What is the name of the cluster of capillaries in the kidney where filtration occurs?

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  • Glomerular filtration is the renal process whereby fluid in the blood is filtered across the capillaries of the glomerulus.

    Learning Objectives

    • Explain the process of glomerular filtration in the kidneys

    Key Points

    • The formation of urine begins with the process of filtration. Fluid and small solutes are forced under pressure to flow from the glomerulus into the capsular space of the glomerular capsule.
    • The Bowman’s capsule is the filtration unit of the glomerulus and has tiny slits in which filtrate may pass through into the nephron. Blood entering the glomerulus has filterable and non-filterable components.
    • Filterable blood components include water, nitrogenous waste, and nutrients that will be transferred into the glomerulus to form the glomerular filtrate.
    • Non-filterable blood components include blood cells, albumins, and platelets, that will leave the glomerulus through the efferent arteriole.
    • Glomerular filtration is caused by the force of the difference between hydrostatic and osmotic pressure (though the glomerular filtration rate includes other variables as well).

    Key Terms

    • glomerulus: A small, intertwined group of capillaries within nephrons of the kidney that filter the blood to make urine.
    • hydrostatic pressure: The pushing force exerted by the pressure in a blood vessel. It is the primary force that drives glomerular filtration.

    Glomerular filtration is the first step in urine formation and constitutes the basic physiologic function of the kidneys. It describes the process of blood filtration in the kidney, in which fluid, ions, glucose, and waste products are removed from the glomerular capillaries.

    Many of these materials are reabsorbed by the body as the fluid travels through the various parts of the nephron, but those that are not reabsorbed leave the body in the form of urine.

    Glomerulus Structure

    Glomerulus structure: A diagram showing the afferent and efferent arterioles bringing blood in and out of the Bowman’s capsule, a cup-like sac at the beginning of the tubular component of a nephron.

    Blood plasma enters the afferent arteriole and flows into the glomerulus, a cluster of intertwined capillaries. The Bowman’s capsule (also called the glomerular capsule) surrounds the glomerulus and is composed of visceral (simple squamous epithelial cells—inner) and parietal (simple squamous epithelial cells—outer) layers.

    The visceral layer lies just beneath the thickened glomerular basement membrane and is made of podocytes that form small slits in which the fluid passes through into the nephron. The size of the filtration slits restricts the passage of large molecules (such as albumin) and cells (such as red blood cells and platelets) that are the non-filterable components of blood.

    These then leave the glomerulus through the efferent arteriole, which becomes capillaries meant for kidney–oxygen exchange and reabsorption before becoming venous circulation. The positively charged podocytes will impede the filtration of negatively charged particles as well (such as albumins).

    The Mechanisms of Filtration

    The process by which glomerular filtration occurs is called renal ultrafiltration. The force of hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus (the force of pressure exerted from the pressure of the blood vessel itself) is the driving force that pushes filtrate out of the capillaries and into the slits in the nephron.

    Osmotic pressure (the pulling force exerted by the albumins) works against the greater force of hydrostatic pressure, and the difference between the two determines the effective pressure of the glomerulus that determines the force by which molecules are filtered. These factors will influence the glomeruluar filtration rate, along with a few other factors.


    Bowman’s capsule is a part of the nephron that forms a cup-like sack surrounding the glomerulus. Bowman’s capsule encloses a space called “Bowman’s space,” which represents the beginning of the urinary space and is contiguous with the proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron. Bowman’s capsule, Bowman’s space, and the glomerular capillary network and its supporting architecture can collectively be thought of as composing the glomerulus. There are an estimated 900000 glomeruli within the cortex of a mature human kidney.[1][2]

    Structure and Function

    In the kidney, the glomerulus represents the initial location of the renal filtration of blood. Blood enters the glomerulus through the afferent arteriole at the vascular pole, undergoes filtration in the glomerular capillaries, and exits the glomerulus through the efferent arteriole at the vascular pole.

    Bowman’s capsule surrounds the glomerular capillary loops and participates in the filtration of blood from the glomerular capillaries. Bowman’s capsule also has a structural function and creates a urinary space through which filtrate can enter the nephron and pass to the proximal convoluted tubule. Liquid and solutes of the blood must pass through multiple layers to move from the glomerular capillaries into Bowman’s space to ultimately become filtrate within the nephron’s lumen.

    The first step of filtration occurs through the endothelial layer of the capillaries, which is composed of fenestrated endothelial cells.[3] These fenestrations, or slits between endothelial cells, are approximately 60 to 80 nm wide and restrict the movement of matter above this size.[4][5][6][7] In addition to filtering based on size, the fenestrated endothelium carries negative charges that preferentially restrict the movement of negatively charged substances into Bowman’s space.[8][9][10]

    Filtrate next moves through the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). From the direction of the capillaries and moving towards Bowman’s capsule, three layers compose the GBM – the lamina rara interna, the lamina densa, and the lamina rara externa. Mesangial cells within the glomerulus play a role in creating and maintaining the GBM, as well as holding capillary loops together.[11]

    Following the GBM, filtrate must pass through the epithelial layer of Bowman’s capsule, which is composed of podocytes. The podocytes feature finger-like projections of cytoplasm referred to as “foot processes” or “pedicels.” These foot processes interdigitate with one another and create a further barrier through which filtrate must pass. Structures called “slit diaphragms” bridge nearby foot processes and provide structural support. The podocytes are the primary cells of the epithelium adjacent to the capillaries (the visceral epithelium) and play a role in filtration. The parietal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule is the outer layer and is composed of simple squamous epithelial cells called “parietal cells.” The parietal layer is not directly involved with filtration from the capillaries. Parietal cells play a structural role in maintaining Bowman’s capsule and are also speculated to have the ability to differentiate into podocytes to replace damaged or old podocytes.[12][13][14][13] Bowman’s space is the area between the visceral and parietal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule.

