Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?

Vitamins are required constituents of the human diet since they are synthesized inadequately or not at all in the human body. Only small amounts of these substances are needed to carry out essential biochemical reactions (e.g., by acting as coenzymes or prosthetic groups). Overt vitamin or trace mineral deficiencies are rare in Western countries because of a plentiful, varied, and inexpensive food supply; food fortification; and use of supplements. However, multiple nutrient deficiencies may appear together in persons who are chronically ill or alcoholic. After gastric bypass surgery, patients are at high risk for multiple nutrient deficiencies. Moreover, subclinical vitamin and trace mineral deficiencies, as diagnosed by laboratory testing, are quite common in the normal population, especially in the geriatric age group. Conversely, because of the widespread use of nutrient supplements, nutrient toxicities are gaining pathophysiologic and clinical importance.


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Victims of famine, emergency-affected and displaced populations, and refugees are at increased risk for protein-energy malnutrition and classic micronutrient deficiencies (vitamin A, iron, iodine) as well as for overt deficiencies in thiamine (beriberi), riboflavin, vitamin C (scurvy), and niacin (pellagra).


Body stores of vitamins and minerals vary tremendously. For example, stores of vitamins B12 and A are large, and an adult may not become deficient until ≥1 year after beginning to eat a deficient diet. However, folate and thiamine may become depleted within weeks among those eating a deficient diet. Therapeutic modalities can deplete essential nutrients from the body; for example, hemodialysis or diuretics remove water-soluble vitamins, which must be replaced by supplementation.


Vitamins and trace minerals play several roles in diseases: (1) Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals may be caused by disease states such as malabsorption; (2) either deficiency or excess of vitamins and minerals can cause disease in and of itself (e.g., vitamin A intoxication and liver disease); and (3) vitamins and minerals in high doses may be used as drugs (e.g., niacin for hypercholesterolemia). Since they are covered elsewhere, the hematologic-related vitamins and minerals (Chaps. 93 and 95) either are not considered or are considered only briefly in this chapter, as are the bone-related vitamins and minerals (vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium; Chap. 402).




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TABLE 326-1Principal Clinical Findings of Vitamin Malnutrition

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TABLE 326-1 Principal Clinical Findings of Vitamin Malnutrition

NutrientClinical FindingDietary Level per Day Associated with Overt Deficiency in AdultsContributing Factors to DeficiencyThiamineBeriberi: neuropathy, muscle weakness and wasting, cardiomegaly, edema, ophthalmoplegia, confabulation<0.3 mg/1000 kcalAlcoholism, chronic diuretic use, hyperemesis, thiaminases in foodRiboflavinMagenta tongue, angular stomatitis, seborrhea, cheilosis, ocular symptoms, corneal vascularization<0.4 mgAlcoholism, individuals with poor diets and low intake of milk productsNiacinPellagra: pigmented rash of sun-exposed areas, bright red tongue, diarrhea, apathy, memory loss, ...

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Dietary trace minerals are pivotal and hold a key role in numerous metabolic processes. Trace mineral deficiencies (except for iodine, iron, and zinc) do not often develop spontaneously in adults on ordinary diets; infants are more vulnerable because their growth is rapid and

Dietary trace minerals are pivotal and hold a key role in numerous metabolic processes. Trace mineral deficiencies (except for iodine, iron, and zinc) do not often develop spontaneously in adults on ordinary diets; infants are more vulnerable because their growth is rapid and intake varies. Trace mineral imbalances can result from hereditary disorders (e.g., hemochromatosis, Wilson disease), kidney dialysis, parenteral nutrition, restrictive diets prescribed for people with inborn errors of metabolism, or various popular diet plans. The Special Issue “Dietary Trace Minerals” comprised 13 peer-reviewed papers on the most recent evidence regarding the dietary intake of trace minerals, as well as their effect toward the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases. Original contributions and literature reviews further demonstrated the crucial and central part that dietary trace minerals play in human health and development. This editorial provides a brief and concise overview that addresses and summarizes the content of the Dietary Trace Minerals Special Issue. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)



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Antimicrobial Properties of Magnesium Open Opportunities to Develop Healthier Food


