What is true about the paired-comparison method of measuring employee performance?

True or false: in the paired-comparison method of performance measurement, the employee with the lowest number of points is considered the top-ranked employee.


True yan sure ako


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Employee appraisal systems help managers evaluate employee job performance and develop a fair system of pay increases and promotions. Appraisals in turn can help staff members improve performance, and assist companies in devising or reorganizing job functions to better fit the position or the employee. In addition, employee appraisals may reveal outdated or inefficient business practices. Effective employee appraisal systems incorporate goals to help improve the employer as well as the employee, through the application of appropriate and timely feedback and training.

Trait-Focused Performance Appraisal

The trait-focused system centers on attributes such as helpfulness, dependability and punctuality. Supervisors rate employees by indicating specific traits each employee exhibits. Most trait-focused systems use a simple checklist with ratings of excellent, satisfactory or needs improvement, or similar options. This system is traditionally popular with customer service departments.

These types of evaluations are subject to the supervisor personal bias, however, and the majority of employees end up with marks of satisfactory, which limits this system reliability and accuracy.

Behavior-Focused Performance Appraisal

The behaviorally anchored rating system (BARS) judges your employees actions using a rating scale to measure specific behaviors. Four rating scales are used in behavior-focused evaluations: graphic rating scales, behaviorally anchored rating scales, forced choice scales and mixed standards scales.

Graphic rating judges behaviors on a sliding scale from "excellent" to "poor;" average employees results should cluster in the middle, with poor employees near the bottom and exceptional employees near the top.

Behaviorally Anchored Scales

Behaviorally anchored scales rely on very specific evaluators to score the employee actions as pass or fail. For example, "Does the employee answer the telephone with the correct greeting?" or "Does s/he verify all customer information in the correct order?"

Forced-Choice Scale

The forced-choice scale lists rankings of performance such as "poor," "needs improvement," "average," "above average" or "excellent," with no other options; a mixed standards scale is a forced-choice scale with room for administrator comments.

Unstructured Method

Many older performance evaluations relied on the employee personal qualities as reported by a supervisor. The unstructured method relies directly on the superior subjective opinion without an objective rating scale. An unstructured evaluation might simply be a statement or description from a manager to a question such as, What is Jane like?

The unstructured method is unreliable because it is contingent on personality chemistry, says the Community for Human Resource Management (CHRM).

Straight Ranking Method

The straight ranking method compares employees to each other, ranking them from best to worst. While it often easy to point out the top and bottom performers, those in the middle can prove harder to put in order. An example of straight ranking would be a customer service center that gave points for completed service tickets. Employers often post ranks anonymously by employee number.

Although the ranking criteria are specific, they also are subjective due to the customer input where ticket completion would not always be in the employee's hands. This subjectivity, says CHRM, makes straight ranking unreliable as a tool for evaluating specific employees.

Paired Comparison Method

The paired comparison method compares each employee with every other employee in a group. According to CHRM, paired comparison considered more reliable as it is based on a systematic method of comparison and evaluation. Paired comparisons work best in situations where only one employee will be promoted; each is compared and ranked against the others on various factors until one stands out.

Grading and Checklist

The grading method uses standard A to F letter grades in different categories to rate each employee, while the checklist method relies on a list of yes or no questions such as, Is the employee helpful to his peers? In each of these evaluation types, the specific standards are set in advance and defined as categories to evaluate.

Management By Objective

Modern evaluation methods try to remove some the subjectivity and bias inherent in traditional methods. MBO, or management by objective, appraisals require the employee and supervisor to agree on a set of objectives before the evaluation. The process relies on goal setting and constructive feedback to be successful.

Psychological Employee Appraisals

Psychological appraisals assess the employee intellectual ability, emotional stability, analytical skills and other psychological traits using objective psychological evaluation processes. These evaluations are useful in preparing and developing training methods, and for placing employees on appropriate teams.

360-Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback requires the employer to survey co-workers, supervisors, subordinates and even customers about each employee actions. The multiple feedback channels offer objective perspectives of behavioral traits and actions. "From [360-degree] feedback, the worker is able to set goals for self-development, which will advance their career and benefit the organization," according to Terri Linmann, author of "360-degree Feedback: Weighing the Pros and Cons."

What is true about the paired comparison method of measuring employees performance?

Which of the following is true about the paired-comparison method of measuring employee performance? It involves comparing each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.

What is the major limitation of the paired comparison method of appraising performance?

One of the major disadvantages in applying this method that employees are often compared to each other only on an overall performance rather than on specific job criteria.

Which of the following is a comparative method for performance evaluations quizlet?

Comparative performance evaluation methods include the ranking method and forced distributions. A good method for overcoming the biases of leniency, strictness, and central tendency in performance appraisal is the forced distributions method.

What is the disadvantage of using the results

Identify a disadvantage of using the results-oriented performance management method. It has problems with validity. Identify the true statement about using peers as a source of performance information. Peers are more favorable toward participating in reviews to be used for employee development.