What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Understanding XenApp Security

Tariq Bin Azad, in Securing Citrix Presentation Server in the Enterprise, 2008

Understanding Multifactor Authentication

An authentication factor is a piece of information and process used to authenticate a person's identity for security purposes. Two-factor authentication (2FA), shown in Figure 4.27, is an authentication mechanism based on two pieces of information: something you have, such as a smart card, token id, etc. and something you know, such as a PIN. When presented with a log-on option, the user must provide both pieces of the authentication mechanism or they will be denied access to the system. There is another factor of authentication providing multifactor authentication based on something a person is or does, such as a biometric recognition. Citrix XenApp natively supports 2FA and can support 3FA with third-party add-on products.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Figure 4.27. Understanding Multifactor Authentication

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Context-Aware Multifactor Authentication Survey

Emin Huseynov, Jean-Marc Seigneur, in Computer and Information Security Handbook (Third Edition), 2017


In Sound-Proof [26] the second authentication factor is based on verification of the user's phone's presence near the main device (Fig. 50.9). The system compares ambient noise recorded by the main system (a laptop) with sound recorded by the mobile phone. This comparison is triggered by a push notification (the ambient sound does not need to be recorded all of the time); it is done only for a short time when the second factor is requested by the system. In case there is no ambient sound at all (which is presented as a very rare case), the system suggests that the user “clears the throat” to generate some sound.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Figure 50.9. Sound-based authentication example. SP, Sound-Proof.

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What Is Federated Identity?

Derrick Rountree, in Federated Identity Primer, 2013 Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication gets its name from the use of multiple authentication factors. So what is an authentication factor? You can think of a factor as a category of authentication. There are three authentication factors that can be used: something you know, something you have, and something you are. Something you know would be a password, a PIN, or some other personal information. Something you have would be a one-time-use token, a smartcard, or some other artifact that you might have in your physical possession. Something you are would be your biometric identity like a fingerprint or a speech pattern. In order for something to be considered multifactor authentication, it must make use of at least two of the three factors mentioned.

People often confuse two-factor authentication with dual authentication. Dual authentication is basically using any two forms of authentication in conjunction. For dual authentication, it doesn’t matter if these two forms of authentication are from the same factor or not. For example, requiring two passwords would be dual authentication, but it would not be considered two-factor authentication. In order for authentication to be truly two-factor, you must use authentication methods that are classified in two different factors.

Multifactor authentication is often used in situations where more stringent security is required. For example, you may require multifactor authentication when using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access your organization’s internal network. In cases like these, you want to take extra precautions to ensure the right person is accessing the network.

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Introduction to General Security Concepts

Derrick Rountree, in Security for Microsoft Windows System Administrators, 2011

Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication gets its name from the use of multiple authentication factors. So, what is a factor? You can think of a factor as a category of authentication. There are three authentication factors that can be used: something you know, something you have, and something you are. Something you know would be a password, a birthday or some other personal information. Something you have would be a one-time use token, a smart card or some other artifact that you might have in your physical possession. Something you are would be your biometric identity, like a fingerprint or a speech pattern. In order for something be considered multifactor authentication, it must make use of at least two of the three factors mentioned.

People often confuse two-factor authentication with dual authentication. Dual authentication is basically using any two forms of authentication in conjunction. For dual authentication, it doesn't matter if these two forms of authentication are from the same factor or not. In order for authentication to be truly two-factor, you must use authentication methods that are classified in two different factors.

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Biometric Authentication for SCADA Security

Jack Wiles, in Techno Security's Guide to Securing SCADA, 2008

Solutions Fast Track

Understand the Strengths and Weaknesses of Biometric Solutions

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Know that biometrics is appropriate only in limited circumstances in SCADA security.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Analyze the number of authentication factors needed.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Make realistic choices concerning the physical traits measured for identity.

Choose Biometric Technology That Matches Your Security Priorities

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Is speed of access or certainty of authentication more important?

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

What current, cost-effective product meets your company's needs?

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Factor complexity and environmental concerns into your decision.

Learn About Your Biometric System's Vulnerabilities

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Systems mteasuring physical characteristics external to the body may be fooled by presenting a false sample.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Biometric systems may be attacked through their software systems.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Data and software integrity is critical and must be monitored and confirmed on a regular basis in biometric scanning and comparison systems.

