When followers observe certain behaviors they make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities?

Charismatic leadership theory (p.392) is a leadership theory that states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors.

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A contemporary theory of leadership is Charismatic Leadership Theory (p.403-405). Discuss the results of your self-assessment as they associate with any part of the chapter contents regarding charismatic leadership

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“Charismatic leadership theory (p.392) is a leadership theory that states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. Individuals are born with traits that make them charismatic. In fact, studies of identical twins found they score similarly on charismatic leadership measures, even if they were raised in different households and never met. Personality is also related to charismatic leadership; charismatic leaders are likely to be extra-verted, self-confident, and achievement oriented. For example, I scored 18 on management of attention, trust, self, and risk. On the other hand, I scored 17 for management of meaning and feelings.”

Charismatic leadership theory (p.392) is a leadership theory that states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors was first posted on July 8, 2019 at 6:50 am.

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Charismatic leadership theory (p.392) is a leadership theory that states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors

When followers observe certain behaviors they make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities?

Following are the new approaches of leadership:-

  • Transactional
  • Charismatic
  • Transformational

Transactional Leadership

These type of leaders focus on rewards in exchange for motivation, productivity and effective task accomplishment.

Transformational Leadership

These type of leaders focus on influencing attitudes and assumption of staff. Building commitment to the mission and always try to achieve the objective of the organization.

Difference between Transactional & Transformational Leadersship

  • Transactional and transformational leadership are not opposing approaches
  • Transactional leadership si built on transactional leadership
  • Transformational leaders inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization
  • Transformational leadership is more strongly correlated with lower turnover rates, higher productivity and higher employee satisfaction.
CategoriesTransactional Transformational
Leader’s source of power Rank, Position Character, Competence
Follower reaction Compliance Commitment
Time Frame Short term Long term
Rewards Pay, promotion etc. Pride, self-esteem etc.
Supervision Important Less important
Counseling focus Evaluation Development

Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leaders have a combination of charm and personal magnetism that contribute to a remarkable ability to get other people to endorse to their vision and promote it passionately.

Charisma is a Greek word meaning “divinely inspired gift”. In leadership charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purpose, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others. Charismatic theory is an extension of attribution theory. It says that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors.

  • Charismatic leadership may be ideal for pulling an organization through a crisis but become a liabilty to an organization once the crisis and the need for dramatic change subside.
  • Charismatic leadership may be most appropriate when the follower’s task has an ideological component.

Traits of a Charismatic Leader

  • Self-confidence
  • Vision
  • Strong conviction in that vision
  • Out of the ordinary behavior
  • The image of a change agent

Followers feelings towards Charismatic Leader

  • High Trust & Confidence
  • Obedience
  • Emotional involvement
  • Satisfaction
  • Motivation

Types of Charismatic Leaders

Visionary Leaders
  • Visionary leaders goes beyond charisma
  • Visionary leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, attractive vision of the future for an organization or organizational unit that grows out of and improves upon the present.
  • The key properties of a vision seem to be inspirational possibilities that are value centered, realizable, with superior imagery and articulation.
Crisis Based Charismatic Leaders

The crisis based charismatic leader communicates clearly what actions need to be taken and what their consequences will be in the crisis.

Transformational vs Charismatic Leaders

  • Charisma is distinct from transformational leadership
  • A personal trait that might help transform, or might just help the leader
  • Charismatic leadership might have opposite effect – create dependence, not empowerment.

When followers observe certain behaviors they make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities called?

Charismatic leadership theory: A leadership theory that states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviours.

Which of the following leadership theories argues that followers make attributions of extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors in others?

Robert House's Charismatic Leadership Theory: followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors and tend to give these leaders power.

What is the heroic theory of leadership?

For many years now evidence has suggested that heroic leadership – a model in which a single individual is perceived as driving an organisation to success – does not create better outcomes for leaders or teams. Leadership is about relationships, not being a superhero.

What is transactional charismatic and transformational leadership?

Meaning. A leadership style that employs rewards and punishments for motivating followers is Transactional Leadership. A leadership style in which the leader employs charisma and enthusiasm to inspire his followers is Transformational Leadership.