What role does problem recognition play in the consumer decision making process?

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Terms in this set (82)

Beiersdorf is working to have their Nivea for Men brand introduced and publicized in America in order to _____.
A) fulfill a governmental mandate
B) have men recognize a problem with respect to facial care
C) market its new home hair coloring system
D) increase brand awareness
E) none of the above

B) have men recognize a problem with respect to facial care

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?
A) information search
B) problem recognition
C) alternative evaluation
D) purchase
E) postpurchase behavior

B) problem recognition

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding consumer decisions and the consumer decision process?
A) The decision process model provides useful insight into all types of consumer purchases.
B) Consumer decisions are frequently the result of a single problem.
C) Consumer decisions are rational and functional; otherwise they do not involve decisions per se.
D) Some consumer decisions result from the convergence of several problems.
E) Once the decision process begins, it may evolve and become more complex with multiple goals.

C) Consumer decisions are rational and functional; otherwise they do not involve decisions per se.

Which of the following is a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?
A) nominal decision making
B) limited decision making
C) extended decision making
D) b and c
E) a, b, and c

E) a, b, and c

Which of the following is NOT a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?
A) nominal decision making
B) extended decision making
C) complex decision making
D) limited decision making
E) all of the above are types of decision making

C) complex decision making

The level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase is known as _____.
A) personal involvement
B) product involvement
C) purchase involvement
D) enduring involvement
E) activated involvement

C) purchase involvement

Blake doesn't much care about cars but is engaging in a substantial amount of information search about cars since he is about to buy a new car. In terms of involvement, Blake is _____.
A) high in product involvement; low in purchase involvement
B) high in value-expressive involvement; low in product involvement
C) high in product involvement; high in purchase involvement
D) low in product involvement; low in purchase involvement
E) low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

E) low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

Very high levels of purchase involvement tend to produce _____.
A) extended decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) affective decision making
D) limited decision making
E) none of the above

A) extended decision making

Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, so she pulled into the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision on which gas to purchase is characterized by _____.
A) a high level of cognitive processing
B) a low level of purchase involvement
C) limited decision making
D) extended decision making
E) a high level of affective processing

B) a low level of purchase involvement

Which type of consumer decision making only includes the stages of problem recognition, limited internal information search, purchase, and limited postpurchase behavior?
A) nominal decision making
B) normal decision making
C) limited decision making
D) extended decision making
E) simple decision making

A) nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making does NOT include alternative evaluation?
A) routine decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) simple decision making
E) limited decision making

B) nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes only a limited internal information search and no external search for information?
A) routine decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) simple decision making
E) limited decision making

B) nominal decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives?
A) routine decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) simple decision making
E) limited decision making

E) limited decision making

Which type of consumer decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?
A) routine decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) simple decision making
E) limited decision making

C) extended decision making

Which type of decision making process in effect involves no decision per se?
A) simple decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) automatic decision making
E) default decision making

B) nominal decision making

Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as _____.
A) habitual decision making
B) routine decision making
C) simple decision making
D) automatic decision making
E) default decision making

A) habitual decision making

A completely nominal decision does not even include consideration of _____.
A) information
B) problem recognition
C) the "do not purchase" alternative
D) purchase evaluation
E) all of the above

C) the "do not purchase" alternative

Nominal decisions can be broken into which two distinct categories?
A) brand loyal decisions and repeat purchase decisions
B) primary decisions and secondary decisions
C) high involvement decisions and low involvement decisions
D) expensive decisions and inexpensive decisions
E) first purchase decisions and repeat purchase decisions

A) brand loyal decisions and repeat purchase decisions

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a fairly high degree of product involvement but a low degree of purchase involvement?
A) routine decision
B) inexpensive decision
C) primary decision
D) brand loyal decision
E) low visibility decision

D) brand loyal decision

Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of nominal decision does this illustrate?
A) routine decision
B) repeat purchase decision
C) primary decision
D) brand loyal decision
E) low visibility decision

