Which active listening skill involves demonstrating a learner mindset rather than a judger?

Which of the following are traits of great listeners?

-they have a physical response to speakers -they anticipate how a speaker thinks

Being able to manage interactions successfully by using your awareness of your own emotions as well as those of others is known as _____.

Which of the following would likely be the most appropriate candidate to hire if emotional intelligence is one of the requirements of the job?

Candace attended her local college while working full time; she then held increasingly higher level positions at companies all over the world. 

When basic worth and dignity are not acknowledged, people tend to feel ____.

-undervalued -unwelcome -less enthusiastic about cooperating with co-workers

Which of the following are generally true of most good questions that facilitate learning in communication?

-they are open-ended -they reflect a learner mind-set

Active listening involves ___ the ideas and emotions of others.

Interpersonal Communication includes ____.

-writing -body language -facial expression

Active nonverbal communication is an essential part of ___.

It is important to behave with civility in the workplace because ____.

-it demonstrates good character -it indicates concern for others -it sometimes calms a volatile situation

How common is semantic noise in business conversations?

-semantic noise occurs in nearly all business converstations

Which of the following are examples of incivility?

-intruding on the privacy of others -failing to acknowledge the efforts of others -ignoring others -failing to act with basic courtesy

Which of the following are types of poor questions?

-leading questions -disguised statements -cross-examination questions

Tina is a member of the bargaining team for the local teachers union. The team is currently negotiating a contract with the school district, and the two sides have different opinions on how the new contract should look. However, Tina is approaching the negotiations with an open mind and feels positive about the possibility of finding common ground and negotiating a deal that will please both sides. Tina is displaying a ___ mind set. 

Understanding the emotions and needs of others is called?

-an outgrowth of emotional intelligence -respect for other people's dignity and importance -a demonstration of personal character

Which of the following situations describes emotional hijacking?

a person's behavior is controlled by emotion

Which are among Forni's recommendations for improving civility in society and the workplace?

-pay attention to small things -slow down and be present in life -keep a positive attitude

A person with high emotional intelligence can manage an upsetting incident that causes strong emotion by ____?

-recognizing the emotion as it occurs -identifying the trigger that caused the emotion -practicing self-awareness

In interpersonal communication, you may see EQ used in place of ____.

When a message is being communicated, its quality can be diminished by which of the following?

-physiological noise -semantic noise -psychological noise

One person is talking to another, but the words can barely be heard because of loud music playing in the background.This is an example of communication that is being affected by?

People with low self-management tend to be pessimists. This means they are likely to?

-look back at past events instead of looking forward to the future -feel trapped in unhappy, disappointing circumstances -believe that any failure means they are incompetent.

Which of the following questions demonstrate a learner mind-set?

-how well does this new approach meet our goals? -how is this program beneficial?

Marcie works at a large law firm and is an introvert. In which of the following situations would Marcie feel most comfortable?

preparing documents to submit to the court

Being able to interpret and perceive the meaning of nonverbal communication through careful observation and examination is known as ____.

Incivility in the workplace can reduce?

-employee loyalty to the company -the effectiveness of a company's leaders -employee job satisfaction

Quinn recounts a story about a time she was accused of misplacing some work files and how the situation escalated into a serious situation. Olivia had been through a similar experience. In which of the following was should Olivia respond?

She should be careful not to draw attention away from Quinn's story to her own.

People with high self-management tend to be optimistic. This means they are likely to ____.

-look to the future instead of the past -respond to a crisis by forming a plan of action -see failure as a learning experience

Which of the following is a trait of the best business managers?

they understand that it is important to make time for listening

Which of the following are true of rapport-building questions?

-the time devoted to them should be limited -they are intended to create bonds between people

A person listens to someone speak, then tries to interpret what the speaker meant by those words. This process is called ____.

Sometimes people are uncivil because ____. 

-they are not aware how deeply their rudeness hurts others -they come from a different culture where their behavior is acceptable

Which of the following statements about communication technology are true?

-technology continues to create new opportunities for people to communicate with one another -communication technology can be a barrier to effective listening

In active listening, restating what you believe the speaker's major themes are in order to demonstrate your comprehension of the conversation's main points and major directions is known as ____. 

