Which data during nursing assessment represent information concerning health beliefs?

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N340 Health Assessment Lecture – Exam 1 Prep Key1. During the nursing assessment, which data represent informationconcerning health beliefs?A. Family role and relationship patternsB. Educational level and financial statusC. Promotive, preventive, and restorative health practicesD. Use of prescribed and over-the-counter medicationsC. Health-beliefs includes expectations of health care. Role and relationshippattern are information on just that, use of drugs is medication complianceor personal habits, and education and financial status is social history orbiographical information.

2. Nurse Patrick is acquiring information from a client in the emergencydepartment. Which is an example of individually identifiable data thatmay be obtained during a health history?

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3. Newly hired nurse Liza is excited to perform her very first physicalassessment with a 19-year-old client. Which assessment examinationrequires Liza to wear gloves?

1. Mr. Teban is a 73-year old patient diagnosed with pneumonia. Which data would be of greatestconcern to the nurse when completing the nursing assessment of the patient?A. Alert and oriented to date, time, and placeB. Buccal cyanosis and capillary refill greater than 3 secondsC. Clear breath sounds and nonproductive coughD. Hemoglobin concentration of 13 g/dl and leukocyte count 5,300/mm3

2. During the nursing assessment, which data represent information concerning health beliefs?

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3. Nurse Patrick is acquiring information from a client in the emergency department. Which is anexample of biographic information that may be obtained during a health history?

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4. John Joseph was scheduled for a physical assessment. When percussing the client’s chest, the nursewould expect to find which assessment data as a normal sign over his lungs?

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The complete subjective health assessment is commonly referred to as a . It provides an overview of the client’s current and past health and illness state. You conduct it by interviewing the client as illustrated in Figure 1.1, asking them questions, and listening to their narrative.

Which data during nursing assessment represent information concerning health beliefs?
Figure 1.1: Nurse interviewing the client

This information is often shared verbally with you or in the way that the client can best communicate. It is also sometimes collected through a standardized form that the client completes. In some cases, it also includes information shared by a family member, friend, or another health professional when the client is unable to communicate.

Clients are sometimes accompanied by . Care partners are family and friends who are involved in helping to care for the client. You may hear care partners being referred to as “informal caregivers” or “family caregivers,” but “care partner” is a more inclusive term that acknowledges the energy, work, and importance of their role.

The complete subjective health assessment is part of assessment, the first component of the nursing process (assessment, analysis/diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation) outlined in Figure 1.2.

Which data during nursing assessment represent information concerning health beliefs?
Figure 1.2: The nursing process

As illustrated in Figure 1.2, the assessment phase of the nursing process involves collecting (information that the client shares) and (information that you collect when performing a physical exam). See Table 1.1 for an overview and examples of subjective and objective data. This book focuses on subjective data collection in the context of the complete subjective health assessment.

Data Example


Information that the client shares with you spontaneously or in response to your questions.

  • The client states, “I have had a rash on my ankle and leg for the last two weeks.”
  • The parent states, “My eight-month-old son is having trouble breathing.”
  • The client’s reason for seeking care is “diarrhea for 10 days.”
  • The client types, “I feel sick to my stomach.”


Information that you observe when conducting a physical assessment, and lab and diagnostic results.

  • You observe that a client has a bright red rash on the dorsal side of the foot, the lateral malleolus, and anterior and lateral side of the lower leg.
  • You observe the client sitting upright, leaning forward, breathing fast with eyes wide open.
  • You take the client’s blood pressure and report it as 112/84 mm Hg and pulse at 84 beats per minute.
  • Lab test results: K+ 4.0 mmol/L, fasting glucose 4.8 mmol/L.
  • Chest X-ray report: Lungs well inflated and clear. No evidence of pneumonia or pulmonary edema.

Table 1.1: Overview and examples of subjective and objective data

As the word “subjective” suggests, this type of data refers to information that is spontaneously shared with you by the client or is in response to questions that you ask the client. Subjective data can include information about both symptoms and signs. In the context of subjective data, are something that the client feels, as illustrated in Figure 1.3 (e.g., nausea, pain, fatigue). You won’t know about a symptom unless the client tells you. are something that the health professional can observe, such as a rash, bruising, or skin perspiration, also illustrated in Figure 1.3. Although you can observe signs, in the context of a subjective assessment, the client shares this subjective information with you. For example, a rash is both subjective and objective data as it could be something that the client shares with you, but it is also something that you can observe. On the other hand, if the client says that the rash is itchy, that would be considered subjective data and, in this case, it would be a symptom because it is something the client feels and you can’t observe.

Which data during nursing assessment represent information concerning health beliefs?
Figure 1.3: Symptom versus sign

Test Yourself

What are the types of data in health assessment?

The two primary types of data collected during the assessment phase of the nursing process are subjective nursing data and objective nursing data.

Which data would be of greatest concern to the nurse when completing the nursing assessment of the patient?

Which data would be of greatest concern to the nurse when completing the nursing assessment of the patient? Buccal cyanosis and capillary refill greater than 3 seconds are indicative of decreased oxygen to the tissues, which requires immediate intervention.

Which assessment data should the nurse report to the health care provider?

Assessment findings that include current vital signs, lab values, changes in condition such as decreased urine output, cardiac rhythm, pain level, and mental status, as well as pertinent medical history with recommendations for care, are communicated to the provider by the nurse.

Which assessment data should the nurse include when doing a physical assessment?

Inspect each body system using vision, smell, and hearing to assess normal conditions and deviations. Assess for color, size, location, movement, texture, symmetry, odors, and sounds as you assess each body system.