Prepare for Social and Legal Changes

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Some people refuse to provide invasive biometric samples for any purpose, including security.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Current U.S law contains loopholes relating to storage and use of physical data for security purposes.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Expect changes in law and regulation of biometrics that could affect the use of this technology in your SCADA security system.

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Authentication Systems

Christophe Kiennert, ... Pascal Thoniel, in Digital Identity Management, 2015 Hardware OTPs

OTPs a currently most widely used for two-factor authentication, i.e. in addition to another authentication factor. Protocols such as S/KEY, where a user may be identified by simply supplying a correct OTP, are no longer particularly popular.

Two-factor authentication using an OTP can take a number of forms, but the most widely (and almost exclusively) used versions involve a combination of “what the user knows” and “what the user has”. Generally, “what the user possesses” is a hardware element, such as an RSA SecurID token, and “what the user knows” is the OTP generated by the token, generally in addition to a token-specific Personal Identification Number (PIN) held by the user.

OTP calculation generally involves a time stamp, deduced from synchronization with the server. The user obtains an OTP that is only valid for a short period, between 30 sec and 1 min. All tokens must be initialized with a different seed in order to prevent multiple tokens producing the same OTP for the same time period.

The use of dedicated equipment with physical and logical countermeasures means that hardware OTPs offer an additional layer of protection during authentication. The limited validity period for an OTP also invalidates phishing or replay attacks. However, this also imposes constraints on the user, first in financial terms, due to the cost of hardware, and in practical terms, as authentication will not be possible if the user forgets or loses their token.

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Identification and Authentication

Jason Andress, in The Basics of Information Security (Second Edition), 2014

More advanced

The type of password cracking we are discussing here is called brute force cracking. This involves trying every possible combination of characters that the password could be composed of, in sequence, until we try them all. Given a powerful system on which to run the cracker and a poorly constructed password, this can be a very effective means of recovering passwords. We will discuss this at greater length in Chapter 12. This type of attack can be mitigated by limiting the number of attempts before the user is locked out. The problem with locking users out lies in impact to productivity and cost of the administrators time to subsequently unlock accounts.

In addition to constructing strong passwords, we also need to be careful to practice good password hygiene. One problem with strong passwords is that they can be difficult to remember. This might encourage us to take steps to remember our passwords, such as writing them down and posting them in a handy place, perhaps under our keyboard or on our monitor. This, of course, completely defeats the purpose of having a password if someone comes snooping around our desk.

A number of applications exist, generally under the label of “password managers,” also known as “password safes/wallets” that will help us manage all the logins and passwords we have for different accounts, some as locally installed software and some as Web or mobile device applications. There are a number of arguments for and against such tools, but when they are used carefully, they can be of assistance in maintaining good password hygiene.

Another password security issue is manual synchronization of passwords—in short, using the same password everywhere. If we use the same password for our e-mail, for our log-in at work, for our online knitting discussion forum, and everywhere else, we are placing the security of all our accounts with each system owner where we use the same password. If any one of them is compromised and its password exposed, we have a serious problem. All an attacker needs to do is look up our account name, luv2knit, on the Internet to find some of the places where the same name is used and start trying our default password. By the time the attacker gets into our e-mail account, the game is over.


When we look at biometrics, we should consider what exactly it is when we use it as an authentication factor. As we discussed in the “Identification” section at the beginning of the chapter, there is a difference between authentication and verification. When we complete an authentication transaction with a biometric identifier, we are essentially asking the user to provide evidence that he or she is who he or she claims to be; this is, by definition, verification, and not authentication. Although some biometric identifiers may be more difficult to falsify than others, this is only due to limitations in today’s technology. At some point in the future, we will need to develop more robust biometric characteristics to measure or stop using biometrics as an authentication mechanism.

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Identification and Authentication

Jason Andress, in The Basics of Information Security, 2011


When we look at biometrics, we should consider what exactly it is when we use it as an authentication factor. As we discussed in the “Identification” section at the beginning of the chapter, there is a difference between authentication and verification. When we complete an authentication transaction with a biometric identifier, we are essentially asking the user to provide evidence that he or she is who he or she claims to be; this is, by definition, verification, and not authentication. Although some biometric identifiers may be more difficult to falsify than others, this is only due to limitations in today’s technology. At some point in the future, we will need to develop more robust biometric characteristics to measure, or stop using biometrics as an authentication mechanism.