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Keren Demishtein


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Ram Reifen


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Moshe Shemesh

Nutrients 2019, 11(10), 2363; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11102363 - 03 Oct 2019

Cited by 17 | Viewed by 3218

Magnesium is a vital mineral that takes part in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the human body. In the past several years, new information emerged in regard to the antibacterial effect of magnesium. Here we elaborate on the recent knowledge of its antibacterial

Magnesium is a vital mineral that takes part in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the human body. In the past several years, new information emerged in regard to the antibacterial effect of magnesium. Here we elaborate on the recent knowledge of its antibacterial effect with emphasis on its ability to impair bacterial adherence and formation complex community of bacterial cells called biofilm. We further talk about its ability to impair biofilm formation in milk that provides opportunity for developing safer and qualitative dairy products. Finally, we describe the pronounced advantages of enrichment of food with magnesium ions, which result in healthier and more efficient food products. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Crosstalk of Nrf2 with the Trace Elements Selenium, Iron, Zinc, and Copper


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Maria Schwarz


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Kristina Lossow


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Johannes F. Kopp


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Tanja Schwerdtle


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Anna P. Kipp

Nutrients 2019, 11(9), 2112; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11092112 - 05 Sep 2019

Cited by 22 | Viewed by 3727

Trace elements, like Cu, Zn, Fe, or Se, are important for the proper functioning of antioxidant enzymes. However, in excessive amounts, they can also act as pro-oxidants. Accordingly, trace elements influence redox-modulated signaling pathways, such as the Nrf2 pathway. Vice versa, Nrf2 target

Trace elements, like Cu, Zn, Fe, or Se, are important for the proper functioning of antioxidant enzymes. However, in excessive amounts, they can also act as pro-oxidants. Accordingly, trace elements influence redox-modulated signaling pathways, such as the Nrf2 pathway. Vice versa, Nrf2 target genes belong to the group of transport and metal binding proteins. In order to investigate whether Nrf2 directly regulates the systemic trace element status, we used mice to study the effect of a constitutive, whole-body Nrf2 knockout on the systemic status of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Se. As the loss of selenoproteins under Se-deprived conditions has been described to further enhance Nrf2 activity, we additionally analyzed the combination of Nrf2 knockout with feeding diets that provide either suboptimal, adequate, or supplemented amounts of Se. Experiments revealed that the Nrf2 knockout partially affected the trace element concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, or Se in the intestine, liver, and/or plasma. However, aside from Fe, the other three trace elements were only marginally modulated in an Nrf2-dependent manner. Selenium deficiency mainly resulted in increased plasma Zn levels. One putative mediator could be the metal regulatory transcription factor 1, which was up-regulated with an increasing Se supply and downregulated in Se-supplemented Nrf2 knockout mice. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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An In Vivo (Gallus gallus) Feeding Trial Demonstrating the Enhanced Iron Bioavailability Properties of the Fast Cooking Manteca Yellow Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Jason A. Wiesinger


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Raymond P. Glahn


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Karen A. Cichy


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Nikolai Kolba


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Jonathan J. Hart


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Elad Tako

Nutrients 2019, 11(8), 1768; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11081768 - 01 Aug 2019

Cited by 22 | Viewed by 3158

The common dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a globally produced pulse crop and an important source of micronutrients for millions of people across Latin America and Africa. Many of the preferred black and red seed types in these regions have seed

The common dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a globally produced pulse crop and an important source of micronutrients for millions of people across Latin America and Africa. Many of the preferred black and red seed types in these regions have seed coat polyphenols that inhibit the absorption of iron. Yellow beans are distinct from other market classes because they accumulate the antioxidant kaempferol 3-glucoside in their seed coats. Due to their fast cooking tendencies, yellow beans are often marketed at premium prices in the same geographical regions where dietary iron deficiency is a major health concern. Hence, this study compared the iron bioavailability of three faster cooking yellow beans with contrasting seed coat colors from Africa (Manteca, Amarillo, and Njano) to slower cooking white and red kidney commercial varieties. Iron status and iron bioavailability was assessed by the capacity of a bean based diet to generate and maintain total body hemoglobin iron (Hb-Fe) during a 6 week in vivo (Gallus gallus) feeding trial. Over the course of the experiment, animals fed yellow bean diets had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher Hb-Fe than animals fed the white or red kidney bean diet. This study shows that the Manteca yellow bean possess a rare combination of biochemical traits that result in faster cooking times and improved iron bioavailability. The Manteca yellow bean is worthy of germplasm enhancement to address iron deficiency in regions where beans are consumed as a dietary staple. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Investigation of Nicotianamine and 2′ Deoxymugineic Acid as Enhancers of Iron Bioavailability in Caco-2 Cells


