What refers to the soundness of the conclusions that a researcher draws from an experiment?


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What refers to the soundness of the conclusions that a researcher draws from an experiment?

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Definition of Psychology Scientific study of behavior and mental process
Psychological frame of mind critical thinking, curiosity, skepticism, objectivity
critical thinking process of thinking deeply and actively, asking questions and evaluating evidence. scientist are critical thinkers
empirical method gaining knowledge through the observation of events, the collection of data, and logical reasoning
Psychology as the science of all human behavior the scope of psychology as a whole is much more of that than the clinical psychologist who treat and study psychological disorders
basic questions of human behavior How do we learn? what is memory? why does one person grow and flourish while another struggles?
Structuralism Wundt's (1832-1920) approach to discovering the basic elements, or structures, of mental process.
functionalism James's(1842-1910) approach to mental processes, emphasizing the functions and purposes of the mind and behavior in the individuals adaption to the environment
natural selection Darwin's(1809-1882) principle of an evolutionary process in which organisms that are best adapted to their environment will survive and produce offspring
fight or flight instinctive psychological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away.
contemporary approaches to psychology biological, behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, evolutionary, and sociocultural.
biological approach emphasizes the study of the body, especially the brain and nervous system.
neuroscience scientific study of the structure, function, development, genetics, and biochemistry of the nervous system.
behavioral approach scientific study of observable behavioral responses and their environmental determinants.
Psychodynamic approach emphasizes unconscious thought, the conflict between the biological drives and demands, and early childhood family experiences
humanistic approach emphasizes a person's positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth, and the freedom to choose ones destiny.
cognitive approach emphasizes the mental processes involved in knowing: how we direct our attention, perceive, remember, think, and solve problems.
Sociocultural approach examines the influences of social and cultural environments on behavior.
Evolutionary approach uses evolutionary ideas such as adaption, reproduction, and natural selection as the basis for explaining specific human behaviors.
scientific method observing some phenomenon, formulating hypothesis and prediction, testing through empirical research, drawing conclusions, evaluating conclusions
variable anything that can change
hypothesis testable prediction that derives logically from a theory.
operational definition provides an objective of how a variable is going to be measured and observed in a particular study
descriptive research finding out about some variable
correlational research discovering relationships between variables
experimental research establishing casual relationships
case study conducted when a researcher take a in-depth single look at an individual.
third variable problem occurs when an extraneous that has not been measured accounts for the relationship between two variables.
longitudinal design another way of controlling for causation is to employ a certain kind of systematic observation
experiment a carefully regulated procedure in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables that are believed to influence some other variable.
random assignment researchers assign participants to groups by chance.
experiments have two types of experiments: independent and dependent
independent variable variable that is manipulated in an experiment
confederate person who is given a role in an experiment in order to manipulate the social context
dependent variable result of manipulating the independent variable
experimental group group whose variable is manipulated
control groups serve as baseline for comparison
validity refers to the soundness of conclusions of a researcher draws from an experiment
external validity whether the experimental designs is representative of real world issues.
internal validity whether changes in the dependent variable are actually due to the manipulation of the independent variable.
experimental bias occurs when the experimenters expectations influence the result of the study
demand characteristics any aspects of a study that that communicate to the participants how the experimenter wants them to behave
research participants bias occurs when the participant behavior during an experiment is influenced by how the participants believe he or she is supposed to be behaving.
placebo effect the situations where participants expectations, rather than the experimental treatment, produce an experimental outcome.
placebo sugar pill
double blind experiment neither the experimenter nor the participant is aware of which participants are in the experimental group or control group
three types of research descriptive, correlational, experimental

What term refers to the soundness of conclusions that can be drawn from an experiment?

validity. refers to the soundness of the conclusions that a researcher draws from an experiment. external validity. refers to the degree to which an experimental design really reflects the real-world issues it is supposed to address.

What is the soundness of the conclusions?

In deductive reasoning, a sound argument is an argument that is valid and all of its premises are true (and as a consequence its conclusion is true as well). An argument is valid if, assuming its premises are true, the conclusion must be true.

What can researchers do after they conducted a study and generated their conclusions?

What can researchers do after they have conducted a study and generated their conclusions? Collect more data, using different methods. Revise their theories. Share their findings with others.

What is the manipulated experimental factor in an experiment?

Independent variables (IV): These are the factors or conditions that you manipulate in an experiment. Your hypothesis is that this variable causes a direct effect on the dependent variable. Dependent variables (DV): These are the factor that you observe or measure.