Which of the following are the five main characteristics of a vision quizlet?

Leader's visions are communicated through vision statements. Vision statements are meant to inspire workers and evidence shows that they impact an organization performance as well as individual performance. Vision statements are long term goals that are not meant to be easily achieved, but still worked towards on a daily basis. An effect vision statement has the following characteristics: brevity, clarity, abstractness and stability, future orientation, challenge, desirability or ability to inspire, and identification of intended products, markets, and strategy. Below is an explanation of a visions statement's characteristics.
-Brevity - a vision statement should be concise and easy to remember. It should also be easy to communicate.
- Clarity - it is important for a vision statement to be clear - free from jargon and buzz-words. The vision statement should be concise, but understandable. This is important because it communicated a clear message to employees.
-Abstractness and stability - abstractness helps eliminate one clear path to achieving the vision statement; there should be several ways to reach it. Abstractness in a vision statement also helps provide flexibility; which will help employees make decisions. Stability implies that the vision should remain in place over the long run. The vision statement should be obtainable, but timeless.
-Challenge - a vision statement should be a challenge for employees, but not impossible. This encourages employees to work hard to achieve it, but does not discourage people from trying.
-Future orientation - vision statements are long term and describe an organizations long-term desired end state
-Desirability or ability to inspire - a vision statement should motivate and inspire employees to work towards it and should portray a picture of an ideological nature
-Identification of intended products, markets, and strategy - a vision statement should be specific to relevant products, markets, and strategies. It should also establish what the company is willing to do to succeed and what it is not willing to do.

Wally should work to create a vision statement that is consistent with the above characteristics. But most importantly, Wally must effectively communicate that vision statement. Wally can do this many ways. He can trickle them down through his direct reports via evaluations, post the statements throughout the building; in hallways or in conference rooms.

The different principles of implementing the vision are as follows: build understanding of the vision among the top management team; communicate the vision statement to highly influential and cooperative individuals in the organization; encouraging a high degree of participation in the implementation of the vision statement; teach followers to carry out the vision statement through motivation and inspiration, encourage leaders to behave in ways that are consistent with the vision statement; and finally use symbols, metaphors, and images that are consistent with the vision statement.

The ways to implement an effective vision statement:
-Build understanding of the Vision among the top management team. - ensure that the top management team understands the vision statement by consistently and repeatedly communicating the vision statement to them.
-Begin by communicating the VS to highly influential and cooperative individuals in the organization - use influential members (from all levels) of the organization to help communicate the vision statement. This will help in two ways 1) communicating the vision statement will be easier and 2) these key members can serve as role models whose behavior is consistent with the vision statement.
-Encourage a high degree of participation in the implementation of the VS - a good way to ensure the vision statement will be carried out is to involve followers in the implementation process. This gets followers involved, making them feel more connected to the vision statement. Additionally, followers may have valuable new ideas.
-Motivate, inspire and teach followers to carry out the vision statement - a leader can motivate followers through setting goals and rewarding followers when goals have been met as well as providing coaching to followers. Leaders who set high goals or performance expectations for followers tend to see high performance levels in their people.
-Role model behaviors that are consistent with the vision statement - Leaders must set the example for followers. Leaders should display behavior that is consistent with the vision statement. If followers see their leader's acting true to the vision statement then they will follow with their own behavior. If a leader's behavior is not consistent then followers will likely lose sight of the vision statement; they will not be motivated to keep true to the vision statement.
-Use symbols, images and metaphors that are consistent with the vision statement - symbols, images and metaphors can be effective tools to send messages and communicate the vision. A symbols, image, or metaphor can be more memorable than words and can also elicit an emotional response from followers.

Wally should use these tools to implement his vision statement in his company. They have proven to be useful and powerful.

Lenventhal expanded on the theory of procedural justice. Lenventhal reinforced the importance of voice. Lenventhal also stated that 1) people care about fair proceedings in contexts other than dispute resolution and 2) when people consider fair procedures in these contexts, they consider additional factors to voice.
Leventhal's six rules of fair procedures are consistency, bias suppression, accuracy, correctability, representation, and ethicality.
Consistency states that procedures should be consistent across persons and time. Consistency is important because it eliminates the perception of favoritism.
Bias suppression states that procedures should not be affected by personal self-interest or blind allegiance to existing procedures. Again bias suppression eliminates the perception of favoritism and additionally eliminates the perception that leaders are acting in their own self-interest.
The accuracy rule states that procedures should be based on completely accurate and valid information. Having a procedure that is not accurate can easily lead to the dismissal or refusal to follow said procedure.
In terms of correctability, procedures should include opportunities to modify and reverse decision. I feel correctability is tied to followers feeling like they have a voice. If followers perceive a procedure as being unfair they should be able to voice their opinion and have the procedure reconsidered.
Representation states that procedures should reflect the basic concerns, values, and outlooks of the individuals who are affected by them. If a procedure does not reflect the above mentioned then it loses its importance and will be viewed as pointless and easily dismissed.
The ethicality rule states that procedures should be consistent with moral and ethical values held by those involved individuals. If a procedure is not, then it will most likely be dismissed by the employees and as a result become pointless.
Perceptions of procedural fairness are important because they can predict key outcomes such as job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is often a good indicator of job performance.

