What term describes a temporary networked organization made up of replaceable firms that join and leave as needed?


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What term describes a temporary networked organization made up of replaceable firms that join and leave as needed?

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What is departmentalization? The process of setting up individual department to do specialized tasks.
Economies of scale refers to? The fact that companies can reduce their production costs by purchasing materials in bulk.
What is hierarchy? A system where one person is at the top of an organization, and there are other individuals below that person that must follow that person order.
What is the chain of command? The line of authority that moves from the top of the hierarchy to the lowest level.
What is the difference between motivator factors and hygiene factors? A. Motivator factor- Jobs factors that improve motivation, but its absent does not necessarily results in dissatisfaction. B. Hygiene Factor- jobs factors that reduce dissatisfaction when present, but do no necessarily increase motivation.
Under goal setting theory, employees are motivated to .... achieve goals established together with their managers. These goals must be specific.
What is the expectancy theory? The expectancy theory is what employees believe about relationships among their efforts, performance and outcomes as a result of their performance and how they valued those outcomes determine by the organizational values.
What is the different between intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards? A. Intrinsic rewards: personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well or complete your goals. B. Extrinsic rewards: are giving to you by another person for a job well done as recognition.
What does scientific management involve? It involves studying the most efficient way of doing things, and then teaching people those methods.
What is the purpose of scientific management? To increase productivity.
What is the Hawthorne effect? People tendency to behave differently when they are being observed or studied.
What are Fayol's principles of organization? List and explain (6 Principles) 1. Unity of command 2. Hierarchy of authority 3. Division of labor 4. Subordination of Individual Interest to the general interest 5. Authority 6. Degree of Centralization
What are the procedures for encouraging open communication? 1. Create a organizational culture that rewards listening 2. Train manager to listen 3. Use effective Q's techniques 4. Avoid vague and ambiguous communication 5. Make it easy to communicate 6. Ask employees what is important to them.
What is a high-context culture? A culture where workers build personal relationship and trust before starting a task
What did Max Weber emphasized? (4 key points) 1. Job description 2. Written rules, decision guidelines and detail records'3. Consistent procedures, regulation and policies 4. Staffing and promotions based on qualifications
What is low-context culture? A culture where workers often view relationship building as a waste of time that diverts attention from the task.
What are the factors called motivators? (6 Factors) 1. The work itself 2. Achievements 3. Recognition 4. Responsibility 5. Opportunities for growth 6. Opportunities for advancement
What are two forms of job enrichment that increase motivation? A. Job enlargement: combines a series of task into one challenging and interesting task. B. Job rotation: makes work interesting by moving employees from one job to another.
What motivation is not? Coercion
What is motivation? Motivation is something that energizes, direct ,and sustains behavior.
What does Taylor's scientific management involves? (3 Principles) 1. Time management 2. Methods of work: use to increase productivity 3. Rules of work: involves written procedures
What is a centralized authority? decision making that involves top management
What is decentralized authority? decision making that involves lower level management and employees who are more familiar with local conditions.
What is the span of control? describes the number of employees a manager supervises or should supervise.
What is a tall organization? It is an organization that consists of several layers of management, but the span of control is small
What is a flat organization? It is an organization with few layers of management, but a broader span of control.
What are two advantages and two disadvantages of departmentalization? A. Advantages: Employees can develop skills in more depth and progress within a depart as they master those skills B. Disadvantages: 1. Poor communication within dept. 2. Employees tend to identify themselves only with their dept goals rather
What do theory X managers do? They give workers little responsibility, authority or flexibility
What do theory Y managers do? They offer a relaxed atmosphere. They allow employees to be creative and go beyond the goals set by the managers. In other words, they empower the employees.
What is theory Z? Theory Z involves long term employment, creative decision making, individuals responsibility for the outcomes of decisions, slow evaluation and promotions, and specialized career paths.