Additional Resources

Biometrics-equipped devices and readers are becoming common enough that we have begun to see very inexpensive (less than $20) versions of them on the market. It pays to research such devices carefully before we depend on them for security, as some of the cheaper versions are very easily bypassed.

This being said, we can use biometric systems in two different manners. We can use them to verify the claim of identity that someone has put forth, as we discussed earlier, or we can reverse the process and use biometrics as a method of identification. This process is commonly used by law enforcement agencies to identify the owner of fingerprints that have been left on various objects, and can be a very time-consuming effort, considering the sheer size of the fingerprint libraries held by such organizations. We also see similar use in the comparison of DNA samples taken from suspects in crimes compared to physical evidence recovered from the crime scene.

To use a biometric system in either manner, we need to put the user through the enrollment process. Enrollment involves recording the chosen biometric characteristic from the user—for instance, making a copy of a fingerprint—and recording the characteristic in the system. Processing of the characteristic may also include noting certain parts of the image, depending on the characteristic in question, to use for later matching in the system.


Biometric factors are defined by seven characteristics: universality, uniqueness, permanence, collectability, performance, acceptability, and circumvention [4].

Universality stipulates that we should be able to find our chosen biometric characteristic in the majority of people we expect to enroll in the system. For instance, although we might be able to use a scar as an identifier, we cannot guarantee that everyone will have a scar. Even if we choose a very common characteristic, such as a fingerprint, we should take into account that some people may not have an index finger on their right hand and be prepared to compensate for this.

Uniqueness is a measure of how unique a particular characteristic is among individuals. For example, if we choose to use height or weight as a biometric identifier, we would stand a very good chance of finding several people in any given group who are of the same height or weight. We can select characteristics with a higher degree of uniqueness, such as DNA, or iris patterns, but there is always a possibility of duplication, whether intentional or otherwise.

Permanence tests show how well a particular characteristic resists change over time and with advancing age. If we choose a factor that can easily vary, such as height, weight, or hand geometry, we will eventually find ourselves in the position of not being able to authenticate a legitimate user. We can instead use factors such as fingerprints that, although they can be altered, are unlikely to be altered without deliberate action.

Collectability measures how easy it is to acquire a characteristic with which we can later authenticate a user. Most commonly used biometrics, such as fingerprints, are relatively easy to acquire, and this is one reason they are in common use. If we choose a characteristic that is more difficult to acquire, such as a footprint, the user will need to remove his shoe and sock in order to enroll (and to authenticate again later), which is considerably more troublesome than taking a fingerprint.

Performance is a set of metrics that judge how well a given system functions. Such factors include speed, accuracy, and error rate. We will discuss the performance of biometric systems at greater length later in this section.

Acceptability is a measure of how acceptable the particular characteristic is to the users of the system. In general, systems that are slow, difficult to use, or awkward to use are less likely to be acceptable to the user [5]. Systems that require users to remove their clothes, touch devices that have been repeatedly used by others, or provide tissue or bodily fluids will likely not enjoy a high degree of acceptability.

Circumvention describes the ease with which a system can be tricked by a falsified biometric identifier. The classic example of a circumvention attack against the fingerprint as a biometric identifier is found in the “gummy finger.” In this type of attack, a fingerprint is lifted from a surface, potentially in a covert fashion, and is used to create a mold with which the attacker can cast a positive image of the fingerprint in gelatin. Some biometric systems have features specifically designed to defeat such attacks by measuring skin temperature, pulse, pupillary response, and a number of other items.

Measuring Performance

We can look at many factors when measuring the performance of a biometric system, but a few primary metrics stand out as being particularly important for gauging how well the system is working. False acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) are two of these [6]. FAR occurs when we accept a user whom we should actually have rejected. This type of issue is also referred to as a false positive. FRR is the problem of rejecting a legitimate user when we should have accepted him. This type of issue is commonly known outside the world of biometrics as a false negative.

Either of these situations is undesirable in excess. What we try to achieve with such systems is a balance between the two error types, referred to as an equal error rate (EER) [6]. If we plot out both the FAR and FRR on a graph, as we have done in Figure 2.3, the EER is the point where the two lines intersect. EER is sometimes used as a measure of the accuracy of biometric systems.

What term describes the use of more than one authentication mechanism at the same time?

