What percentage above the CP must an article be marked to gain 20% after giving a discount of 20 %?

In math practice test on profit loss and discount we will see the questions are mainly based on multiple choice objective questions to test your own knowledge. The worksheet on practice test on profit loss and discount will help the students to practice more and get confident before the examination.

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  • Tick ✔ the correct answer in each of the following:
  • What percentage above the CP must an article be marked to gain 12.5% after giving a discount of 25 %?
  • At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 36%?
  • At what above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 12% after showing a discount of 20 %?
  • At what percent above the cost price must a person mark the price of an article so that he can enjoy 20% profit after allowing 20% discount?
  • At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 20%?
  • At what percent above the cost price must a person mark the price of an article so that he can enjoy 20% profit after allowing 20% discount?
  • How much above the cost price should a trader mark his goods to gain a% after offering a discount of B% on the marked price?
  • What percent of profit should be added in the cost price of an item so as to gain a profit of 33% after allowing 5% discount to the customer?

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  • Tick ✔ the correct answer in each of the following:
  • What percentage above the CP must an article be marked to gain 12.5% after giving a discount of 25 %?
  • At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 36%?
  • At what above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 12% after showing a discount of 20 %?
  • At what percent above the cost price must a person mark the price of an article so that he can enjoy 20% profit after allowing 20% discount?

Tick ✔ the correct answer in each of the following:

1. Ryan buys a clock for $ 75 and sells it for $ 100. His gain percent is …………… . 

      (a) 25 % 
      (b) 33¹/₃ % 
      (c) 20 % 
      (d) 37¹/₂ % 

2. A bat is bought for $ 120 and sold for $ 105. The loss percent is ……………. .

      (a) 12¹/₂ % 
      (b) 14¹/₅ % 
      (c) 15 % 
      (d) 16²/₃ % 

3. A bookseller sold a book for $ 100 and thereby gains $ 20. Find his gain per cent.

      (a) 20 %
      (b) 25 %
      (c) 40 %
      (d) none of these

4. By selling a calculator for $ 418a shopkeeper 10%. The cost price of the calculator is …………… .

      (a) $ 360.000
      (b) $ 372.80
      (c) $ 376.20
      (d) $ 380.00

5. A shopkeeper sells one transistor for $ 840 at a gain of 20% and another for $ 960 at a loss of 4%. His total gain or loss percent is ……………… .

      (a) 5¹⁵/₁₇ % loss
      (b) 5¹⁵/₁₇ % gain
      (c) 6²/₃ % loss
      (d) 6²/₃ % gain

Practice Test on Profit Loss and Discount

6. The CP of 21 articles is equal to SP of 18 articles. Find the gain or loss percent.

      (a) 12¹/₂ % gain 
      (b) 12¹/₂ % loss 
      (c) 16²/₃ % gain 
      (d) 16²/₃ % loss

7. If by selling 110 mangoes, the CP of 120 mangoes is realized, the gain percent is ……………. .

      (a) 9¹/₁₁ % 
      (b) 9¹/₉% 
      (c) 10\(\frac{10}{11}\)

(d) 11¹/₉ %

8. A vendor loses the selling price of 4 oranges on selling 36 oranges. His loss per cent is ………….. .

      (a) 10 % 
      (b) 11¹/₉ % 
      (c) 12¹/₂ % 
      (d) none of these

9. A man bought apples at the rate of 8 for $ 34 and sold them at the rate of 1 2 for $ 57. How many apples should be sold to earn a net profit of $ 45?

      (a) 90 
      (b) 100 
      (c) 135 
      (d) 150

10. Some articles were bought at 6 for $ 5 arid sold at 5 for $ 6. The gain per cent is ………….. . 

(a) 25 %
      (b) 33¹/₃ %
      (c) 35 %
      (d) 44 %

Practice Test on Profit Loss and Discount

11. By selling a chair for $ 504, a shopkeeper gains 12%. For how much should he sell it to gain 18%?

      (a) $ 522.10
      (b) $ 526.00
      (c) $ 531.00
      (d) $ 534.20

12. A shopkeeper sold two watches for $ 1485 each. On one he gains 10% and on the other he loses 10%. Find his gain or loss per cent in the whole transaction.

      (a) neither gain nor loss
      (b) 1 % gain
      (c) 1 % loss
      (d) 5 % gain

13. By selling a dinner set for $ 648, a man loses of his out lay. If it is sold for $ 810, what is the gain or loss percent?

      (a) 9 % gain
      (b) 11 % gain
      (c) 11¹/₉ % gain
      (d) 12²/₉ % gain

14. A tradesman sold an article at a loss of 20%. Had he sold it for $ 100 more, he should have gained 5%. The cost price of the article was …………… .

      (a) $ 360
      (b) $ 400
      (c) $ 425
      (d) $ 450

15. At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 33% after allowing a customer a discount of 5%?

      (a) 35 %
      (b) 38 %
      (c) 40 %
      (d) 42 %

16. A manufacturer offers a 20% rebate on the marked price of a product. The retailer offers another 30% rebate on the reduced price. The two reductions are equivalent to a single reduction of …………. .

      (a) 42 %
      (b) 44 %
      (c) 46 %
      (d) 50 %

Answers for practice test on profit loss and discount are given below to check the exact answers of the questions from profit, loss and discount.


1. (b)              9. (a)
2. (a)             10. (d)
3. (b)             11. (c)
4. (d)             12. (c)
5. (b)             13. (c)
6. (c)             14. (b)
7. (a)             15. (c)
8. (a)             16. (c) 

 Profit, Loss and Discount

Calculating Profit Percent and Loss Percent

Word Problems on Profit and Loss

Examples on Calculating Profit or Loss

Practice Test on Profit and Loss


Practice Test on Profit Loss and Discount

 Profit, Loss and Discount - Worksheets

Worksheet to Find Profit and Loss

Worksheets on Profit and Loss Percentage

Worksheet on Gain and Loss Percentage

Worksheet on Discounts

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What percentage above the CP must an article be marked to gain 12.5% after giving a discount of 25 %?

Therefore, MP is 40% above CP.

At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 36%?

Hence as per the given condition, the artile must be marked at 40% above its CP.

At what above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 12% after showing a discount of 20 %?

∴ Market Price =40% above C.P.

At what percent above the cost price must a person mark the price of an article so that he can enjoy 20% profit after allowing 20% discount?

Detailed Solution. ∴ The answer will be 50%. Let the cost price be 100.

At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 20%?

Therefore, MP is 40% above CP.

At what percent above the cost price must a person mark the price of an article so that he can enjoy 20% profit after allowing 20% discount?

Detailed Solution. ∴ The answer will be 50%. Let the cost price be 100.

How much above the cost price should a trader mark his goods to gain a% after offering a discount of B% on the marked price?

5% more than that of the cost price.

What percent of profit should be added in the cost price of an item so as to gain a profit of 33% after allowing 5% discount to the customer?

33% (or 33 1/3 %) must be added to the cost price of goods so that a profit of 20% is obtained after allowing a discount of 10% on the marked price.

What percentage above the CP must an article be marked to gain 20% after giving a discount of 10 %?

Therefore, MP is 40% above CP.

What percentage above the CP must an article be marked to gain 35% after giving a discount of 10 %?

It must be marked 40% above the cost price.

What is the profit percentage if the purchase price of an items is 80% of its selling price?

∴ Profit% is 25%.

At what percentage above the cost price the price of a product should be marked such that after a discount of 10% a profit of 8% can be earned?

Detailed Solution. ∴ The marked price should be 20% above the cost price.