What is the primary limiting factor for exercise in the client with pad Nasm?

Some of the possible reasons for a decline in youth sport participation may include high costs and demands on parents, lots of travel, and concerns over ____

The term _____ refers to children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 20 years

The World Health Organization (2010) recommends that children ages 5 to 17 years get ___ minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity and exercise daily

In the United States, only ___% of youth participate in the minimum guidelines necessary for improving and maintaining overall health and well-being


Peak oxygen uptake is ____ to adults when adjusted for body weight.

Submaximal oxygen demand is _____ compared with adults for walking and running

Glycolytic enzymes are ____ than adults.

______ tolerance to environmental extremes, particularly heat and humidity





Resistance exercise for muscular fitness in youth:

1–2 sets of ___-___ exercises
___-____ reps per exercise
at 40-70% intensity
2-3 days/ week

In youth, progression of aerobic training volume should not exceed __% per period of adaptation (if 200 minutes per week, increase to 220 minutes before increasing intensity).

Vigorous exercise in hot, humid environments should be restricted to less than ___ minutes for children, including frequent rest periods

Progression should be based on ____ ____ and not the amount of weight that can be used

The most common injuries associated with resistance training in youth are injury to ligaments (_____) and injury to tendons or muscles (_____), which are usually attributable to a lack of qualified supervision, poor technique, and improper progression

Untrained children can improve their strength by an average of ____ to ___% or more after 8 weeks of progressive resistance training

____ _____ cause initial improvements in strength when youths engage in a resistance training program

By the middle of this century, it is estimated that 87 million people—or roughly ____% of the entire U.S. population—will be 65 years of age or older

a state or a risk of death or dying

Typical forms of degeneration associated with aging include these 4:

osteoporosis, arthritis, degenerative low-back pain, and obesity

_________: a general term that refers to the hardening and loss of elasticity of arteries
Normal, physiologic process of aging resulting in higher blood pressure (hypertension)

_____: the processes by which plaque is formed in arteries leading to reduced blood flow
Caused by poor lifestyle choices leading to increased blood pressure



One of the most important and fundamental functional activities affected by degenerative aging is ____

Self-myofascial techniques are ____for this population, provided there is sufficient ability and tolerance to perform the necessary movement, and the client does not have varicose veins or other types of contraindications

Older adults:

1–3 sets of 8–20 repetitions at 40–80% intensity, __-__ days per week

__-__ minutes per day or 8- to 10-minute bouts

Duration = __ to __ minutes

Intensity = __-___% of VO2 peak

The fastest growing health problem in America

At present, __% of Americans older than the age of 20 years are either overweight (BMI of 25-29.9) or obese.

Approximately __% of Americans aged 20 years and older are obese

Most widely used assessment tool to identify individuals who are overweight/obese/underweight

defined as total body weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters square

ex. For example, a client with a body weight of 200 lb (91 kg) and height of 70 in. (178 cm, or 3.16 m2) would have a BMI of 28.79 (91 kg/3.16 m2)

The primary physiological problem in obese clients is ___ ___ (too many calories consumed and too few expended)

Adults who remain sedentary throughout their life span will lose approximately __ lb of muscle per decade, while simultaneously adding __ lb of fat per decade. In addition, the average adult will experience a 15% reduction in fat-free mass between the ages of 30 and 80 years

Daily activity levels account for more than ___% of the variability of body-fat storage in men

For effective weight loss, obese clients should expend ___-___ kcal (calories) per exercise session, with a minimum weekly goal of _____ kcal of energy expenditure and then progressively increased to 2,000 kcal per week

______-style resistance training, when compared with walking at a fast pace, produces nearly identical caloric expenditure rates in the same given time span

Fitness professionals must use caution when placing an obese client in a ______ (on stomach) or ______ (on back) position because they are susceptible to both hypotensive (low blood pressure) and hypertensive (high blood pressure) responses to exercise; instead, have clients perform exercises in a standing position

Ex. plank on an incline or standing medicine ball rotation

Most appropriate for an obese client to maximize comfort and to avoid potential hypotensive or hypertensive reactions to the exercise: _____ ______

T/F: BMI, scale weight, hip-to-waist or circumference measurements are recommended measures of weight loss for obese clients

Obese clients:

At least ___ days per week

___-___% of maximum heart rate

Intensities may be altered to 40–70% of maximal heart rate if needed.
Using the *talk test can be helpful to determine exercise intensity.