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Jesse T. Beasley


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Jonathan J. Hart


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Elad Tako


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Raymond P. Glahn


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Alexander A. T. Johnson

Nutrients 2019, 11(7), 1502; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11071502 - 30 Jun 2019

Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3936

Nicotianamine (NA) is a low-molecular weight metal chelator in plants with high affinity for ferrous iron (Fe2+) and other divalent metal cations. In graminaceous plant species, NA serves as the biosynthetic precursor to 2′ deoxymugineic acid (DMA), a root-secreted mugineic acid

Nicotianamine (NA) is a low-molecular weight metal chelator in plants with high affinity for ferrous iron (Fe2+) and other divalent metal cations. In graminaceous plant species, NA serves as the biosynthetic precursor to 2′ deoxymugineic acid (DMA), a root-secreted mugineic acid family phytosiderophore that chelates ferric iron (Fe3+) in the rhizosphere for subsequent uptake by the plant. Previous studies have flagged NA and/or DMA as enhancers of Fe bioavailability in cereal grain although the extent of this promotion has not been quantified. In this study, we utilized the Caco-2 cell system to compare NA and DMA to two known enhancers of Fe bioavailability—epicatechin (Epi) and ascorbic acid (AsA)—and found that both NA and DMA are stronger enhancers of Fe bioavailability than Epi, and NA is a stronger enhancer of Fe bioavailability than AsA. Furthermore, NA reversed Fe uptake inhibition by Myricetin (Myr) more than Epi, highlighting NA as an important target for biofortification strategies aimed at improving Fe bioavailability in staple plant foods. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis and Phase Angle on Different Oral Zinc Supplementation in Eutrophic Children: Randomized Triple-Blind Study


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Karina M. Vermeulen


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Márcia Marília G. D. Lopes


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Camila X. Alves


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Naira J. N. Brito


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Maria das Graças Almeida


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Lucia Leite-Lais


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Sancha Helena L. Vale


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
José Brandão-Neto

Nutrients 2019, 11(6), 1215; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11061215 - 28 May 2019

Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2170

The parameters derived from bioelectrical impedance, phase angle (PA) and bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) have been associated with cell membrane integrity and body cell mass. Zinc is a micronutrient that exerts important structural functions and acts in maintaining cellular functionality. To evaluate

The parameters derived from bioelectrical impedance, phase angle (PA) and bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) have been associated with cell membrane integrity and body cell mass. Zinc is a micronutrient that exerts important structural functions and acts in maintaining cellular functionality. To evaluate cell integrity and body cell mass, PA and BIVA were evaluated in children orally supplemented with zinc at different concentrations. Anthropometric, bioelectrical (resistance and reactance) and serum zinc variables were collected from two randomized, triple-blind, controlled clinical trials. Sampling was composed of 71 children consisting of three groups: a control group who received a placebo and two experimental groups who received oral supplementation of 5 or 10 mg-Zn/day for three months. The three groups presented increases (p < 0.001) in the linear height and weight. In the group supplemented with 10 mg-Zn/day, there was an increase in reactance values (p = 0.036) and PA (p = 0.002), in addition to vector displacement (p < 0.001) in relation to the confidence ellipses. An increase in serum zinc concentration was found (p < 0.001) in all three groups. Whit this, the supplementation with 10 mg-Zn/day promotes changes in the integrity of the cell membrane associated with the increase in the cellular mass of healthy children. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Dietary Silicon and Its Impact on Plasma Silicon Levels in the Polish Population


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Anna Prescha


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Katarzyna Zabłocka-Słowińska


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Halina Grajeta

Nutrients 2019, 11(5), 980; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11050980 - 29 Apr 2019

