Which of the following behavior therapy techniques has been used to help people overcome a fear of flying quizlet?

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In the alarm reaction stage, stress stimulates the body to send messages to the hypothalamus to the glands, which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nerve fibers "charge up" the vital signs at any hint of danger to prepare the body's defenses—fight, flight, or freeze. The adrenal glands release adrenaline (epinephrine), which causes the body to take in more oxygen, dilate the pupils, and increase arterial pressure and heart rate while constricting the peripheral vessels and shunting blood from the gastrointestinal and reproductive systems and increasing glycogenolysis to release free glucose for the heart, muscles, and central nervous system. When the danger has passed, parasympathetic nerve fibers reverse this process and return the body to normal operating conditions until the next sign of threat reactivates the sympathetic nervous system. During the resistance stage of the generalized anxiety syndrome, if the threat has ended, the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated and the body responses relax. If the threat persists, the body will eventually enter the exhaustion stage when the body stores are depleted as a result of the continual arousal of the physiologic responses and little reserve capacity.



Moderate anxiety is the disturbing feeling that something is definitely wrong; the person becomes nervous or agitated. In moderate anxiety, the person can still process information, solve problems, and learn new things with assistance from others. He or she has difficulty concentrating independently but can be redirected to the topic. Mild anxiety is a sensation that something is different and warrants special attention. Sensory stimulation increases and helps the person focus attention to learn, solve problems, think, act, feel, and protect himself or herself. As the person progresses to severe anxiety and panic, more primitive survival skills take over, defensive responses ensue, and cognitive skills decrease significantly. A person with severe anxiety has trouble thinking and reasoning.

A, D, E


Client/family education for panic disorder includes reviewing breathing control and relaxation techniques, discussing positive coping strategies, encouraging regular exercise, emphasizing the importance of maintaining prescribed medication regimen and regular follow-up, describing time management techniques such as creating "to do" lists with realistic estimated deadlines for each activity, crossing off completed items for a sense of accomplishment, saying "no," and stressing the importance of maintaining contact with community and participating in supportive organizations. Medication should be adhered to as prescribed. Daily responsibilities cannot be avoided, rather should be successfully accomplished.

Which of the following techniques have behavior therapists used to help people overcome a fear of flying 1 point?

One technique used by psychologists to help people overcome their fear of flying is controlled exposure. Exposure-based therapies work by gradually exposing the person to the object or situation that frightens them. In general, people with a fear of flying tend to avoid it.

Which of the following techniques would behavior therapists most likely use to help people overcome a fear or phobia of flying?

Which of the following behavior therapy techniques would MOST likely be used to treat a fear of flying? cognitive therapy.

Which of the following techniques have behavior therapists used to help?

Behavioral therapy techniques use reinforcement, punishment, shaping, modeling, and related techniques to alter behavior. These methods have the benefit of being highly focused, which means they can produce fast and effective results.

Which behavior modification technique is useful in the treatment of phobias quizlet?

Systematic desensitization and flooding are behavioral therapies used in the treatment of phobias.


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