What type of questions are intended to find contradictions in what others have said or done?

cross-examination questions

Solution-oriented questions are asked in the hopes of ____.

finding an answer to a business problem

Mary is having a bad day at work and is feeling sad. She attends a team meeting in which the speaker is a colleague who has been rude to her in the past. Each time the speaker proposes a new idea, Mary immediately thinks, "That will never work." Mary's perception of the speaker's message is being influenced by ____.

Which of the following are elements of handshakes designed to show respect, camaraderie, openness, and shared purpose?

-you should hold your hand straight up and down -the handshake should last for two to three seconds

A person with good self-management skills will ____.

-be aware of emotion as it is occurring and control it -exercise discipline to achieve long-term goals -use both positive and negative emotions to meet goals

Dwayne works for a technology company that emphasizes the importance of collaboration and sharing. He is telling his team about changes in employee benefits. His team members respond to this information in silence. How should Dwayne interpret their silence?

-he should clarify their understanding by asking for the team members' views -he should interpret their silence as agreement

Which one of the following statements best describes the way emotional intelligence plays a role in business?

-EQ allows a person to think clearly and be effective in stressful situations

The domains of emotional intelligence include ____.

-empathy -relationship management -self-awareness

Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication are true?

-the meaning of nonverbal communication is less precise than verbal communication -nonverbal communication is mostly understood on a subconscious level and developed instinctively.

Which of the following should you do when giving advice?

allow others enough time to fully explain themselves

After experiencing intense anger, a person ____.

-continues to feel a lingering reaction for hours or days afterwards -is more vulnerable to being provoked into anger again during the aftermath of the event -can help ward off further incidents by practicing self-awareness

When Anna tells Jim that she thinks another employee has been reading his private e-mail, Jim files into a rage, accuses Anna of being the culprit, and says he never wants to work with her again. This behavior would be a case of which of the following?

One of the most serious kinds of incivility involves attacking a person's

When communication succeeds, the participants reach the same understanding about a feeling, thought, or idea. This is called ____.

Which of the following is the best way to accurately interpret nonverbal signals?

focus on various nonverbal signals in combinations

A supervisor tells an employee, "Send me a memo as soon as possible". The employee finishes the important project she was doing and then writes the memo when she has free time. She believes this was "as soon as possible". The supervisor is angry because the employee did not write the memo immediately. This is an example of communication disrupted by ____. 

Which of the following are effects that can result from positive, sincere emotional expressions such as smiles?

-they can generate goodwill -they can help others trust your intentions

Which of the following describe common non-listening behaviors?

-preventing speakers from completely expressing their ideas -prematurely deflecting attention from speakers

When employees become targets of incivility in the workplace, they typically ____.

-spend time worrying about how to handle the uncivil person instead of doing their work -find a different job or seriously consider looking for a different job -reduce the amount of effort they put into their work

Which of the following are examples of judger statements?

-"I am the only one here who knows anything about advertising, so there is no need to hear other opinions". -"this is how we will take care of this issue. I do not want to discuss it further".

You want to make your colleague feel comfortable talking to you. You notice that he generally sits back in his chair with his arms on the arm rests and one leg crossed at the ankle. He usually wear a serious expression on his face but holds eye contact. Which of the following should you do to make him feel most comfortable?

You should look him in the eyes, give hi adequate personal space, and sit with one leg crossed at the ankle to put him at ease

Which of the following are true of leading questions?

-they are often seen as being dishonest -they are intended to guide others to your way of thinking

Which active listening skill involves demonstrating a learner mindset?

Which active listening skill involves demonstrating a learner mindset rather than a judger mindset? Holding judgment is a way to make people feel safe so they will share their ideas and feelings with you.

Which of the following is an example of a judger statement?

During a conversation with his supervisor, Alec paraphrases something that he heard her say. This is an example of a judger statement. Sharing your own ideas with your colleagues undermines the active listening process. Leading questions are generally open-ended.

What is the process of understanding your own emotions as they occur and how they affect your behaviors and thoughts?

Self-awareness – You recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behavior.

Which of the following qualities is a characteristic of people who are hubs?

The correct answer is D) Flexible. People who are hubs and part of hubs have characterized the quality of being flexible.