Which behavior indicates that a woman is seeking safe passage for herself and her infant



Hemoglobin, hematocrit/WBC, differential Detects anemia/detects infection
Hemoglobin electrophoresis Identifies women with hemoglobinopathies (e.g., sickle cell anemia, thalassemia)
Blood type, Rh, and irregular antibody Identifies fetuses at risk for developing erythroblastosis fetalis or hyperbilirubinemia in neonatal period
Rubella titer Determines immunity to rubella
Tuberculin skin testing; chest film after 20 wk of gestation in women with reactive tuberculin tests Screens for exposure to tuberculosis
Urinalysis, including microscopic examination of urinary sediment; pH, specific gravity, color, glucose, albumin, protein, RBCs, WBCs, casts, acetone; hCG Identifies women with glycosuria, renal disease, hypertensive disease of pregnancy; infection; occult hematuria
Urine culture Identifies women with asymptomatic bacteriuria
Renal function tests: BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, creatinine clearance, total protein excretion Evaluates level of possible renal compromise in women with a history of diabetes, hypertension, or renal disease
Papanicolaou test Screens for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; if a liquid-based test is used, may also screen for HPV
Vaginal or rectal smear for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia, HPV, GBS Screens high risk population for asymptomatic infection; GBS done at 35-37 wk
RPR/VDRL/FTA-ABS Identifies women with untreated syphilis
HIV antibody,* hepatitis B surface antigen, toxoplasmosis Screens for the specific infection
1-hr glucose tolerance Screens for gestational diabetes; done at initial visit for women with risk factors; done at 24-28 wk for pregnant women at risk whose initial screen was negative; women with low risk usually not tested
3-hr glucose tolerance Screens for diabetes in women with elevated glucose level after 1-hr test; must have two elevated readings for diagnosis
Cardiac evaluation: ECG, chest x-ray film, and echocardiogram Evaluates cardiac function in women with a history of hypertension or cardiac disease

BUN, Blood urea nitrogen; ECG, electrocardiogram; FTA-ABS, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test; GBS, group B streptococcus; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HPV, human papilloma virus; RBC, red blood cell; RPR, rapid plasma reagin; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratories; WBC, white blood cell.

*With patient permission.


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Which behavior indicates that a woman is seeking safe passage for herself and her infant

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■ Maternal psychological responses progress during pregnancy from uncertainty and ambivalence to feelings of vulnerability and preparation for the birth of the infant.
■ As the fetus becomes real, usually in the second trimester, maternal focus shifts from the self to the fetus and the woman turns inward to concentrate on the processes taking place in her body.
■ Changes in the maternal body during pregnancy may result in a negative body image that affects sexual responses. This change may be especially troubling if the couple does not discuss emotions and concerns related to the changes in sexuality.
■ Making the transition to the role of mother involves mimicking the behavior of other mothers, fantasizing about the baby, developing a sense of self as mother, and grieving for the loss of previous roles.
■ To complete the maternal tasks of pregnancy the woman must take steps to seek safe passage for herself and the infant, gain acceptance from significant persons, and learn to be giving while forming an attachment to the unknown child.
■ Paternal responses change throughout pregnancy and depend on the ability to perceive the fetus as real, gain recognition for the role of parent, and create a role as involved father.
■ The most powerful reality boosters for the expectant father during pregnancy are hearing the fetal heartbeat, feeling the fetus move, and viewing the fetus on a sonogram.
■ In primitive cultures couvade refers to pregnancy-related rituals performed by the man.
Today, couvade refers to a cluster of pregnancy related symptoms experienced by the man.
■ The response of grandparents to pregnancy depends on their ages and their beliefs about the role of grandparents as well as the number and ages of other grandchildren.
■ The response of siblings to pregnancy depends on their ages and developmental levels.
■ Completing the developmental tasks of pregnancy is more difficult for multiparas because they have less time, experience more fatigue, and must negotiate a new relationship with the older child or children.
■ Socioeconomic status is a major factor in determining health practices during pregnancy because poor families have competing priorities for food and shelter and seek prenatal care late in pregnancy.
■ Cultural differences can create major conflicts between expectant families and health care workers.
The areas in which conflicts are most likely to occur Language, time orientation, and health beliefs
When a woman is trying to confirm the pregnancy, she observes her body carefully for changes, such as an enlarging abdomen.
Minerva’s three statements of pregnancy rt trimesters I am pregnant; I am having a baby; I am going to be a mom
During the third trimester it is normal for a woman to feel: dependent on her partner and family.
A newly pregnant woman calls her neighbor and volunteers to take care of her infant son while the mother cooks supper. This action is called: role play.
Role play consists of acting out some aspect of what mothers actually do. The pregnant woman searches for opportunities to hold or care for infants in order to practice mothering.
A client that is 6 months pregnant complains to the nurse that her husband has been working overtime lately and has applied for a second, part-time job. The nurse can best explain this action by explaining: the husband is aware of the extra expenses and is trying to accept his financial responsibility as a father.
A 7-month-pregnant client is concern about how her 3-year-old will adapt to the new baby. One suggestion the nurse can give is: to move the toddler to a “big girl” bed now so the toddler won’t associate the new baby with the loss of her crib.
When should a toddler be told of an impending birth The toddler needs to be told of the new baby close to the time of delivery because toddlers do not have a clear perception of time.
A mother who just gave birth to her second son may have feelings of grief because: there is a loss between herself and the first child; she feels the older child is growing up and away from her.
The nurse notices a paring knife lying under a laboring client’s bed. To be sensitive to the cultural needs of the client, the nurse’s best response would be: “Let me slide it farther under the bed out of the way.”
When a father experiences the same nausea, vomiting, and fatigue that the pregnant mother experiences, it is termed ________________. couvade

Which behavior indicates that a woman is seeking safe passage?

Which behavior indicates that a woman is "seeking safe passage" for herself and her infant? She keeps all prenatal appointments. The goal of prenatal care is to foster a safe birth for the infant and mother.

Which laboratory finding indicates that the female client is pregnant?

A pregnancy test measures a hormone in the body called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is produced during pregnancy and found in the blood and urine. Testing for hCG can be used as soon as 10 days after conception to help determine if a person is pregnant.

Which common complications are seen during the third trimester of pregnancy?

What Might Go Wrong in the Third Trimester?.
Gestational diabetes..
Preterm labor..
Placenta problems..

What is the second trimester?

The second trimester represents the middle part of your pregnancy, from weeks 13 to 26. For many women, one of the best things about this trimester is that nausea might begin to settle.