What type of sequencing relationship the most popular relationship is used when the second activity does not start until the first one is completed?

Today, we will discuss the finish-to-start relationship. This is the most commonly used relation in the network diagram.

Before we move into detail on the finish-to-start (FS) relationship, let’s understand the terms we’ll use.

A predecessor activity comes before a dependent activity in a schedule.

A successor activity is a dependent activity that comes after another.

A lead is when the work of a successor activity is started before the predecessor finishes and is indicated by the “-” sign.

A lag is a delay of a successor activity, denoted by the “+” sign. 

Finish-to-Start Relationship

A project network diagram can have four types of dependency:

  1. Finish-to-start
  2. Finish-to-finish
  3. Start-to-finish
  4. Start-to-start

In this blog post, I will provide you with details of the finish-to-start (FS) relationship.

According to the PMBOK Guide, “Finish to Start is a Logical Relationship in which a Successor Activity cannot start until a Predecessor Activity has finished.”

This is the most commonly used relationship in a network diagram; the start of the successor activity depends on the predecessor activity’s finish.

Representation of Finish-to-Start Activity

Here is how a finish-to-start relationship is shown in a network diagram.

What type of sequencing relationship the most popular relationship is used when the second activity does not start until the first one is completed?

Bar chart or Gantt chart of the same is below:

What type of sequencing relationship the most popular relationship is used when the second activity does not start until the first one is completed?

Example of Finish-to-Start Relationship

Let’s say you are constructing a room.

To install the ceiling, you have to construct the walls. In this example, the first activity is constructing walls, and the second activity is the ceiling.

Let’s see a scenario with lag.

After plastering the wall, you will wait for two days to let it cure; then you can start painting. Here the relation is finish-to-start with two days of lag.

Our last example has lead.

Suppose you are constructing a two-floor building. You have two activities in sequence: electrical work and painting. The duration of the electrical work is ten days, and the painting will take six days.

However, as you complete the electrical work on the ground floor in five days, you begin painting while the electrical work on the second floor continues.

Here you have a finish-to-start relationship with five days of lead.

Uses of Finish-to-Start Relationship

This relationship is used in all types of project network diagrams, including activity-on-node diagrams and activity-on-arrow diagrams.

Roles of Finish-to-Start relation in Schedule Compression

This relationship is useful when the project is delayed and the project manager has to compress the schedule.

Finish-to-start is also useful when you want to complete the project earlier and are looking for activities that can be run in parallel. 


Finish-to-start is the most commonly used relationship in project management and can be used in all types of network diagrams. 

Here is where this post on the finish-to-start relationship ends. Please share your experience using it in the comments section.

What type of sequencing relationship the most popular relationship is used when the second activity does not start until the first one is completed?

Activity sequencing reviews all activities in the WBS with the goal of identifying relationships between them and classifying all the timing relationships among tasks. These relationships (aka "linkages", "dependencies", "predecessors"). Task timing relationships are important because they control task sequencing and task start and end dates. There are four types of task relationships:

  1. A finish-to-start relationship exists if one activity must finish before another activity starts (most common task relationship type).
  2. A start-to-start relationshipexists if one activity cannot start until another activity starts (2nd most common task relationship type).
  3. A finish-to-finish relationship exists if the one activity cannot finish until another activity finishes (3rd most common task relationship type).
  4. Finally, astart-to-finish relationship exists if one activity must start before another can finish (rarely used relationship type)

Why do these dependencies exist? Sometimes they are just logical or mandatory. For example, in a project involving the design and development of a custom Web-based GIS application, it is necessary to complete a user requirements assessment task before beginning an application design task (a finish-to-start relationship). Or, in a project that involves the competitive selection of a contractor to perform GIS database development, it is possible to start the preparation of a request for proposal (RFP) document at the same time that proposal scoring and selection criteria are developed (a start-to-start relationship). Associated with the assignment of task relationships is the concept of a lag or a lead . Efficient project scheduling can use the appropriate application of lag and lead times along with task relationships--which adjust task duration and start and end dates. A lag time forces a task to start at specified period of time after that defined by established task relationships. For instance, in procuring contractor services, review of proposals occurs after distribution of an RFP but with a lag of an additional 28 days after the RFP distribution (time required for vendors to submit bids). A task lead forces a task to start a specified time before that defined by the task relationship. For instance, a GIS database design task is related to the end of an information gathering task but the design work can start before the end of that information gathering work (task lead).