D) brand loyal decision

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a consumer believing that all brands within a given product category are about the same and not attaching much importance to the product category or purchase?
A) routine decision
B) repeat purchase decision
C) secondary decision
D) inconsequential decision
E) indifferent decision

B) repeat purchase decision

Rita is doing her family's grocery shopping and purchases ice cream. She's purchased Blue Bell ice cream before and purchases it again. She's not committed to this brand; it's just that she and her family like it. Which type of nominal decision is this?
A) inconsequential decision
B) indifferent decision
C) automatic decision
D) repeat purchase decision
E) secondary decision

D) repeat purchase decision

Which type of decision making involves internal and external search, few alternatives, simple decision rules on a few attributes, and little postpurchase evaluation?
A) nominal decision making
B) routine decision making
C) limited decision making
D) partial decision making
E) extended decision making

C) limited decision making

Which type of decision making covers the middle ground between nominal and extended decision making?
A) limited decision making
B) partial decision making
C) mid-range decision making
D) modified decision making
E) internal decision making

A) limited decision making

Marla is bored with her cell phone. She wants to purchase a new one that has cool ring tones and can take a picture. She's not going to conduct a big search for a new phone as she's just going to consider a few others. Which type of decision making is this?
A) nominal decision making
B) limited decision making
C) extensive decision making
D) extended decision making
E) truncated decision making

B) limited decision making

Which type of decision making involves an extensive internal and external information search followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives and significant postpurchase evaluation?
A) limited decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) complex decision making
E) complete decision making

C) extended decision making

The Smith's oldest daughter, Olivia, is a senior in high school. She has all "A's" and scored a 34 on the ACT. She is president of the debate team and the national honor society as well as a member of the cheerleading squad. Olivia wants to attend medical school, so both she and her parents are very concerned about which undergraduate school she attends. They have spent countless hours on the Internet examining universities, and they have already visited five campuses. For Olivia and her parents, which type of decision making does this represent?
A) limited decision making
B) nominal decision making
C) extended decision making
D) complex decision making
E) complete decision making

C) extended decision making

_____ is the result of a discrepancy between a desired state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process?
A) Alternative evaluation
B) Problem recognition
C) Information search
D) Purchase
E) Postpurchase evaluation

B) Problem recognition

Tess noticed that she was almost out of shampoo. Which stage of the decision process will this observation activate?
A) problem recognition
B) information search
C) alternative evaluation
D) postpurchase evaluation
E) dissonance

A) problem recognition

A(n) _____ is the way an individual perceives his or her feelings and situation to be at the present time.
A) current state
B) actual state
C) desired state
D) self-concept
E) self-assessment

B) actual state

Bessie is at the grocery store and is trying to remember some of the things she needs to buy. She is in the cleaning products aisle looking at the floor cleaning products. She's pretty sure she has another bottle left at home, so she doesn't purchase another. Bessie's perception of her current situation regarding this product reflects her ____.
A) current state
B) desired state
C) actual state
D) self-concept
E) self-assessment

A) actual state

A(n) _____ is the way an individual wants to feel or be at the present time.
A) current state
B) desired state
C) actual state
D) ideal state
E) idolized state

B) desired state

Candice is on a diet and wants to lose 10 pounds. She wants to be thin right now, which represents her _____.
A) actual state
B) ideal state
C) healthy state
D) desired state
E) future state

D) desired state

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding problem recognition?
A) Problem recognition is the first stage in the consumer decision process.
B) Only when the desired state is greater than the actual state will a problem exist.
C) Problem recognition is the result of a discrepancy between a desired state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process.
D) Without recognition of a problem, there is no need for a decision.
E) all of the above are true regarding problem recognition

B) Only when the desired state is greater than the actual state will a problem exist.