Cited by 5 | Viewed by 3185

Silicon in nutritional amounts provides benefits for bone health and cognitive function. The relationship between silicon intake from a common daily diet and silicon blood level has been scarcely elucidated, so far. The aim of this study was to analyze the associations between

Silicon in nutritional amounts provides benefits for bone health and cognitive function. The relationship between silicon intake from a common daily diet and silicon blood level has been scarcely elucidated, so far. The aim of this study was to analyze the associations between plasma silicon levels and the total and bioavailable silicon intake—along with the contribution of silicon made by food groups—in a healthy adult Polish population. Si intake was evaluated in 185 healthy adults (94 females and 91 males, aged 20–70) using a 3-day dietary recall and a database on the silicon content in foods, which was based on both previously published data and our own research. Fasting plasma silicon levels were measured in 126 consenting subjects, using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The silicon intake in the Polish population differed significantly according to sex, amounting to 24.0 mg/day in women and 27.7 mg/day in men. The median plasma silicon level was 152.3 µg/L having no gender dependency but with a negative correlation with age. Significant correlations were found between plasma silicon level and total and bioavailable silicon intake, as well as water intake in the diet (r = 0.18, p = 0.044; r = 0.23, p = 0.011; r = 0.28, p = 0.002, respectively). Silicon intakes from non-alcoholic beverages, cereal foods, and carotene-rich vegetables were also positively associated with plasma silicon levels. These results may help establish dietary silicon recommendations and formulate practical advice on dietary choices to ensure an appropriate supply of silicon. The outcome of this study, however, needs to be confirmed by large-scale epidemiological investigations. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)



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Biotin Is Required for the Zinc Homeostasis in the Skin


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Youichi Ogawa


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Manao Kinoshita


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Takuya Sato


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Shinji Shimada


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Tatsuyoshi Kawamura

Nutrients 2019, 11(4), 919; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11040919 - 24 Apr 2019

Cited by 4 | Viewed by 5494

Patients with biotin deficiency present symptoms that are similar to those in patients with acrodermatitis enteropathica (inherent zinc deficiency). However, the association between biotin and zinc deficiency remains unknown. We have previously shown that epidermal keratinocytes of mice fed zinc-deficient (ZD) diets secreted

Patients with biotin deficiency present symptoms that are similar to those in patients with acrodermatitis enteropathica (inherent zinc deficiency). However, the association between biotin and zinc deficiency remains unknown. We have previously shown that epidermal keratinocytes of mice fed zinc-deficient (ZD) diets secreted more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than those of mice fed zinc-adequate (ZA) diets and that epidermal Langerhans cells are absent in ZD mice. Langerhans cells highly express CD39, which potently hydrolyzes ATP into adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Thus, a lack of Langerhans cells in ZD mice leads to non-hydrolysis of ATP, thereby leading to the development of ATP-mediated irritant contact dermatitis. In this study, we examined if biotin-deficient (BD) mice showed the same underlying mechanisms as those in ZD mice. BD mice showed reduced serum zinc levels, disappearance of epidermal Langerhans cells, and enhanced ATP production in the skin. Consequently, irritant contact dermatitis was significantly enhanced and prolonged in BD mice. In conclusion, the findings of our study showed that biotin deficiency leads to zinc deficiency because of which patients with biotin deficiency show similar symptoms as those with acrodermatitis enteropathica. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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The Germ Fraction Inhibits Iron Bioavailability of Maize: Identification of an Approach to Enhance Maize Nutritional Quality via Processing and Breeding


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Raymond Glahn


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Elad Tako


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Michael A. Gore

Nutrients 2019, 11(4), 833; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11040833 - 12 Apr 2019

Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3081

Improving the nutritional quality of Fe in maize (Zea mays) represents a biofortification strategy to alleviate iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, the present study measured iron content and bioavailability via an established bioassay to characterize Fe quality in parts of the maize