By effective application of task relationships and lag and lead times, a project schedule will reflect realistic timing factors and also allow for appropriate overlap in the timing of tasks to make the best use of time.

Once all dependencies have been identified, a network diagram can be created to schematically show the sequencing of projects. In network diagrams, arrows represent tasks and are drawn to show dependencies. The completed network diagram can be used to identify the critical path of a project, the series of dependent activities that determines the shortest possible duration of a project, assuming all other milestones are met on all other paths. To find the critical path, trace all paths represented by arrows through the network diagram while summing the duration of all tasks. The greatest sum from beginning to end is the critical path. The critical path is aptly named, as a project will be behind schedule if tasks on the critical path take longer to complete than anticipated. Other tasks not on the critical path have varying amounts of slack, or time a task can be delayed without putting the completion date in danger. Figure 5-1, below, illustrates a method for determining the critical path from a network diagram.

What type of sequencing relationship the most popular relationship is used when the second activity does not start until the first one is completed?

Figure 5-1: Network Diagram Example
Click for text description of figure 5-1: Network Diagram Example

This figure explains the concept of a network diagram. It consists of oval shapes (numbered 1 through 8) that represent project milestone points and lines connecting the oval shapes which represent project activities (A through J) and the number of days in duration. Oval shape #1 (the start of the project) on the left side of the diagram has lines that connect it to oval shapes (milestones) #2, #3, and #4. The connecting activity lines to these shapes have the labels, "A=1", B=2, and C=3. Oval shape (milestone) #2 has one line that connects to oval shape #5 to the right with a line labeled "D=4". Oval shape (milestone) #3 has two lines that connect to oval shapes #5 and #6 to the right with lines labeled "D=4" and "E=5" respectively. Oval shape (milestone) #4 has one line that connects to oval shape #7 to the right with a line labeled "G=6". Oval shape (milestone) #5 has one line that connects to oval shape #6 to the right with a line labeled "H=6". Oval shape (milestone) #7 has one line that connects to oval shape #6 to the right with a line labeled "I=2". Oval shape (milestone) #6 has one line that connects to oval shape #8 to the right with a line labeled "J=3". There is text annotation below the network diagram which presents durations for specific paths of project activities. It reads:

Note: Assume all durations are in days.

Path 1: A-D-H-J Length = 1+4+6+3 = 14 days

Path 2: B-E-H-J Length = 2+5+6+3 = 16 days

Path 3: B-F-J Length = 2+4+3 = 9 days

Path C-G-I-J Length = 3+6+2+3 = 14 days

Since the critical path is the longest path through the network diagram, Path 2 (B-E-H-J) is the critical path for Project X.

Credit: Schwalbe Figure 6-8. Information Technology Project Management, 8th Edition. Used with permission by Cengage Learning

What type of sequencing relationship is used when the second activity does not start until the first one is completed?

In a finish-to-start relationship, the successor activity cannot begin until the predecessor activity has completed. This is the most frequently used logical relationship and is the default setting for most project-scheduling software packages.

What are the 4 types of activity relationships?

There are four possible activity relationships, which are defined in the Project Management Institute's "bible of project management" — The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®). The relationships are Finish-to-Start, Start-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish and Start-to-Finish.

Which is the most commonly used logical relationship?

“A logical connection in which a successor venture cannot start until a predecessor activity has finished.” If you have a question – which is the most commonly used logical relationship? Yes, Finish to Start is the most commonly used logical relationship.

What is the relationship between a predecessor activity and a successor activity?

A predecessor is an activity whose start or finish controls start or finish of another activity. And a successor is an activity whose start or finish is controlled by start or finish of another activity.