Which of the following activities would be performed as a part of managerial accounting

Question: Accounting is an information and measurement system that identifies, records, and communicates relevant, reliable, and comparable information about an organization’s business activities. Classify the following activities as part of the identifying (I), recording (R), or communicating (C) aspects of accounting. 1. Analyzing and interpreting reports. 2. Presenting financial information. 3. Keeping a log of service costs. 4. Measuring the costs of a product. 5. Preparing financial statements. 6. Seeing revenues generated from a service. 7. Observing employee tasks behind a product. 8. Registering cash sales of products sold.

Revenues are the amount earned by businesses in exchange for goods or services and matching of activity with aspect of accounting is shown in step 2

May 16, 2022/ Steven Bragg

Managerial accounting involves collecting, analyzing, and reporting information about the operations and finances of a business. These reports are generally directed to the managers of a business, rather than to any external entities, such as shareholders or lenders. The functions of managerial accounting include the following:

  • Margin analysis. Determining the amount of profit or cash flow that a business generates from a specific product, product line, customer, store, or region.

  • Break even analysis. Calculating the mix of contribution margin and unit volume at which a business exactly breaks even, which is useful for determining price points for products and services.

  • Constraint analysis. Understanding where the primary bottlenecks are in a company, and how they impact the ability of the business to earn revenues and profits.

  • Target costing. Assisting in the design of new products by accumulating the costs of new designs, comparing them to target cost levels, and reporting this information to management.

  • Inventory valuation. Determining the direct costs of cost of goods sold and inventory items, as well as allocating overhead costs to these items.

  • Trend analysis. Reviewing the trend line of various costs incurred to see if there are any unusual variances from the long-term pattern, and reporting the reasons for these changes to management.

  • Transaction analysis. After spotting a variance through trend analysis, a person engaged in managerial accounting might dive deeper into the underlying information and examine individual transactions, in order to understand exactly what caused the variance. This information is then aggregated into a report to management.

  • Capital budgeting analysis. Examining proposals to acquire fixed assets, both to determine if they are needed, and what the appropriate form of financing may be with which to acquire them.

Given the broad range of investigative and analysis activities noted above, we could state that managerial accountants act in an advisory role, to warn managers of impending issues and to direct their attention toward possibly profitable opportunities.

The other type of accounting is financial accounting, which is concerned with the proper recordation and reporting of accounting transactions to be in compliance with the applicable accounting framework (such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or International Financial Reporting Standards). The primary output of financial accounting is the financial statements.

Which of the following activities would be performed as a part of managerial accounting

Chapter 01 Test Bank – Static KEY

1. What type of accounting system is part of an organisation's management information system for internal use only?

A. Financial accounting

B. Management accounting


Governmental accounting


All of the given answers





Learning Objective: 1.03 Describe the major differences between management accounting and financial accounting information

Topic: Role of Management Accountant in Value Creation


Which of the following statement/s about management accounting is/are true?


It is a part of an organisation's management information system.


It is relied on by managers to plan and control an organisation's operations.


It is relied on by external users to make investment decisions.

A. i and ii


i, ii and iii









Learning Objective: 1.02 Define management accounting in terms of value creation

Topic: Role of Management Accountant in Value Creation


Which of the following statement/s about management accounting is/are true?


It is concerned only with information obtained from the accounting records.


It is concerned with financial and non-financial information.


It can provide information useful for making decisions.




i and ii

C. ii and iii

D. ii





Learning Objective: 1.02 Define management accounting in terms of value creation

Topic: Role of Management Accountant in Value Creation


A strategy is


another name for a long-term objective


the same as an objective


a means by which an organisation plans to meet its mission and achieve its objectives





C. iii

D. i and ii





Learning Objective: 1.06 Explain the basic concepts of strategy and how management accounting systems can support strategies

Topic: Fundamental Management Processes


Which of the following is not an objective of management accounting?


Providing information for making decisions


Providing information for planning


Providing information for control

D. Providing information for profit and loss statements


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Which activity is normally performed by managerial accountants?

Management accountants work in both the public and private sectors. They prepare data—recording and crunching numbers—that their companies use for budgeting and planning purposes. They are also responsible for managing risk, planning, strategizing, and decision making.

Which of the following is included in managerial accounting?

Managerial accounting encompasses many facets of accounting, including product costing, budgeting, forecasting, and various financial analysis.

What are the three major activities of a manager in managerial accounting?

Most of the job responsibilities of a manager fit into one of three categories: planning, controlling, or evaluating. The model in Figure 1.2 sums up the three primary responsibilities of management and the managerial accountant's role in the process.

Which of the following is the purpose of managerial accounting?

The purpose of managerial accounting is to report the financial information of the organization to investors and creditors.