When the price of commodity falls from 10 to 5 per unit its quantity demanded doubles calculate its elasticity of demand?


Calculate the price elasticity of demand for a commodity when its price increases by 25 % and quantity demanded falls from 150 units to 120 units.


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Ed=percentage change in demandpercentage change in price=−30150×10025 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); =−0.8

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When the price of commodity A falls from Rs. 10 to Rs. 5 per unit, its quantity demanded doubles. Calculate its elasticity of demand. At what price will its quantity demanded fall by 50 per cent?



Hint: Calculate the elasticity of demand $ \left( {{E}_{d}} \right) $ using the definition:
 $ {{E}_{d}}=\dfrac{\dfrac{\Delta Q}{Q}}{\dfrac{\Delta P}{P}} $ , where $ \Delta Q $ is the change in the quantity demanded (Q), and $ \Delta P $ is the change in the price (P).
If the value of a quantity x changes by $ \Delta x $ , then the percentage change in its value is $ \dfrac{\Delta x}{x}\times 100 $ .
Mark that the change $ \Delta x $ is positive for a rise/increase in the value of x and negative for a fall/decrease in the value of x.
  $ \Delta x={{x}_{new}}-{{x}_{old}} $

Complete step by step solution:
Using the definition of change $ \Delta x={{x}_{new}}-{{x}_{old}} $ , the change in the price of the commodity A, when the price falls from P = Rs. 10 to Rs. 5, will be:
  $ \Delta P={{P}_{new}}-{{P}_{old}}=5-10=-5 $
It is also given that the quantity demanded (Q) doubles in value.
  $ \Delta Q={{Q}_{new}}-{{Q}_{old}}=2Q-Q=Q $
Using the formula for elasticity:
  $ {{E}_{d}}=\dfrac{\dfrac{\Delta Q}{Q}}{\dfrac{\Delta P}{P}} $
$\Rightarrow {{E}_{d}}=\dfrac{\dfrac{Q}{Q}}{\dfrac{-5}{10}} $
$\Rightarrow {{E}_{d}}=\dfrac{1}{1}\times \dfrac{2}{-1} $
$\Rightarrow {{E}_{d}}=-2 $
Therefore, the elasticity of demand is $ {{E}_{d}}=-2 $ .
Calculation of price:
If the quantity demanded falls by 50%, then:
  $ \dfrac{\Delta Q}{Q}\times 100=-50 $
$\Rightarrow \dfrac{\Delta Q}{Q}=\dfrac{-50}{100}=\dfrac{-1}{2} $
Using the value $ {{E}_{d}}=-2 $ , we have:
  $ {{E}_{d}}=\dfrac{\dfrac{\Delta Q}{Q}}{\dfrac{\Delta P}{P}} $
$\Rightarrow -2=\dfrac{\dfrac{-1}{2}}{\dfrac{\Delta P}{10}} $
$\Rightarrow -2=\dfrac{-1}{2}\times \dfrac{10}{\Delta P} $
$\Rightarrow \Delta P=\dfrac{5}{2} $
$\Rightarrow \Delta P=2.5 $
Therefore, the price will be $ 10+2.5 $ = Rs. 12.5.

Note: The value of elasticity of demand is always negative. This is because, of the two changes, the percentage change in the quantity demanded and the percentage change in the price, one change will be positive, the other negative.
The percentage change in revenue can be calculated by knowing the elasticity and the percentage change in price alone.
Perfectly inelastic $ \left( {{E}_{d}}=0 \right) $ : Changes in the price do not affect the quantity demanded; raising prices will always cause total revenue to increase.
Relatively inelastic $ \left( -1<{{E}_{d}}<0 \right) $ : The percentage change in the quantity demanded is smaller than that in its price. Hence, when the price is raised, the total revenue increases, and vice versa.
Unit (or unitary) elastic $ \left( {{E}_{d}}=-1 \right) $ : The percentage change in the quantity demanded is equal to that in the price, so a change in price will not affect total revenue.
Relatively elastic $ \left( -\infty <{{E}_{d}}<-1 \right) $ : The percentage change in the quantity demanded is greater than that in the price. Hence, when the price is raised, the total revenue falls, and vice versa.
Perfectly elastic $ \left( {{E}_{d}}=-\infty \right) $ : Any increase in the price, no matter how small, will cause the quantity demanded for the good to drop to zero. Hence, when the price is raised, the total revenue falls to zero.
Total revenue is maximized at the combination of price and quantity demanded where the elasticity of demand is unitary.

When the price of a commodity falls from ₹ 10 to ₹ 5 per unit its quantity demanded doubles calculate its price elasticity of demand?

It is also given that the quantity demanded (Q) doubles in value. Therefore, the elasticity of demand is Ed=−2 . Therefore, the price will be 10+2.5 = Rs. 12.5.

When price of commodity A falls from Rs 10 to Rs 5 per unit?

When the price of commodity A falls from Rs. 10 to Rs. 5 per unit, its quantity demanded doubles.

When the price of a commodity falls its demand will go up likewise when the price of a commodity rises its demand will fall is known as?

True. When the price of a commodity rises the demand will fall. Quantity demanded and price are inversely related this means that as the price of the goods increase the demand of that commodity decreases and vice versa.

What happens when the price of a commodity falls?

Detailed Solution The correct answer is The demand for it to increase. According to the Law of Demand: There is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded of a commodity i.e. when there is a fall in price, demand will increase and vice versa.