40–60 minutes per day, or 20- to 30-minute sessions twice each day

__-__ sets of __-__ repetitions on 2–3 days per week

Chronic metabolic disorder, caused by insulin deficiency, which impairs carbohydrate usage and enhances usage of fat and protein

Metabolic disorder in which the body does not produce enough insulin (type 1) or the body cannot respond normally to the insulin that is made (type 2)

Diabetes is the ____ leading cause of death worldwide and is associated with a greater risk for heart disease, hypertension, and adult-onset blindness

People who develop diabetes before the age of 30 years are _____ times more likely to die by the age of 40 years than those who do not have diabetes

Typically diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults

Specialized cells in the pancreas called beta cells stop producing insulin, causing blood sugar levels to rise, resulting in hyperglycemia (High blood sugar; the state of elevated glucose in the bloodstream)

If the individual with ___ ____ diabetes does not control their blood glucose levels before, during, and after exercise, blood sugar levels can drop rapidly and cause a condition called hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), leading to weakness, dizziness, and fainting

Insulin must be injected to compensate for what the pancreas cannot produce

Type 1 Diabetes (insulin-dependent)

Strongly associated with an increase in childhood and adult-onset obesity (particularly abdominal obesity)

Individuals with ___ ____ diabetes usually produce adequate amounts of insulin; however, their cells are resistant to the insulin, meaning that the insulin present cannot transfer adequate amounts of blood sugar into the cell which can lead to hyperglycemia

Type 2 Diabetes (non-insulin dependent)

The most important goal of exercise for individuals with either type of diabetes is ___ ____, and for those with type 2 diabetes, ____ _____ and energy expenditure

glucose control

weight loss

Exercise training is effective for both diabetes goals because it has a similar action to insulin, enhancing the ______ of circulating glucose by exercising skeletal muscle

Care must be taken when recommending walking to clients with diabetes to prevent ____ and foot microtrauma that could result in foot infection.

Special care should also be taken with respect to giving advice to clients with diabetes regarding _______ intake and insulin use, not only before exercise but also afterward, to reduce the risk of a hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic event

presence of two chronic diseases


__-__ days per week

__-__% of maximum heart rate
Cardiorespiratory training (may be adjusted to 40–70% of maximal heart rate if needed)

__-__ minute duration

__-__ sets of __-__ repetitions, 2–3 days per week

T/F: Avoid excessive plyometric training, and higher-intensity training is not recommended for clients with diabetes.

T/F: Self-myofascial techniques may be contraindicated; a physician’s approval is recommended.

What generally occurs when blood glucose levels fall below 70 mg/dL

Initial treatment for hypoglycemia

consume a simple sugar like a juice, soda, or hard candy

the pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries

Some of the most common causes of hypertension include these 4:

smoking, sedentary living, alcohol abuse, and excess weight

The health risks of hypertension are well known and include increased risk for stroke, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and kidney failure

One of the most common and traditional methods of controlling hypertension is through _____ ______

antihypertensive medications

Research has shown that exercise can have a modest impact on lowering elevated blood pressure by an average of __-__ mm Hg for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure

T/F: Low to moderately intense cardiorespiratory exercise has been shown to be just as effective as high-intensity activity in reducing blood pressure


____ or _____ positions (especially when the head is lower in elevation than the heart) can often _____ blood pressure, and as such, these positions may be contraindicated so seated/standing positions are preferred

Ex. a standing cable extension may be more appropriate than a floor bridge for gluteal strengthening

T/F: Static/active stretching may be easiest/safest and a cardiorespiratory program of lower intensity (50-85% or work capacity) is initially recommended for clients with hypertension

Some medications for hypertension, such as ___-____, will decrease the heart rate at rest and its response to exercise

For clients with hypertension, resistance exercise should consist of a ___ ____ ___ or circuit-training style.

Avoid Valsalva maneuvers/ overgripping

Use actual heart rate response or the talk test


___-___ days per week

___-___% of maximal heart rate
Cardiorespiratory training can start as low as 40% of HRmax, if needed, and be progressed as tolerated

___-___ minute duration

___-___ sets of ___-___ repetitions, 2–3 days per week

Coronary Heart Disease:

Caused by ______ (plaque formation), which leads to narrowing of the coronary arteries and ultimately ___ _____ (chest pain), myocardial infarction (heart attack), or both

The primary cause of CHD is ___ ___ _—primarily cigarette smoking, poor diet, and physical inactivity

Treating CHD is centered on improving the health of the internal lining of the coronary artery, called ___ ______, and medical management, including pharmaceuticals, as well as aggressive lifestyle intervention, including healthier food choices, more exercise, smoking cessation, and stress reduction


angina pectoris

poor lifestyle choices

plaque stabilization

Coronary Heart Disease:

__-__ days per week

Moderate-intensity exercise, ___-____% HRmax, and only progress with the physician’s advice

The talk test may also be more appropriate as medications may affect heart rate.

