What is the process of converting a ciphertext to a plaintext using a digital key?

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In Class Quizzes - Lectures 22-26

Terms in this set (30)

Security on a network not only means being able to prevent a hacker from breaking into your computer but also includes being able to recover from temporary service problems or from natural disasters.


Confidentiality refers to the protection of the organizational data from unauthorized disclosure of customer and proprietary data.


Maintaining data integrity is not a primary goal of security.


A crypting service

runs some custom encryption routines to obfuscate malware

A Distributed DoS (DDoS) attack

is often performed using a network of compromised computers

It is not possible to map the traffic flow of Bitcoin transactions


Decryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext.


Asymmetric encryption uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message.


When using a digital signature for the process of authentication, the sender encrypts the message with their private key and the recipient decrypts the message with the sender's public key.


Secure Sockets Layer SSL is the latest cryptographic protocol designed to
provide communications security over a computer network.


Websites can use TLS to secure all communications between their
servers and web browser.


Public key cryptography uses a private key to encrypt a piece of data, and then the recipient uses the public key to decrypt the data.


A risk assessment assigns levels of risk to various threats to network security by comparing the nature of the threats to the controls designed to reduce them.


A(n) __________ is any potential adverse occurrence that can do harm, interrupt the system using the network to cause monetary loss to the organization.


A ____________ is a situation in which a hacker attempts to disrupt the network by sending messages to the network that prevent normal users' messages from being processed.

denial of service

Anomaly detection compares network characteristics against
"normal" activities to judge intrusions.


IPS is a monitoring system, while IDS is a control system.


IPS systems compare the current network activity
to a known threat database to detect several kinds
of behaviors like security policy violations, malware,
and port scanners.


The trend toward server-side computing and the exploding popularity of Internet services has created a new class of computing systems that we have named warehouse-scale computers , or WSC.


Warehouse-scale computers currently power the services offered by companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft's online services division. They differ significantly from traditional datacenters: they belong to a single organization, use a relatively homogeneous hardware and system software platform, and share a common systems management layer.


The datacenters powering many of today's successful Internet services are simply a miscellaneous collection of machines co-located in a facility and wired up together.


Achieving fault-free operation on a large collection of hardware and system software is made easier by the large number of servers involved.


A Core Switch is

a high-capacity switch positioned in the physical core, or backbone, of a network.

In a fat tree, branches nearer the top of the hierarchy are thinner than branches further down the hierarchy.


Interaction is carried out on a Blockchain using rules built into the program of the Blockchain called _________.


Someone wanting to conduct a transaction using Cryptocurrency must send a message with the transaction signed with their private key.


In addition to being a Turing-complete cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is a ledger technology that companies are using to build new programs.


Using Blockchain technology, every node has a copy of the Blockchain.


The implementation of specific protocols essentially made Blockchain what it is,

a distributed, peer-to-peer and secured information database.

Not every Bitcoin transaction is recorded on its blockchain.


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What is the process of converting a plaintext to an ciphertext using a digital key?

The sender converts the plaintext message to ciphertext. This part of the process is called encryption (sometimes encipherment )..
The ciphertext is transmitted to the receiver..
The receiver converts the ciphertext message back to its plaintext form..

Is the process of converting plaintext to ciphertext?

Cryptography is the process of converting between readable text, called plaintext , and an unreadable form, called ciphertext .