What are line personnel responsible for? Directly achieving org's goals.
What are staff personnel responsible for? They advice and assist line personnel achieve their org's goals
What staff personnel cannot do? They cannot make policy changes themselves
What is a matrix organization? An organization in which specialists from different parts of the org are brought together to work on a specific task or project, but only temporarily.
What are cross-functional self-managed teams? Groups of employees from different dept who work together to complete a task, but on a long term basis.
What does bench-marking does? Compares an org' practices, processes, and products against the world best. It is used as a tool to measure competition.
What is reconstructing? is designing an org so it can more effectively, and efficiently serve its customers.
What is an inverted org? An organization that has contact people (like nurses, managers) at the top of the org and the top managers at the bottom.
What is organization (Corporate ) culture? Widely shared values within an organization that provide unity and cooperation to achieve common goals
What is transparency? Transparency is when a company is so open to other companies that electronic information is shared as if the company was one.
What is a virtual corporation? A temporary networked organization that is made up of replaceable firms that join and leave as needed.
What is the Reinforcement Theory? states that positive and negative reinforces motivate people to behave in a certain way.
What is the equity theory? It looks at how employee's perception of fairness affects their willingness to perform.
What is job enrichment? Motivating employees through the job itself
Under job enrichment, what are the five characteristics that are important in motivation and performance? 1. Skill variety 2. Task identity 3. Task significance 4. Autonomy 5. Feedback
What is unique about the baby boomers? (2 things) 1. Tend to be more flexible 2. Highly educated
What is unique about generation X? They focus more on results rather than hours work.
What is unique about generation Y? (2 Things) 1. Technology oriented 2. Place a high value on work-life balance
How can we departmentalized? (4 Ways)ESSAY OPTION A. Product: grouping activities to produce and mtk a pd 2. Customer Group: defining group by customers 3. Geography location 4. Process: each dept performs a specific task
What are the five principles of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? List and explain. ESSAY OPTION 1. Physiological Needs 2. Safety Needs 3. Social Needs 4. Esteem Needs/ Self esteem 5. Self Actualization Need
What are Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, and Social Needs? (Maslow's hierarchy of Needs) ESSAY OPTION 1. Physiological Needs: most basics level of needs: Eg: food 2. Safety Needs: the need to feel secure at work, and home: both physically & emotionally 3. Social Needs: the need for respect & recognition from others. Eg: rewards
What are Self Esteem Needs/ Self Esteem and Self actualization Needs? ( Maslow's hierarchy of Needs) ESSAY OPTION (b) Self esteem Needs: feeling a sense of accomplishment for work 5. Self Actualization Needs: need to grow and become all we could become. Reach our full potential.
Define Departmentalization ESSAY OPTION process of setting up individuals departments to do specialized tasks.
What are motivator factor? ESSAY OPTION A. Motivator factor: jobs factors that increase motivation, but its absent does not necessarily result in dissatisfaction
What are hygiene factor? ESSAY OPTION B. Hygiene Factor: jobs factors that reduce dissatisfaction when absent, but not necessarily increase motivation if increased. Eg: Good working conditions

Which term describes a company being so open to other companies working with it that electronic information is shared as if the companies were one quizlet?

Which term describes a company being so open to other companies working with it that electronic information is shared as if the companies were one? Transparency. The optimum number of subordinates a manager can supervise is referred to as the: Span of control.

Which term describes an environment in which data is instantly available via the Internet to organizational partners?

Cloud computing is on-demand access, via the internet, to computing resources—applications, servers (physical servers and virtual servers), data storage, development tools, networking capabilities, and more—hosted at a remote data center managed by a cloud services provider (or CSP).

Which group was created as a solution to the temporary nature of the matrix structure quizlet?

The span of control for a manager: Depends on a number of factors, and can vary from one manager to another. Which of the following was created as a solution to the temporary nature of the matrix structure? Cross-functional self-managed teams.

Which of the following is a group of employees from different departments?

A cross-functional team, also known as a multidisciplinary team or interdisciplinary team, is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal. It may include people from finance, marketing, operations, and human resources departments.