5–10 minutes warm-up, followed by __-__ minutes of exercise, followed by a 5- to 10-minute cool-down

__-__ sets of __-__ repetitions, 2–3 days per week

Osteoporosis affects approximately __ million people in the United States, Japan, and Europe

Type 1 (primary):
associated with normal aging and is attributable to a lower production of estrogen and progesterone, both of which are involved with regulating the rate at which bone is lost
most prevalent in postmenopausal women because of a deficiency in estrogen, usually secondary to menopause
characterized by an increase in bone resorption (removal of old bone) with a decrease in bone remodeling (formation of new bone), which leads to a decrease in bone mineral density

Type 2 (secondary):
caused by specific medical conditions or medications that can disrupt normal bone reformation, including alcohol abuse, smoking, specific diseases, or particular medications

Osteoporosis commonly affects the neck of the femur (___) and the lumbar (__-____) vertebrae

Research has shown that the risk of hip fractures doubles every __ years in postmenopausal women older than the age of 50 years

Risk factors that influence osteoporosis: most important:___ ___ ___ (the highest amount of bone mass a person is able to achieve during their lifetime)

It has been estimated that a __% increase in bone mineral density (BMD) is necessary to offset fractures

T/F: It has been suggested that training focused on the prevention of falls, rather than strength alone, is more advantageous for the elderly


__-__ days per week

Cardiorespiratory training should start at a moderate intensity level (40% to 65% HRmax) and progress as tolerated

__-__ minutes per day or 8- to 10-minute bouts

__-__ sets of __-__ repetitions, 2–3 days per week

Focus exercises on hips, thighs, back, and arms

Research has indicated that higher intensities of resistance training (___-___%) are needed to stimulate bone formation

It appears that the ___ (rather than the number of repetitions) is the determining factor in bone formation

It generally takes about __ months of consistent exercise at relatively high intensities before any effect on bone mass is realized

the leading cause of disability among U.S. adults and is also associated with significant activity limitation, work disability, reduced quality of life, and high healthcare costs

1. Osteoarthritis: caused by degeneration of cartilage within joints creating a wearing on the surfaces of articulating bones and irregular new bone growth (osteophytosis), causing inflammation and pain at the joint
Most commonly affected joints: hands, knees, hips, and spine

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: joint disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissue (in this case, tissue in the joint or organs) causing an inflammatory response in multiple joints, leading to pain and stiffness; systemic
Most commonly affected joints: hands, feet, wrists, knees
Characterized by morning stiffness, lasting more than a half hour, which can be both acute and chronic, with eventual loss of joint integrity, increased joint pain, and decreased mobility and overall functional capacity

T/F: Avoid early morning exercise for clients with arthritis.


_--__ days per week

Low to moderate intensity (40% to 65% HRmax) and progress as tolerated depending on the client’s capabilities

__ minute duration

__-__ sets of 10–12 repetitions, 2–3 days per week

low number of red blood cells

Corticosteroids also increase____ risk

Balance and muscle strength are vital components of _____

group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body

One of the leading causes of death in the United States and worldwide affecting approximately 38.4% of men and women during their lifetimes

Positive benefits of exercise in the treatment of cancer: improved aerobic and muscular fitness, retention of lean body mass, less ____, improved quality of life, and positive effects on mood and self-concept

Self-myofascial techniques are not recommended for clients receiving _____ or ______ treatments because these techniques may cause adverse effects

chemotherapy or radiation

T/F: In patients with cancer, private sessions or less crowded areas are recommended due to immune compromise


__-__ days per week

Cardiorespiratory training should start out at a moderate level (40–70% HRmax) and progress as tolerated.

___-___ minutes per session (may only start with 5 minutes)

__-__ sets of __-__ repetitions, 2–3 days per week

May use a circuit or PHA training system.

Core and balance exercises are essential for ______, as they will help in regaining stabilization necessary for activities of daily living that may have been lost due to the lack of activity caused by treatments

T/F: The majority of observed disparities in athletic performance between men and women are explained by differences in body structure, muscle mass, lean to fat body mass ratio, and, to a lesser extent blood chemistry

When measures are adjusted for body composition, both physiologic and performance parameters narrow considerably or completely vanish

In pregnant clients, avoid ___ and ___ exercise, particularly after the first trimester.