Which of the following drives problem recognition?
A) the consumer's perception of the actual state
B) objective reality of the consumer's actual state
C) the amount of information available
D) the number of alternatives from which to choice
E) others' perception of an individual's actual state

A) the consumer's perception of the actual state

The level of one's desire to resolve a particular problem depends on which factors?
A) the consumer's perception of his or her actual state and the desired state
B) the length of time required to make a decision and the level of purchase involvement
C) the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states and the relative importance of the problem
D) the degree of brand loyalty and the amount of time required to make a decision
E) the direction of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states and the relative importance of the purchase

C) the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states and the relative importance of the problem

Relative importance of a problem is determined by which of the following?
A) how critical the problem is to the maintenance of the consumer's desired lifestyle
B) how critical the problem is to others
C) the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and actual states
D) the magnitude of the discrepancy between the actual self-concept and the ideal self-concept
E) the level of risk associated with the decision process

A) how critical the problem is to the maintenance of the consumer's desired lifestyle

What are the types of consumer problems?
A) latent and manifest
B) primary and secondary
C) low involvement and high involvement
D) active and inactive
E) actual and perceived

D) active and inactive

Which type of consumer problem is one the consumer is aware of or will become aware of in the normal course of events?
A) latent
B) manifest
C) active
D) inactive
E) blatant

C) active

Many elderly consumers have problems with arthritis. This painful condition makes it almost impossible for them to open jars or medicine containers because the joints in their fingers are so stiff. Which type of consumer problem is this?
A) latent
B) manifest
C) active
D) inactive
E) blatant

C) active

Which type of consumer problem is one on which the consumer is not aware?
A) latent
B) manifest
C) active
D) inactive
E) blatant

D) inactive

The Martin's home has potentially unsafe levels of radon, but they have no idea because it is odorless and they have not been feeling any ill effects from it. In fact, several homes have this problem and the owners are not aware of it, and they may never become aware of it unless testing is done. What type of consumer problem is this?
A) latent
B) manifest
C) active
D) inactive
E) dangerous

D) inactive

Which of the following statements is true regarding active and inactive consumer problems?
A) Active problems require the marketer only to convince consumers that its brand is the superior solution.
B) Active and inactive problems do not require different marketing strategies.
C) An active problem is one of which the consumer is not aware.
D) Even though a consumer is aware of it, an inactive problem is one that he or she has no desire to rectify.
E) Active problems are more serious than inactive ones.

A) Active problems require the marketer only to convince consumers that its brand is the superior solution.

What has research revealed regarding consumers' variety-seeking behavior?
A) Once a consumer tries another brand, there is a high probably that he or she will not return to the previous brand.
B) Consumers usually switch to options within the same brand.
C) Consumers are unwilling to switch to options within the brand.
D) Consumers are more likely to become bored on sensory attributes such as taste.
E) Consumers are more likely to become bored with non-sensory attributes such as brand name.

D) Consumers are more likely to become bored on sensory attributes such as taste.

James likes to eat a strawberry Pop-Tart for breakfast before school. After about two weeks of this, he starts to get bored with that and switches to waffles. James is displaying which type of behavior?
A) variety-seeking
B) brand-switching
C) entertainment
D) limited search
E) extended search

A) variety-seeking

Which of the following is a nonmarketing factor affecting problem recognition?
A) social status
B) past decisions
C) motives
D) situation
E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Which nonmarketing factor affects a consumer's desired state?
A) culture/subculture
B) normal depletion
C) product/brand performance
D) availability of products
E) all of the above

A) culture/subculture

All EXCEPT which of the following nonmarketing factor affects consumers' desired state?
A) reference group
B) household characteristics
C) normal depletion
D) financial status/expectations
E) culture

C) normal depletion

Which of the following is a nonmarketing factor affecting consumers' actual state?
A) social status
B) household characteristics
C) product/brand performance
D) motives
E) culture

C) product/brand performance

All EXCEPT which of the following nonmarketing factors affect a consumer's actual state?
A) past decisions
B) normal depletion
C) product/brand performance
D) reference group
E) availability of products

D) reference group

Which of the following is a concern marketing managers have related to problem recognition?
A) discovering consumer problems
B) developing the marketing mix to solve consumer problems
C) helping consumers recognize problems
D) suppressing problem recognition among consumers
E) all of the above