Improving the nutritional quality of Fe in maize (Zea mays) represents a biofortification strategy to alleviate iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, the present study measured iron content and bioavailability via an established bioassay to characterize Fe quality in parts of the maize kernel. Comparisons of six different varieties of maize demonstrated that the germ fraction is a strong inhibitory component of Fe bioavailability. The germ fraction can contain 27–54% of the total kernel Fe, which is poorly available. In the absence of the germ, Fe in the non-germ components can be highly bioavailable. More specifically, increasing Fe concentration in the non-germ fraction resulted in more bioavailable Fe. Comparison of wet-milled fractions of a commercial maize variety and degerminated corn meal products also demonstrated the inhibitory effect of the germ fraction on Fe bioavailability. When compared to beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) containing approximately five times the concentration of Fe, degerminated maize provided more absorbable Fe, indicating substantially higher fractional bioavailability. Overall, the results indicate that degerminated maize may be a better source of Fe than whole maize and some other crops. Increased non-germ Fe density with a weaker inhibitory effect of the germ fraction are desirable qualities to identify and breed for in maize. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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A Randomized Feeding Trial of Iron-Biofortified Beans in School Children in Mexico


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Julia L. Finkelstein


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Saurabh Mehta


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Salvador Villalpando


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Veronica Mundo-Rosas


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Sarah V. Luna


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Maike Rahn


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Teresa Shamah-Levy


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Stephen E. Beebe


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Jere D. Haas

Nutrients 2019, 11(2), 381; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11020381 - 12 Feb 2019

Cited by 12 | Viewed by 5871

Iron deficiency is a major public health problem worldwide, with the highest burden among children. The objective of this randomized efficacy feeding trial was to determine the effects of consuming iron-biofortified beans (Fe-Beans) on the iron status in children, compared to control beans

Iron deficiency is a major public health problem worldwide, with the highest burden among children. The objective of this randomized efficacy feeding trial was to determine the effects of consuming iron-biofortified beans (Fe-Beans) on the iron status in children, compared to control beans (Control-Beans). A cluster-randomized trial of biofortified beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), bred to enhance iron content, was conducted over 6 months. The participants were school-aged children (n = 574; 5–12 years), attending 20 rural public boarding schools in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Double-blind randomization was conducted at the school level; 20 schools were randomized to receive either Fe-Beans (n = 10 schools, n = 304 students) or Control-Beans (n = 10 schools, n = 366 students). School administrators, children, and research and laboratory staff were blinded to the intervention group. Iron status (hemoglobin (Hb), serum ferritin (SF), soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), total body iron (TBI), inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive protein (CRP) and α-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP)), and anthropometric indices for individuals were evaluated at the enrollment and at the end of the trial. The hemoglobin concentrations were adjusted for altitude, and anemia was defined in accordance with age-specific World Health Organization (WHO) criteria (i.e., Hb <115 g/L for <12 years and Hb <120 g/L for ≥12 years). Serum ferritin concentrations were adjusted for inflammation using BRINDA methods, and iron deficiency was defined as serum ferritin at less than 15.0 µg/L. Total body iron was calculated using Cook’s equation. Mixed models were used to examine the effects of Fe-Beans on hematological outcomes, compared to Control-Beans, adjusting for the baseline indicator, with school as a random effect. An analysis was conducted in 10 schools (n = 269 students) in the Fe-Beans group and in 10 schools (n = 305 students) in the Control-Beans group that completed the follow-up. At baseline, 17.8% of the children were anemic and 11.3% were iron deficient (15.9%, BRINDA-adjusted). A total of 6.3% of children had elevated CRP (>5.0 mg/L), and 11.6% had elevated AGP (>1.0 g/L) concentrations at baseline. During the 104 days when feeding was monitored, the total mean individual iron intake from the study beans (Fe-bean group) was 504 mg (IQR: 352, 616) over 68 mean feeding days, and 295 mg (IQR: 197, 341) over 67 mean feeding days in the control group (p < 0.01). During the cluster-randomized efficacy trial, indicators of iron status, including hemoglobin, serum ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, and total body iron concentrations improved from the baseline to endline (6 months) in both the intervention and control groups. However, Fe-Beans did not significantly improve the iron status indicators, compared to Control-Beans. Similarly, there were no significant effects of Fe-Beans on dichotomous outcomes, including anemia and iron deficiency, compared to Control-Beans. In this 6-month cluster-randomized efficacy trial of iron-biofortified beans in school children in Mexico, indicators of iron status improved in both the intervention and control groups. However, there were no significant effects of Fe-Beans on iron biomarkers, compared to Control-Beans. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03835377. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Iron Biofortified Carioca Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)—Based Brazilian Diet Delivers More Absorbable Iron and Affects the Gut Microbiota In Vivo (Gallus gallus)


