Which of the following adolescents would have the strongest ethnic racial identity

Which of the following adolescents would have the strongest ethnic racial identity

Resources on Ethnic-Racial Identity

"The Need to Foster Ethnic-Racial Identity in School"


American Educator; Rivas-Drake, D. & Umaña-Taylor, A. J.

This article excerpts from Below the Surface: Talking with Teens about Race, Ethnicity, and Identity, a book by Rivas-Drake and Umaña-Taylor on current ethnic-racial disparities and tensions in the US with focus on youth. They conclude by suggesting “that not only can youth have a strong ethnic-racial identity and still view other groups positively, but having a strong ethnic-racial identity actually makes it possible for youth to have a less superficial or more genuine understanding, and therefore value, for other groups.”

Exemplar Factsheets about Race, Ethnicity, and Ethnic-Racial Identity Development 

Understanding Ethnic-Racial Identity Development by Gabe Murchison

Race & Ethnicity in the Classroom by Olivia Wheeler

Ethnic Identity (Spanish) for Parents by Michael Vazquez

The above factsheets were created by students in Dr. Umaña-Taylor's H608 Ethnic-Racial Identity Development course at Harvard Graduate School of Education. 

Resources to Manage Classroom Dynamics around Ethnic-Racial Identity 

Through our research, we have learned that a strong sense of ethnic-racial identity can lead to positive outcomes for adolescents, especially those who experience ethnic- or race-based discrimination. The development of ethnic-racial identity is a complex process, as teens explore what their race and ethnicity mean to them, try to understand the role of their race and ethnicity in their everyday lives, and decide how they feel about that aspect of themselves. The Identity Project curriculum was designed to provide adolescents of any ethnic-racial background with tools and strategies that help them explore and understand their constantly evolving identity in relation to their race and ethnicity. However, for educators, it can be difficult to navigate these conversations that may arise during the Identity Project without guidance and support. We offer educators and other adults supporting youth ethnic-racial identity development the below “You May Be Wondering” sheets to offer practical guidance and tools to best navigate conversations about race, ethnicity and identity.

Addressing Racial Jokes 

Addressing Stereotypes

Addressing Race and Racism at School 

Supporting Students and Perspective Taking 

Addressing Student Questions


This study examined the links among Chinese American adolescents' (N = 96) global ethnic identity and their ethnic behaviors, ethnic identity salience, and psychological well-being based on daily diaries collected over a 2-week period. The daily association between engagement in ethnic behaviors and ethnic salience was positive regardless of overall ethnic identity. The daily-level association between ethnic identity salience and well-being, however, was dependent on adolescents' global ethnic identity. Among adolescents who were moderate or high in global ethnic identity, ethnic identity salience was consistently associated with positive well-being at the daily level. In contrast, the daily association between ethnic identity salience and well-being was less strong for youths who were low in ethnic identity. Additionally, a higher level of salience and a weaker association between salience and negative symptoms was found for girls than for boys, and older youths reported a weaker association between salience and positive symptoms than did younger youths.

Journal Information

As the flagship journal of the Society for Research in Child Development, Child Development has published articles, essays, reviews, and tutorials on various topics in the field of child development since 1930. Spanning many disciplines, the journal provides the latest research, not only for researchers and theoreticians, but also for child psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers, specialists in early childhood education, educational psychologists, special education teachers, and other researchers.

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What is ethnic identity in adolescence?

Ethnic identity develops in adolescence and is passed from one generation to the next through customs, traditions, language, religious practice, and cultural values. Our ethnic and racial identities are also influenced by the popular media, literature, and current events.

Which of the following is a reason that identity development is an adolescent issue quizlet?

Which of the following is a reason that "identity development" is an adolescent issue? Changes take place during adolescence that cause young people to change how they view and feel about themselves.

Why is identity an issue in adolescence?

When a teen is developing their identity they are learning what makes them unique while also feeling the need to fit in. For teens who feel excluded from others due to their cultural, ethnic, gender, or sexual identity, this process can lead teens to begin participating in harmful behavior.

Which factor encourages the development of a strong positive ethnic identity quizlet?

Ethnic socialization by parents encourages adolescents to think positively about their ethnic heritage, which may lead to a stronger sense of ethnic identity.