When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?


21. When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?

A. Process
B. Outcome
C. Structure
D. Criteria

22. The following are basic steps in the controlling process of the department. Which of the following is NOT included?

A. Measure actual performance
B. Set nursing standards and criteria
C. Compare results of performance to standards and objectives
D. Identify possible courses of action

23. Which of the following statements refers to criteria?

A. Agreed on level of nursing care
B. Characteristics used to measure the level of nursing care
C. Step-by-step guidelines
D. Statement which guide the group in decision making and problem solving

24. She wants to ensure that every task is carried out as planned. Which of the following tasks is NOT included in the controlling process?

A. Instructing the members of the standards committee to prepare policies
B. Reviewing the existing policies of the hospital
C. Evaluating the credentials of all nursing staff
D. Checking if activities conform to schedule

25. Ms. Valencia prepares the process standards. Which of the following is NOT a process standard?

A. Initial assessment shall be done to all patients within twenty four hours upon admission.
B. Informed consent shall be secured prior to any invasive procedure
C. Patients' reports 95% satisfaction rate prior to discharge from the hospital.
D. Patient education about their illness and treatment shall be provided for all patients and their families.

26. Which of the following is evidence that the controlling process is effective?

A. The things that were planned are done
B. Physicians do not complain.
C. Employees are contended
D. There is an increase in customer satisfaction rate.

27. Ms. Valencia is responsible to the number of personnel reporting to her. This principle refers to:

A. Span of control
B. Unity of command
C. Carrot and stick principle
D. Esprit d' corps

28. She notes that there is an increasing unrest of the staff due to fatigue brought about by shortage of staff. Which action is a priority?

A. Evaluate the overall result of the unrest
B. Initiate a group interaction
C. Develop a plan and implement it
D. Identify external and internal forces.

29. Kevin is a member of the Nursing Research Council of the hospital. His first assignment is to determine the level of patient satisfaction on the care they received from the hospital. He plans to include all adult patients admitted from April to May, with average length of stay of 3-4 days, first admission, and with no complications. Which of the following is an extraneous variable of the study?

A. Date of admission
B. Length of stay
C. Age of patients
D. Absence of complications

30. He thinks of an appropriate theoretical framework. Whose theory addresses the four modes of adaptation?

A. Martha Rogers
B. Sr. Callista Roy
C. Florence Nightingale
D. Jean Watson

31. He opts to use a self-report method. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about this method?

A. Most direct means of gathering information
B. Versatile in terms of content coverage
C. Most accurate and valid method of data gathering
D. Yields information that would be difficult to gather by another method

When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?
When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?

When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?A. ProcessB. OutcomeC. StructureD. Criteria

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When she presents the nursing procedures to be followed, she refers to what type of standards?

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