Even in the absence of exercise, pregnancy may increase metabolic demand by _____ kcal per day to maintain energy balance

Those already engaged in an exercise program before pregnancy may continue with moderate levels of exercise until the ____ trimester, when a logical reduction in activity is recommended

The gradual growth of the fetus can alter the posture of pregnant women, making ____ and ___ ____ important, particularly core exercises to improve strength of the pelvic floor musculature

flexibility and core training

Self-myofascial techniques should not be performed on varicose veins that are sore or on areas where there is _____ (such as the calves)

A pregnancy can be divided into three segments, or trimesters:

First trimester: weeks __to__
Second trimester: weeks __to__
Third trimester: week __ to ___ __ ____

1 to 13

14 to 26

27 to end of pregnancy


__to__ days per week

Moderate intensity (40–70% HRmax), increase as tolerated or based on a physician’s advice

__ to __ minute duration per day. There may be a need to start out with only 5 minutes of exercise and progressively increase to 30 minutes, depending on the severity of conditions.

resistance training: __to__ days per week, using light loads at __to__ repetitions

2 major Chronic Lung Disease categories:

Restrictive Lung Disease: lung tissue may be fibrotic and, thus, dysfunctional
The ability to expand the lungs may be decreased as a result of any number of causes, such as fractured ribs, a neuromuscular disease, or even obesity
Ex. pulmonary fibrosis or asbestosis

Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: the lung tissue may be normal, but airflow is restricted
Major obstructive lung diseases include asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema characterized by chronic inflammation (caused primarily by smoking, although asthma may be caused by environmental irritants) and airway obstruction due to mucus production
Cystic fibrosis: genetic disorder

Those with _______: frequently underweight and may exhibit overall muscle wasting with hypertrophied neck muscles, which are excessively used to assist in labored breathing

Those with ___ ____ may be the opposite of those with emphysema: overweight and barrel chested


chronic bronchitis

T/F: Clients with Chronic Lung Disease may have significant muscle wasting and be of low body weight (with a BMI < 18) and also need increased rest levels

Chronic Lung Disease:

__-__ days per week

__-__% of peak work capacity

Work up to 20–45 minutes

Resistance training: __ set of __-__ repetitions, 2–3 days per week

the manifestation of the symptoms caused by peripheral arterial disease—sometimes referred to as peripheral vascular disease

Characterized by limping, lameness, or pain in the lower leg during mild exercise that is a result of decreased blood supply to the lower extremities

group of diseases in which blood vessels become restricted or blocked, typically as a result of atherosclerosis; also referred to as peripheral vascular disease

characterized by the narrowing of major arteries that are responsible for supplying blood to the lower extremities

Primary limiting factor: leg pain

Fitness professional problems: differentiating PAD leg pain vs. similar leg complaints resulting from activity by deconditioned clients

peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

Intermittent Claudication and Peripheral Arterial Disease:

__-__ days per week working up to every day

__-__% of HRmax

Work up to __-__ minutes

Resistance training: A _____-training format is recommended (e.g., 8–10 exercises, 1–3 sets of 8–12 reps per exercise, progressing up to 12–20 reps)

Guidelines for self-myofascial techniques are not known at this time, and it is suggested that it not be used in this population, unless approved by a licensed physician

Which of the following is a component of quickness training?

assessment of visual stimuli

When a client makes a statement that supports their current behavior, what is this called?

Which of the following nutrition professionals is nationally recognized by the Commission on Dietetic Registration to provide clinical, community, food service, and nutrition education?

Registered dietician nutritionist

What sport would be the best recommended mode of exercise for individuals living with diabetes?

A condition caused by degeneration of cartilage within the joints

T/F: Weight-bearing activities (e.g., walking or jogging) can be more beneficial to increasing BMD than nonweight-bearing activities (e.g., cycling or swimming).

What is the primary limiting factor for exercise in the client with PAD quizlet?

(PAD) - A condition characterized by narrowing of the major arteries that are responsible for supplying blood to the lower extremities. The primary limiting factor for exercise in a client with PAD is leg pain.

What are the current physical activity recommendations for youth NASM?

Adam Annaccone | Stay Updated with NASM! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children and adolescents should participate in at least 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily (1).

What causes coronary artery disease Nasm?

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits (atheroma) on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries). The build-up of atheroma makes the arteries narrower, restricting the flow of blood to the heart muscle. This process is called atherosclerosis.

Which resistance training system is most appropriate for hypertensive clients?

Traditionally, fitness professionals would recommend that clients with hypertension should follow cardiovascular training, such as cycling, walking, jogging and rowing.


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