E) all of the above

What is the most common approach to discovering consumer problems?
A) activity analysis
B) intuition
C) product analysis
D) problem analysis
E) qualitative research

B) intuition

Rudy is a product category manager for a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Part of his job requires that he analyze a given product category and logically determine where improvements could be made. Rudy has determined several consumer problems this way. Which of the following best describes how Rudy uncovers consumer problems?
A) activity analysis
B) intuition
C) product analysis
D) problem analysis
E) qualitative research

B) intuition

Which research technique asks relatively large numbers of individuals about the problems they are facing?
A) survey
B) focus group
C) content analysis
D) laddering
E) perceptual mapping

A) survey

Which type of research technique gathers 8 to 12 similar individuals (e.g., working mothers) brought together to discuss a particular topic?
A) survey
B) focus group
C) content analysis
D) laddering
E) perceptual mapping

B) focus group

Mickey and his three roommates were asked to participate in a research study. They arrived and were seated in a room with about 8 other guys their age. Then the researcher started asking them questions about their sporting activities, but he let them talk pretty freely. Mickey and the others participated in which type of research technique?
A) survey
B) focus group
C) content analysis
D) laddering
E) perceptual mapping

B) focus group

The person present during a focus group discussion that keeps the discussion moving and focused on the topic is called a(n) _____.
A) coordinator
B) director
C) moderator
D) initiator
E) interpreter

C) moderator

Which of the following is an approach to problem identification?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) emotion research
E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Which approach to problem identification focuses on a particular activity such as lawn maintenance?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

A) activity analysis

Kim was participating in a focus group in which the discussion centered around the participants' problems encountered while taking care of their hair. Which approach to problem identification is this?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

A) activity analysis

Which approach to problem recognition examines the purchase or use of a particular product or brand?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

B) product analysis

A manufacturer of a digital music player asked several consumers the problems associated with using these types of products. Several consumers said that they had trouble downloading music onto their computers and then onto their music players. Which approach to problem recognition is this marketer using?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

B) product analysis

Which approach to problem recognition starts with a problem and asks respondents to indicate which activities, products, or brands are associated with (or perhaps could eliminate) those problems?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

C) problem analysis

A food manufacturer asked a group of working mothers to think about the problem of serving nutritious meals to their families given their time constraints and to indicate what activities, products, or brands are associated with or perhaps could eliminate those problems. This manufacturer is using which approach to problem recognition?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

C) problem analysis

Which approach to problem recognition attempts to determine human capabilities in areas such as vision, strength, response time, flexibility, and fatigue and the effect on these capabilities of lighting, temperature, and sound?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

D) human factors research

The manager of a bank branch is concerned about the number of mistakes the tellers were making, so he started manipulating different aspects of the environment in the bank to see what effect each has on the tellers' performance. He examined factors such as the lighting, temperature, and the volume of the music playing in the bank. Which approach to problem recognition is this manager using?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

D) human factors research

Which approach to problem recognition examines emotions associated with certain problems?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

E) emotion research

One retailer asked a group of consumers the types of emotions they experience in both positive and negative retail situations. The purpose of this research was to uncover consumer reactions to various situations so that clerks could be trained to respond appropriately. Which approach to problem recognition is this?
A) activity analysis
B) product analysis
C) problem analysis
D) human factors research
E) emotion research

E) emotion research

Two basic approaches to causing problem recognition are _____.
A) generic problem recognition and selective problem recognition
B) active problem recognition and inactive problem recognition
C) actual problem recognition and desired problem recognition
D) perceived problem recognition and objective problem recognition
E) primary problem recognition and secondary problem recognition

A) generic problem recognition and selective problem recognition

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce?
A) generic problem recognition
B) selective problem recognition
C) active problem recognition
D) inactive problem recognition
E) primary problem recognition

