve XII?

Opens the mouth and raises the tongue

Which action by the student nurse assessing a patient's pain perception requires correction?

Applying the tongue blade on the patient's body in a systematic order

The patient with difficulty swallowing and regurgitation of ingested fluids through the nose may have a lesion on which cranial nerve?

X (vagus nerve)

The nurse observes an older adult patient experience tremors while reaching for a pen. No tremors are noted at rest. Which medication would the nurse anticipate administering to the patient?

Diazepam (Valium)

Patients with which condition are at an increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke?


Which condition in the 3-year-old child prompts the nurse to suspect pyramidal tract disease?

Positive Babinski reflex

The patient with multiple sclerosis may experience sequelae because of demyelination of which cranial nerves? Select all that apply.

II (optic nerve)
III (oculomotor nerve)

Which disorder would the nurse suspect in the patient who cannot touch the tip of the nose with the forefinger and loses balance when the eyes are closed?

Cerebellar dysfunction

A lesion in which part of the brain is suspected in the patient displaying decorticate posturing?

Cerebral hemispheres

The nurse finds that a patient has crossed knees, fatigue, nystagmus, and diplopia. During the assessment, the nurse also observes that the patient is unable to maintain balance with the eyes closed. Which complication is present in the patient?

Multiple sclerosis

The nurse asks the patient to close the eyes and then traces the number 5 on the patient's palm. The patient is unable to identify the number even after repeated attempts. This finding could indicate damage to which part of the patient's brain?

Sensory cortex

A patient presents with prolonged arching of the back with the head and heels bent backward. Which condition would the nurse suspect in the patient?

Meningeal irritation

The patient on long-term therapy for seizures has a staggering gait and positive Romberg sign. Which type of medication is probably responsible for this patient's symptoms?


Which reflex, if present in a 6-month-old infant, would prompt the nurse to immediately refer the patient to the provider?


The nurse is helping stabilize a patient who is experiencing a generalized seizure with tachycardia and violent muscular contractions. Which symptoms would the nurse expect to see once these symptoms cease? Select all that apply.


The nurse notes the absence of corneal, abdominal, and cremasteric reflexes on the right side of the patient's body with spastic paralysis on the left side of the body. Which is the probable reason for this condition?

Damage to the corticospinal tract

The patient reports a sudden and severe throbbing headache and right arm weakness. Upon assessment, the nurse notes facial drooping and stuttered speech. The MRI reveals the development of an atherosclerotic plaque in the middle cerebral artery. The nurse anticipates the diagnosis of which type of stroke?


The nurse observes a palmar grasp reflex in an 8-month-old infant and anticipates which diagnosis?

Frontal lobe lesion

Degeneration of which structure would the nurse suspect in the patient with resting tremors, abnormally slow movement, flat expression, reduced eye blinking, and slouched posture?

Dopamine-producing neurons

The presence of which pathologic reflexes prompt the nurse to suspect meningeal irritation? Select all that apply.


Which tests would the nurse perform to assess cerebellar function in a patient? Select all that apply.


Which condition would the nurse suspect has caused the patient to experience stiff extension of the upper and the lower extremities, clenching of the teeth, and hyperextension?

Lesion in the upper pons

For which conditions would the nurse assess in the patient unable to recognize the smell of coffee? Select all that apply.

Allergic rhinitis
Fracture of the cribriform plate

Which assessments indicate that the patient is in the tonic phase of a generalized seizure? Select all that apply.

Bites the tongue
Opening of the mouth and the eyes

The patient reports a loss of pain and temperature sensation in the right lumbar region and has also lost the sensations of vibration and position discrimination on the left side of the lumbar region. The nurse anticipates which diagnosis?

Brown-Séquard syndrome

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Common stocks issued by Meggitt Sensing Systems paid stockholders $0.93 per share on an average price of$18.80 last year. The company expects to grow the dividend rate at a maximum of 1.5% per year. The stock volatility is 1.19, and other stocks in the same industry are paying an average of 4.95% per year dividend. U.S Treasury bills are returning 4.5%. Determine the company’s cost of equity capital last year using (a) the dividend method and (b) the CAPM.

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Consider an object that is thrown vertically up with initial speed $$ v_o $$ in a linear medium. (a) Measuring y upward from the point of release, write expressions for the object's velocity $$ v_y(t) $$ and position y(t). (b) Find the time for the object to reach its highest point and its position $$ y_{max} $$ at that point. (c) Show that as the drag coefficient approaches zero, your last answer reduces to the well-known result $$ y_{max} = 1/2 v_o^2/g $$ or an object in the vacuum.

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Consider a Widlar current source, with parameters given in previous problem. Choose appropriate transistor parameters. Connect a $50 \mathrm{k} \Omega$ resistor between $V^{+}$and the collector of $Q_2$ as a load. Using a computer simulation, determine $I_{\mathrm{REF}}, I_O, V_{B E 1}$, and $V_{B E 2}$

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What are the characteristics of lower motor neuron lesions?

Unlike UMNs, LMN lesions present with muscle atrophy, fasciculations (muscle twitching), decreased reflexes, decreased tone, negative Babinsky sign, and flaccid paralysis.

Which of the following is characteristic of a lower motor neuron disease?

Lower motor neuron (LMN) syndromes are clinically characterised by muscle atrophy, weakness and hyporeflexia without sensory involvement. They may arise from disease processes affecting the anterior horn cell or the motor axon and/or its surrounding myelin.

What is a lower motor neuron lesion?

The term lower motor neuron lesion refers to any disorder producing loss of function of the lower motor neuron supply to somatic musculature. This may result from any process that damages or reduces functioning of the lower motor neuron perikaryon, or the axon or its surrounding myelin.

What are three symptoms of lower motor neuron disease?

Lower motor neuron syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:.
The effects can be limited to small groups of muscles. ... .
Muscle atrophy. ... .
Weakness. ... .
Fasciculation. ... .
Fibrillation. ... .
Hypotonia. ... .