Figure 2.3. Equal Error Rate


There are several issues common to biometric systems. As we mentioned when discussing circumvention, some biometric identifiers can be easily forged. Given a falsified identifier, we face a problem; we cannot revoke such a characteristic.

Although we can remove the particular identifier from the system and no longer allow it to be used to authenticate a user, in some cases this is not practical. If we look at fingerprints as an example, we find such a commonly used identifier that someone falsely using our fingerprints could cause us great problems. Although we may currently be able to move to stronger biometrics that, at present, are not easily copied, such as an iris pattern, such efforts will not remain beyond the grasp of attackers forever.

We also face possible issues of privacy in the use of biometrics, both as owners of such systems and as users of them. When we are enrolled in a biometric system, we are essentially giving away a copy of whatever identifier is chosen, whether it is a fingerprint, iris pattern, DNA sample, or otherwise. Once such an item has been entered into a computer system, we have little, if any, control over what is done with the material. We can hope that once we are no longer associated with the institution in question, such materials would be destroyed, but we really have no way of guaranteeing this has actually taken place. Particularly in the case of DNA sampling, the repercussions of surrendering genetic material could be an issue hanging over our heads for the rest of our lives.

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Laying the Groundwork

Derrick Rountree, Ileana Castrillo, in The Basics of Cloud Computing, 2014

Multifactor authentication

One method for ensuring proper authentication security is the use of multifactor authentication. Multifactor authentication gets its name from the use of multiple authentication factors. You can think of a factor as a category of authentication. There are three authentication factors that can be used: something you know, something you have, and something you are. Something you know would be a password, a birthday, or some other personal information. Something you have would be a one-time use token, a smartcard, or some other artifact that you might have in your physical possession. Something you are would be your biometric identity, like a fingerprint or a speech pattern. In order for something be considered multifactor authentication, it must make use of at least two of the three factors mentioned. For example, when a user attempts to authenticate, he or she may have to enter both their password and a one-time use token code.

Multifactor authentication is being offered by an increasing number of service providers, especially those that store sensitive data. Often this advanced functionality is not advertised prominently by cloud providers. So, if you feel that multifactor authentication is necessary in your deployment, you should ask the provider about it.

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Ian H. Witten, ... David M. Nichols, in How to Build a Digital Library (Second Edition), 2010

7.5 Authentication and Security

As discussed in Section 2.2, it is sometimes necessary to restrict access to parts of a digital library. Threats to the integrity of a digital library arise from human hackers (or crackers) and from the destructive programs they create, such as viruses and worms. Library administrators will almost always need to restrict access to the administrative functions of the software (the only possible exceptions might be public-editing open-content systems like Wikipedia). In some cases they will also need to restrict access to the content. Some of these restrictions are inevitable once a collection is placed on a network. Collection maintenance relies on the security of the underlying library software and of the associated applications, such as Web servers.

The next general step is to ensure that the content that is placed on your network-facing server is content that you really want to share. Many users place private documents on Web servers where they think they are concealed, but simple searches for terms like confidential and not for distribution show that Web servers and Web-indexing robots often conspire to reveal such documents. Once you have organized your content, arranged for regular and reliable backups, and changed any default passwords in your software, you are ready to consider how to configure access to your particular services.

Computer users are accustomed to providing usernames and passwords to log in to systems or gain access to resources. The username and password pair authenticates a person to the system, which then grants some privileges to the person. The password is an authentication factor. Authentication factors can be classified into three groups:

something you know: a password or personal identification number (PIN);

something you have: a token, such as bank card;

something you are: biometrics, such as fingerprints and voice recognition.

Sometimes the factors are combined. Using a bank card in an ATM is two-factor authentication: the card and the PIN. The more authentication factors used, the harder it is to bypass the authentication. But greater security is accompanied by increasingly complex access. This complexity is often desirable: we want it to be difficult to launch a nuclear missile, so we accept that launch systems should have complex multi-factor authentication. For users of Web-based systems, the one-factor pair of username and password is the de facto norm, but the appropriate level of authentication depends on the nature of the content or service. For example, the administrative functions of a digital library could require that access be from a particular network (e.g., a university campus) as well as be password-protected.