A) generic problem recognition

Campbell's soup used several advertising campaigns that stressed the benefits of soup in general. For example, one tagline used was "Soup is good food," and another was "Never underestimate the power of soup." Which type of problem recognition was Campbell's attempting to stimulate?
A) generic problem recognition
B) selective problem recognition
C) active problem recognition
D) inactive problem recognition
E) primary problem recognition

A) generic problem recognition

Which condition is appropriate to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?
A) It is early in the product life cycle.
B) The firm has a high percentage of the market.
C) External search after problem recognition is apt to be limited.
D) It is an industry-wide cooperative effort.
E) all of the above

E) all of the above

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate condition to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?
A) It is early in the product life cycle.
B) The firm has a small percentage of the market.
C) External search after problem recognition is apt to be limited.
D) It is an industry-wide cooperative effort.
E) all of the above are appropriate conditions to attempt to influence generic problem recognition

B) The firm has a small percentage of the market

Which problem recognition involves a discrepancy that only one brand can solve?
A) generic problem recognition
B) selective problem recognition
C) active problem recognition
D) inactive problem recognition
E) primary problem recognition

B) selective problem recognition

An advertisement for Topol toothpaste, which is targeted at smokers and coffee and wine drinkers, stresses how this is the only brand that can remove the stains associated with these consumption behaviors. Which type of problem recognition is this marketer attempting to stimulate?
A) generic problem recognition
B) selective problem recognition
C) active problem recognition
D) inactive problem recognition
E) primary problem recognition

B) selective problem recognition

A firm that introduces a new line of non-fat snack food due to increasing consumer concern with health is _____.
A) activating problem recognition
B) reacting to problem recognition
C) suppressing problem recognition
D) triggering problem recognition
E) none of the above

B) reacting to problem recognition

Effective quality control and distribution and package inserts that assure the consumer of the wisdom of their purchase are attempts at _____.
A) responding to consumer problems
B) helping consumers recognize problems
C) discovering consumer problems
D) diverting consumers' attention away from problems
E) suppressing problem recognition

E) suppressing problem recognition

Nominal decision making tends to be associated with
A) high levels of purchase involvement.
B) low levels of purchase involvement.
C) intermediate levels of purchase involvement.
D) all of the above.
E) none of the above.

B) low levels of purchase involvement.

Another term for habitual decision making is
A) limited decision making.
B) extended decision making.
C) nominal decision making.
D) automatic decision making.
E) routine decision making.

C) nominal decision making.

The motivation to resolve a recognized problem depends on
A) the time and effort required.
B) the relative importance of the problem.
C) the magnitude of the discrepancy between the desired and existing states.
D) b and c.
E) a and b.

D) b and c

The uncontrollable factors that affect problem recognition include all of the following EXCEPT
A) household characteristics.
B) individual development.
C) financial expectations.
D) sales force efforts.
E) all of the above are uncontrollables that affect the desired state.

D) sales force efforts.

Once a consumer problem is identified, the manager may structure the marketing mix to solve the problem. This can involve
A) developing a new product.
B) altering an existing product.
C) modifying channels of distribution.
D) changing pricing policy.
E) all of the above

E) all of the above

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What is problem recognition in consumer decision making?

Problem recognition is the point at which a potential customer realises they need or want a product or service. It's the first step in the buying process and one of the most important. If your customer doesn't need or want a product or service, you'll have a hard time making a sale.

What is need recognition in consumer decision making process?

Need recognition refers to the phenomenon that occurs when a person becomes aware of a disparity between their actual circumstances and those they consider ideal or desirable. Before people can begin looking for a solution, they must first acknowledge that they have a problem, to begin with.

What stage is problem recognition in the decision making process?

1. Problem recognition. The first step of the consumer decision-making process is recognizing the need for a service or product.

What are the types of problem recognition in consumer decisions?

The following are basic types of problem recognition..
Natural Depletion. A consumer identifies a need to restock something they purchase regularly. ... .
End of Life. A product breaks or ages beyond its useful lifespan. ... .
Routine Problems. ... .
Dissatisfaction. ... .
Lifestyle Changes. ... .
Goals. ... .
Social Information. ... .
Marketing Messages..