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Desirrê Morais Dias


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Nikolai Kolba


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Dana Binyamin


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Oren Ziv


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Marilia Regini Nutti


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Raymond P. Glahn


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Omry Koren


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Elad Tako

Nutrients 2018, 10(12), 1970; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10121970 - 13 Dec 2018

Cited by 33 | Viewed by 4187

Biofortification aims to improve the micronutrient concentration and bioavailability in staple food crops. Unlike other strategies utilized to alleviate Fe deficiency, studies of the gut microbiota in the context of Fe biofortification are scarce. In this study, we performed a 6-week feeding trial

Biofortification aims to improve the micronutrient concentration and bioavailability in staple food crops. Unlike other strategies utilized to alleviate Fe deficiency, studies of the gut microbiota in the context of Fe biofortification are scarce. In this study, we performed a 6-week feeding trial in Gallus gallus (n = 15), aimed to investigate the Fe status and the alterations in the gut microbiome following the administration of Fe-biofortified carioca bean based diet (BC) versus a Fe-standard carioca bean based diet (SC). The tested diets were designed based on the Brazilian food consumption survey. Two primary outcomes were observed: (1) a significant increase in total body Hb-Fe values in the group receiving the Fe-biofortified carioca bean based diet; and (2) changes in the gut microbiome composition and function were observed, specifically, significant changes in phylogenetic diversity between treatment groups, as there was increased abundance of bacteria linked to phenolic catabolism, and increased abundance of beneficial SCFA-producing bacteria in the BC group. The BC group also presented a higher intestinal villi height compared to the SC group. Our results demonstrate that the Fe-biofortified carioca bean variety was able to moderately improve Fe status and to positively affect the intestinal functionality and bacterial populations. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Vitamin D Supplementation Modestly Reduces Serum Iron Indices of Healthy Arab Adolescents


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Mohammad S. Masoud


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Majed S. Alokail


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Sobhy M. Yakout


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Malak Nawaz K. Khattak


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Marwan M. AlRehaili


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Kaiser Wani


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Nasser M. Al-Daghri

Nutrients 2018, 10(12), 1870; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10121870 - 02 Dec 2018

Cited by 9 | Viewed by 2937

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to affect iron status via decreased calcitriol production, translating to decreased erythropoiesis. The present study aimed to determine for the first time whether vitamin D supplementation can affect iron levels among Arab adolescents. A total of 125

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to affect iron status via decreased calcitriol production, translating to decreased erythropoiesis. The present study aimed to determine for the first time whether vitamin D supplementation can affect iron levels among Arab adolescents. A total of 125 out of the initial 200 Saudi adolescents with vitamin D deficiency (serum 25(OH)D < 50 nmol/L) were selected from the Vitamin D-School Project of King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Cluster randomization was done in schools, and students received either vitamin D tablets (1000 IU/day) (N = 53, mean age 14.1 ± 1.0 years) or vitamin D-fortified milk (40IU/200mL) (N = 72, mean age 14.8 ± 1.4 years). Both groups received nutritional counseling. Anthropometrics, glucose, lipids, iron indices, and 25(OH)D were measured at baseline and after six months. Within group analysis showed that post-intervention, serum 25(OH)D significantly increased by as much as 50%, and a parallel decrease of −42% (p-values <0.001 and 0.002, respectively) was observed in serum iron in the tablet group. These changes were not observed in the control group. Between-group analysis showed a clinically significant increase in serum 25(OH)D (p = 0.001) and decrease in iron (p < 0.001) in the tablet group. The present findings suggest a possible inhibitory role of vitamin D supplementation in the iron indices of healthy adolescents whose 25(OH)D levels are sub-optimal but not severely deficient, implying that the causal relationship between both micronutrients may be dependent on the severity of deficiency, type of iron disorder, and other vascular conditions that are known to affect hematologic indices. Well-designed, randomized trials are needed to confirm the present findings. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?