For something you know authentication factors to be effective, the something has to remain private— if others know your password, they can pretend to be you. When private data is used to authenticate over a network, it must be transmitted using a protocol that hides that data. On the Web, URLs that begin with https:// initiate a connection using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). HTTPS takes normal HTTP data and encrypts it to prevent third parties from observing the requests and responses using a cryptographic protocol such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or its successor Transport Layer Security (TLS). Many Web browsers show a padlock icon when a HTTPS session is in progress, and most users are now generally aware that this indicates a secure connection.

Once user name and password have been securely transmitted to the digital library software, they need to be checked against a register, or directory, of valid usernames and passwords. A digital library system could manage this process itself or use an external module that provides a directory service. Many directory services support the widely used Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to manage user data; LDAP can be accessed by e-mail clients as well as other applications. Implementations of LDAP, including encryption, are available for many platforms and are often integrated into other applications, such as the Apache Web server.

The appropriate level of authentication for a digital library needs to balance the value of identifying users with the costs imposed by the authentication mechanisms. If restrictions are imposed on the content of passwords, they become burdensome for users to remember. If users are forced to choose a new password for every service they use, they are likely to simply re-use the same password. Some users react to password restrictions by writing them down on sticky notes attached to their displays, negating the security benefits. Because many services ask users to create usernames and passwords, an approach for reducing username/password overload has been devised, called single sign-on.

True single sign-on allows one set of authentication details to be used by many different services; users enter their credentials just once. Single sign-on is often adopted within organizations to reduce password overload and to lower barriers to access. There is no widely used single sign-on technology on the Internet. A related idea, sometimes also referred to as single sign-on, allows users to have one username/password pair for many different services. Although users still have to log in many times, they can do so with a single identity.

The OpenID standard is a mechanism for using one digital identity on the Web. A user first registers with an OpenID provider and generates an OpenID identifier (which can be a URL). A Web site that adopts this authentication process asks users for their identifier and redirects them to the provider to enter their password. The provider checks the password and sends a message back to the site to confirm the login. When many sites support OpenID, users can simply re-use their identifier without needing to remember many usernames and passwords. At the time of writing, OpenID claims tens of thousands of Web sites and hundreds of millions of users.

An alternative solution to password overload is the Shibboleth system, which is based on the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). SAML is a standard built on top of HTTP, XML Schema, and SOAP that uses XML to express statements about authentication and authorization. Shibboleth is broadly similar to OpenID but in practice it is usually institutionally oriented, because the server that authenticates your identity is managed by your organization. For example, a university might vouch for your online identity—a situation that is particularly useful for access to high-value resources where institutional weight enhances trust. Whereas your Shibboleth access may continue only so long as you remain with the same institution, OpenID is potentially a user-focused lifelong identity solution. However, given the speed with which the Web changes, reliable predictions are difficult to make.

Most digital library software comes with either a built-in authentication infrastructure or the ability to connect to existing external systems. Here are some practical suggestions for designing authentication for digital library collections:

Ensure that the system uses HTTPS connections on the Web to reassure users who are familiar with this idea.

Use organizational single sign-on systems wherever possible.

Consider cross-domain systems, such as Shibboleth or OpenID, to reduce barriers to access for external users.

Once everything has been set up, do not forget the ongoing maintenance element, which requires:

updating software with security patches and newer versions,

maintaining the user database as people leave and arrive,

checking that backups are really working, and

regularly checking your system's log files (and those of any associated Web servers) to monitor usage.

The security and integrity of a digital library system and its content are an ongoing concern, not just a one-off task. Backups are particularly important: The very term “library” encourages users to think that, as in a physical library, every precaution is taken not to lose material, and backups are insurance policies—people usually need backups only in a time of crisis, which is not a good moment to discover that something has gone wrong.

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What is the term for when your authentication information is automatically passed to multiple servers so that you do not have to log onto each server?

Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials -- for example, a name and password -- to access multiple applications.

Which of the following represents two

Key Takeaways. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security system that requires two separate, distinct forms of identification in order to access something. The first factor is a password and the second commonly includes a text with a code sent to your smartphone, or biometrics using your fingerprint, face, or retina ...

Is a feature that requires two forms of identification such as a password?

Two-factor authentication (2FA), sometimes referred to as two-step verification or dual-factor authentication, is a security process in which users provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves. 2FA is implemented to better protect both a user's credentials and the resources the user can access.

Which one of the following is an example of two

Smart cards and biometrics is an example of two-factor authentication.