There are six different types of power: legitimate, reward, coercive, control of information, expert, and referent powers.
Legitimate power is derived from authority. Legitimate power is typically strongest between and boss and subordinate than in relation to peers, superiors, or outsiders. The best way to exercise one's legitimate power is to do it respectfully, for example a polite request will be more effective than an arrogant demand.
Reward power is derived from having control over desired resources and rewards. Typically authorities have more reward power than peers do, but sometimes peers can provide rewards.
Coercive power is having the control over punishments or having the ability to prevent someone from getting rewards. Coercive power is typically more prominent in a boss-subordinate relationship and can be dangerous to use. Coercive power is typically not the best approach for a boss to take as the employees typically resent this type of behavior and may leave their position as a result.
Control of information is the power to control the distribution of information to others. This type of power can be possessed by anyone in an organization.
Expert power is perceived expertise in solving problems or performing tasks. This power again can be possessed by any member of an organization. However, expertise is a power only if others depend on the information or seek advice.
Referent Power is similar to the likeability influence factor. Reverent power is gained when followers have feelings of admiration or loyalty to a leader. It is a strong power because not only will the leader have the ability to influence people to do work, but the followers have a desire to do good work for the leader.
I am working to increase my expert power and referent power. My expert power comes from the fact that I am the only person in my current position. I have expert knowledge of my position. My position involved getting many parties to sign off on a document. I serve as a liaison between two groups. I have gained experience with the approvers so that I can relay this information back to the line of business. I am also always working on my referent power. I believe in the power of likeability. If people like you, they are willing to listen to you, give you credit, and believe what you are saying. I cannot do my work without others; meaning, I have to get information out of people. I find that if people like you then people work better together and people are also more willing to rush certain documents if I need them quickly or help in other ways.

The different types of influence include: rations persuasion, apprising, inspiration appeals, consultation, exchange tactics, collaboration, personal appeals, ingratiation tactics, legitimating tactics, pressure tactics, and coalition tactics.
Rational persuasion is the ability to use logical arguments and factual evidence that a request is important or feasible. The rational persuasion tactic can be used to convince a boss that there is a legitimate need for an additional employee. A good way to use this tactic is to record one's allocated time to work and demonstrate that there is more than 40 hours of work expected of one person. One way to do this is to record the amount of time one spends on tasks and what one is expected to produce in a week. Additionally, a subordinate can bring a log of overtime worked or carefully explain that deadlines simply cannot be met. Good solid evidence is needed for this method to be successful.
A subordinate may consider using the collaboration tactic with a boss. Collaboration is when an employee offers to help a boss carry out a task. An employee may recognize that a boss is having trouble executing something in excel or perhaps the boss is performing a task manually. The employee may have expert knowledge of excel; with formulas or macros for example. Another way for a subordinate to use the collaboration tactic is by volunteering to take on a task for a boss. Collaboration can be beneficial for both parties. The boss will get help with a task or find ways to reduce time spent on a task and the employee may gain referent power with that boss, which could have potential long term benefits.
A boss can use the apprising tactic with a subordinate. The apprising tactics is emphasizing the benefits of a request by using information or logic. For example, a boss may highlight that by taking on a task will in turn increase an employee's marketability. The employee will gain a skill set and that skill set may help in future career opportunities. A boss may also suggest an alternate way of performing a task and may highlight the potential benefits that come from the adjustment. Perhaps the adjustment reduces the amount of manual work or saves the employee time in performing that task.
A boss can also use consultation tactic; which involves an attempt to increase the target person's commitment by carry a request by involving the person or person in planning or determining how a task will be done. A boss could ask a person to produce information on a particular subject or hold working session to solve for a problem. This tactic enables subordinates to feel as if they have a voice. Seriously working with or considering the proposals of those employees will benefit the boss as it may increase job satisfaction, reverent power, and overall productivity by the employees.

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What are the main characteristics of a vision? Research on visionary leader- ship suggests that visions have five characteristics: a picture, a change, values, a map, and a challenge (Nanus, 1992; Zaccaro & Banks, 2001).

Which are characteristics of a vision statement quizlet?

An effect vision statement has the following characteristics: brevity, clarity, abstractness and stability, future orientation, challenge, desirability or ability to inspire, and identification of intended products, markets, and strategy.

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