When Luke words his suggestions as positively as possible his managers are more likely to be interested in them because of the bias known as framing effect?

tf- managers often ignore problems

tf- managers typically face ill structured problems, leaving the decision maker uncertain about how to proceed

tf- jake smith is the manager of a small auto repair shop and must decide how much money he owes his suppliers. This is an example of a non-programmed decision.

tf- programmed decisions are useful when there is no predetermined structure on which to rely.

important, difficult decisions tend to be non programmed, and they demand creative approaches- tf

tf- during and after Hurricand katrina, the decisions made by government officials were mostly programmed

tf- risk is a fact of life in non programmed management decisions

managers prefer uncertainty to certainty because it makes the job more challenging- tf

tf- another way of referring to "risk" is "taking a risk"-

conflict exists when the manager must consider opposing pressures from different sources- tf

two opposing pressures that can lead to conflict include psychological and interpersonal- tf

tf- the first stage of decision making requires maker to generate alternatives-

tf- the "problem" in decision making may actually be an opportunity that needs to be exploited-

choosing a ready-made alternative will likely take less time than designing a custom-made solution- tf

ready-made solutions are ideas that have been seen or tried before- tf

tf- fundamental to choosing an alternative is to predict the consequences that will occur if the various options are put into effect

tf= contingency plans are best developed after the decision is made

satisfying is achieving the best possible outcome- tf

tf- when you satisfice, you compare your choice against your goal, not against other options

tf- optimizing means that you achieve the best possible balance among several goals

tf- decision makers should presume that things will go smoothly during implementation

tf- evaluating the decision is useful whether the conclusion is positive or negative

vigilance means that the decision maker evaluates every decision- tf

tf- following all six stages of the decision making process guarantees successful decisions-

tf- decisions are influenced by subjective psychological biases, time pressures, and social realities

the illusion of control is a belief that one can influence events even when one has no control over what will happen- tf

tf- framing effects refer to a decision bias influenced by the way i which a problem or decision alternative is phrased or presented

tf- discounting the future is said to partly explain governmental budget deficits, environmental destruction, and decaying urban infrastructure

tf- the most conscientiously made business decisions can become irrelevant and even disastrous if managers take too long to make them

tf- many organizational decisions are the result of intensive social interactions, bargaining, and politicking

tf- some experts advise that in today's complex business environment, significant problems should always be tackled by groups

tf- one advantage of using a group for decision making is that one person dominates

one potential advantage of a group for decision making is that people understand the decision- tf

tf- a condition that occurs when a decision-making group loses sight of its original goal and a new, less important goal emerges is called groupthink

tf- effectively managing group decision making requires an appropriate leadership style, the constructive use of disagreement and conflict and the enhancement of creativity

tf- the most constructive type of conflict is cognitive conflict

tf- the job of a devils advocate is to create destructive conflict

affective conflict is differences in perspectives or judgements about issues, whereas cognitive conflict is emotional and directed at other people- tf

creativity is more than just an option, it is essential to a firms survival- tf

in brainstorming, group members generate as many ideas about a problem as they can- tf

tf- brainstorming isn't necessarily as effective as some people think

tf- incremental rationality is a less that perfect form of rationality in which decision makers cannot be perfectly rational because decisions are complex and complete information is unavailable or cannot be fully processed

tf- incremental decision making occurs when managers make small decisions and move cautiously toward a bigger solution

tf- the confrontational model of decision making arises when people disagree on goals or compete with one another for resources

tf- the garbage can model of decision making occurs when people aren't sure of their goals, or disagree about the goals, and likewise are unsure of or in disagreement about what to do

tf- decision making under cries conditions will inevitably result in poor decisions and negative publicity 

characteristics of managerial decisions include which of the following?

managers often ignore problems for which of the following reasons?

E. managers cannot be sure how much time, energy, or trouble lie ahead once they start working on the problem

___ are those decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers, and solvable by using simple rules, policies, or numerical computations

decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers and solvable by using simple rules, policies or numerical computations are

new, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers are

A. nonprogrammed decisions

the state that exists when decision makers have accurate and comprehensive information is

the state that exists when decision makers have insufficient information is 

Sally is contemplating whether to open the companies first international branch in Europe or in Asia. She is facing a ___ decision

Company policy requires that in hiring subcontractors, at least there bids must be received and that the lowest bid which meets specifications will be accepted. Quans decisions regarding the hiring of subcontractors would be classified as

uncertainty exists when the manager

D. has insufficient information to make the decision

the state that exists when the probability of success is less than 100% and losses may occur is

opposing pressures from different sources is called

two jobs, one in new york is where he would like to live. one in kansas city pays more, he is having difficult time deciding because he is experiencing

D. psychological conflict

the initial step in the decision making process is to

a manager may discover that a problem exists with current company performance by comparing it with

once a problem is identified and proper diagnosed, the next stage in the decision making process involves

E. generating alternative solutions

when a solution is specifically designed for a particular problem or set of problems, it is called

custom made decisions often require

alternative courses of action that can be implemented based on how the future unfolds are called

___ requires searching thoroughly for a complete range of alternatives, carefully assessing each alternative, comparing one to another and then choosing or creating the very best

making a decision by accepting the first option that meets your goal is referred to as 

managers who optimize their decisions will attempt to choose

E. an alternative that achieves the best possible balance among several goals

C. achieve the best possible outcome

implementing a decision must be planned carefully. Adequate planning most often requires which of the following steps?