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Silver Ions as a Tool for Understanding Different Aspects of Copper Metabolism


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Ludmila V. Puchkova


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Massimo Broggini


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Elena V. Polishchuk


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Ekaterina Y. Ilyechova


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Roman S. Polishchuk

Nutrients 2019, 11(6), 1364; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11061364 - 17 Jun 2019

Cited by 24 | Viewed by 3853

In humans, copper is an important micronutrient because it is a cofactor of ubiquitous and brain-specific cuproenzymes, as well as a secondary messenger. Failure of the mechanisms supporting copper balance leads to the development of neurodegenerative, oncological, and other severe disorders, whose treatment

In humans, copper is an important micronutrient because it is a cofactor of ubiquitous and brain-specific cuproenzymes, as well as a secondary messenger. Failure of the mechanisms supporting copper balance leads to the development of neurodegenerative, oncological, and other severe disorders, whose treatment requires a detailed understanding of copper metabolism. In the body, bioavailable copper exists in two stable oxidation states, Cu(I) and Cu(II), both of which are highly toxic. The toxicity of copper ions is usually overcome by coordinating them with a wide range of ligands. These include the active cuproenzyme centers, copper-binding protein motifs to ensure the safe delivery of copper to its physiological location, and participants in the Cu(I) ↔ Cu(II) redox cycle, in which cellular copper is stored. The use of modern experimental approaches has allowed the overall picture of copper turnover in the cells and the organism to be clarified. However, many aspects of this process remain poorly understood. Some of them can be found out using abiogenic silver ions (Ag(I)), which are isoelectronic to Cu(I). This review covers the physicochemical principles of the ability of Ag(I) to substitute for copper ions in transport proteins and cuproenzyme active sites, the effectiveness of using Ag(I) to study copper routes in the cells and the body, and the limitations associated with Ag(I) remaining stable in only one oxidation state. The use of Ag(I) to restrict copper transport to tumors and the consequences of large-scale use of silver nanoparticles for human health are also discussed. Full article

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dietary Trace Minerals)

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Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?

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Open AccessReview

Dietary and Sentinel Factors Leading to Hemochromatosis


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Chang-Kyu Oh


Which demographic group is at the highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?
Yuseok Moon

Nutrients 2019, 11(5), 1047; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11051047 - 10 May 2019

Cited by 6 | Viewed by 5197

Although hereditary hemochromatosis is associated with the mutation of genes involved in iron transport and metabolism, secondary hemochromatosis is due to external factors, such as intended or unintended iron overload, hemolysis-linked iron exposure or other stress-impaired iron metabolism. The present review addresses diet-linked etiologies of hemochromatosis and their pathogenesis in the network of genes and nutrients. Although the mechanistic association to diet-linked etiologies can be complicated, the stress sentinels are pivotally involved in the pathological processes of secondary hemochromatosis in response to iron excess and other external stresses. Moreover, the mutations in these sentineling pathway-linked genes increase susceptibility to secondary hemochromatosis. Thus, the crosstalk between nutrients and genes would verify the complex procedures in the clinical outcomes of secondary hemochromatosis and chronic complications, such as malignancy. All of this evidence provides crucial insights into comprehensive clinical or nutritional interventions for hemochromatosis. Full article

Which demographic group is at highest risk for trace mineral deficiencies?

Subpopulations most at risk for micronutrient deficiencies include pregnant women and children five years and younger (15).

What are the deficiencies of trace minerals?

Common Symptoms of Trace Mineral Deficiency. Some of the most obvious signs of a trace mineral deficiency are anemia, fatigue, or irregular heartbeat. Poor digestion and appetite, as well as chronic fatigue and brain fog, could also be signs that your body lacks trace minerals, such as iodine.

What is a reason an individual may be at risk for a trace mineral deficiency?

One major cause of mineral deficiency is simply not getting enough essential minerals from food or supplements. There are different types of diets that might result in this deficiency. A poor diet that relies on junk food, or a diet that lacks adequate fruits and vegetables can be possible causes.

Is trace mineral deficiency common?

While it is rare to encounter severe trace mineral deficiency in the Western World, mild to moderate deficiencies are common and may lead to general often less clearly recognized symptoms such as fatigue, slow metabolism, decreased immune system, and decreased mental capacities.