B. order the steps necessary to achieve a fully operational decision

the final stage in the decision-making process is 

E. evaluating the decision

negative feedback received during the final evaluation of the decision best indicates

D. the decision was a bad one

vigilance in decision making means

B. the manager has carefully and conscientiously completed all stages in the decision making process

managers faulty thought processes that can lead companies to failure include 

D. i must weigh short-term costs and benefits more heavily than long term costs and benefits

which of the following is an example of subjective bias that many corporate executives exhibit?

Psychological bias in decision making refers to

D. the inability to be objective when gathering, evaluating applying information for decision making

"illusion of control" refers to a 

B. belief that you can influence events even when you have no control over what will happen

gambling is an example of which of the following psychological biases?

illusion of control, discounting the future and framing effects are all examples of

the way in which the alternatives to a decision are stated or phrased may have an impact on which alternative is chosen. Varying alternatives can be presented in a more favorable or less favorable way, affecting the decision. This is

discounting the future refers to

D. valuing short-term benefits more heavily than longer-term benefits and costs

students who don't study, dieters who sneak dessert and working people who take the afternoon off when they really need to work are all examples of which psychological bias?

C. discounting the future

tactics that are used to make decisions quickly while maintain gin the high quality of such decisions include

E. doing all of the above

real-time info is info that

A. is obtained with little or no delay

interpersonal factors that decrease the effectiveness of the org decisions are best described as

the basic philosophy behind group decision making is that "two heads are better than one." But does this hold true in an org setting?

In the end the staff members were invited to participate in the process to decide which ideas to move forward. This enabled staff to be aware of various options that were available and why they were chosen. This scenario involving staff, most likely helped them to 

E. understand the decisions

advantages in using a group for decision making include

A. intellectual stimulation

a potential disadvantage of group decisions include which of the following?

which of the following statements about group decision making improves the chances that the decision will be implemented successfully?

C. people who participate in a group discussion are more likely to understand why the decision was made

allowing one person to control a discussion or decision is referred to as

a phenomenon that occurs in decision making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus is

a condition that occurs when a decision making group loses sight of its original goal and new, possibly less important, goal emerges is

Tony rammed all his ideas through; they were good, but nobody else dared to speak up or contribute, the group experienced

when a group accepts an alternative that seems to please the members of the group, but the group has not taken the time or effort to explore many options, the group has

A. avoiding disagreement while striving for consensus

groups that operate under a condition known as groupthink are most likely

D. concerned with maintaining a positive team spirit

when new goals emerge in the process of a group making a decision and the original goal is forgotten or replaced, ___ has occured

leaders of decision making groups should

D. pay close attention to the group process

issue based differences in perspectives or judgments are

emotional disagreements directed toward other people are known as 

of the suggestions below, the most constructive type of con flit is ___ conflict.

in an effort to combat groupthink and an overall lack of creativity, the group leader assigned Tiffani to the task of criticizing ideas throughout the meeting. this role is

two of your employees consistently disagree with each other to the point of developing anger and bitterness, which impacts the work group. this situation is known as

which of the following best describes the requirements of the dialectic method?

B. a debate between two conflicting courses of action is held

in an attempt to make a conflict between two employees less personal and emotional, their manager assigns each of teem to approach a problem from a different viewpoint than their original one. Example of using ___ approach.

which of the following statements about encouraging creativity is true?

B. you are being creative if you join two previously unrelated things

a process in which group members generate as many ideas about a problem as they can; and criticism is withheld until all ideas have been proposed is called

in order to be creative, a brainstorming session must

___ is the concept that decision makers cannot be truly rational because decisions are complex and complete information is unavailable

the ___ model of decision making arises when people disagree on goals or compete with one another for resources

The ___ model of decision making occurs when decision makers make small decisions and move in piece-meal fashion toward a bigger solution.

Contessa as the manager of a medium sized research team of engineers found herself in the midst of a battle between coalitions, each with its own solution to the problem the team faced. Contessa would be best served to follow which of the following courses of action?

E. Contessa should use a collaborative method in which she establishes a goal around which the entire group can rally

which of the following statements about decision making in a crisis is true?

D. an effective plan for crisis management is essential for the management agenda.

which of the following is an element of an effective plan for crisis management?

C. psychological and cultural actions

When Holden words his suggestions as positively as possible his managers are more likely to be interested in them because of the bias known as the framing effect?

When Luke words his suggestions as positively as possible, his managers are more likely to be interested in them because of the bias known as the framing effect. The most constructive type of conflict is affective conflict.

Which of the following is the most constructive type of conflict?

The most constructive type of conflict is affective conflict. Cognitive conflict is differences in perspectives or judgments about issues. The most fundamental unit of value in the creativity revolution is ideas.

Which of the following groups is most likely to experience groupthink?

Groupthink is more likely to occur in groups in which the members are feeling strong social identity—for instance, when there is a powerful and directive leader who creates a positive group feeling, and in times of stress and crisis when the group needs to rise to the occasion and make an important decision.

What is the usual state of affairs in managerial decision making?

Lack of structure is the usual state of affairs in managerial decision-making.