    In summary, filtrate entering Bowman’s space traverses through glomerular capillaries, the GBM, and the interdigitated foot processes of the podocytes and is filtered based on size and electric charge. The filtrate entering Bowman’s space has a very similar composition to that of the blood in the glomerular capillaries except for the protein, and cell content as these are the components largely prevented from entering Bowman’s space when glomerular filtration is functioning properly.


    Two embryological precursor structures – the metanephric mesenchyme and the ureteric bud – interact to form the human kidney.[15][16] The metanephric mesenchyme contains, among other progenitor cell types, nephron progenitor cells. The nephron progenitor cells give rise to various cell types of the nephron, including the podocytes and glomerular parietal epithelial cells that compose Bowman’s capsule.[16][17]

    The metanephric mesenchyme is also known as metanephric mesoderm, metanephrogenic blastema, and metanephric blastema. The RET (REarranged during Transfection) gene is crucial for the correct formation between the metanephric mesenchyme and renal development. The gene encodes a protein/receptor. The RET receptor tyrosine kinase is activated by a growth factor (glial cell growth factor - GDNF), initiating the development of the cell.

    The metanephric mesenchyme appears in the fifth week of gestation from the mesoderm.

    Blood Supply and Lymphatics

    The blood supply to the glomerulus ultimately comes from the renal arteries (one renal artery supplies each kidney), which comes off of the abdominal aorta. At the renal hilum, the renal artery branches many times as it travels through the kidney. First, it branches into the segmental artery, which branches into various interlobular arteries, which travel to the renal cortex and become arcuate arteries. The afferent arterioles ultimately branch off of these arcuate arteries to supply blood to the glomerular capillaries within the glomerulus.[18] Once blood passes through the glomerular capillaries, it exits the glomerulus through the efferent arteriole. From the efferent arteriole, blood enters a second capillary network, the peritubular capillaries, before exiting the kidney through the renal vein and ultimately entering the inferior vena cava.

    The renal lymphatic system, in general, is much more abundant in the renal cortex than in the medulla.[19] Many lymphatic vessels in the renal cortex appear to begin blindly close to Bowman’s capsule, with some lymphatic vessels either partially or fully surrounding Bowman’s capsule.[20][21] Lymphatic vessels within the kidney generally track the same course as the renal vasculature before leaving the kidney.[19] Lymphatics from the left kidney drain into the paraaortic, preaortic, and the retroaortic lymph nodes.[22] Those from the right kidney drain into the paracaval, precaval, interaortacaval, and retrocaval lymph nodes.[22] Lymph from both kidneys can also drain into lymphatic systems posterior to the aorta.[23] Ultimately, all lymph from the renal system funnels into the thoracic duct.[23]


    The kidney receives innervation by sympathetic, parasympathetic, and sensory nerves.[24] The effects of renal sympathetic and sensory innervation on renal hemodynamics and filtrate entering Bowman’s space are well described. By contrast, the precise effects of parasympathetic renal innervation, supplied by the Vagus nerve, are less well characterized in the literature.

    The sympathetic fibers innervating the kidney arise from the prevertebral and paravertebral ganglia and give rise to postganglionic neurons that largely track with the renal artery towards the kidney and intrarenal vasculature within the kidney.[24][25] Relative to the glomerulus, sympathetic fibers more heavily innervate the afferent arteriole than the efferent arteriole.[24][26] Sympathetic stimulation within the kidney leads to vasoconstriction.[24][27][28] Therefore, increased sympathetic stimulation to the kidney should constrict the afferent arteriole more than the efferent arteriole, yielding a net decrease in glomerular filtration rate and thus a decrease in filtrate entering Bowman’s space.[28]

    Sensory nerves within the kidney concentrate in the renal pelvic area.[28][29][30][31][32] These nerves activate upon distention of the renal pelvic wall and have an overall inhibitory effect on renal sympathetic stimulation.[28] As a result, increased renal sensory activation will lead to a reversal of the effects of sympathetic stimulation at the glomerulus leading to relatively more afferent arteriolar dilation than efferent arteriolar dilation, yielding an increase in glomerular filtration pressure, and thus more filtrate entering Bowman’s space.


    Smooth muscle in the afferent and efferent arterioles play a role mediating the glomerular filtration rate and pressure, forcing filtrate into Bowman’s space. Several important mechanisms regulate smooth muscle in the afferent and efferent arterioles.

    One such mechanism, the myogenic response, occurs when the afferent arteriole feels stretch from increased blood flow. In response, the smooth muscles of the afferent arteriole will contract, decreasing blood flow to the glomerulus and ultimately decreasing filtrate into Bowman’s space.[33]

    A second mechanism occurs when the afferent arteriole senses less stretch from passing blood flow. In response, the juxtaglomerular cells of the afferent arteriole, a type of specialized smooth muscle cell, secrete renin, which activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), which has many effects; prominent among these is to increase blood pressure. Angiotensin II production occurs through RAAS, which, among other functions, preferentially constricts the efferent arteriole. This constriction increases pressure in the glomerular capillaries and thus filtrate entering Bowman’s space.[33]

    A third mechanism is tubuloglomerular feedback. In this process, macula densa cells of the thick ascending limb of the nephron secrete the paracrine mediators ATP, adenosine, and thromboxane in response to increased delivery of electrolytes through the nephron (a proxy for sensing increased glomerular filtration rate). These mediators dilate the efferent arteriole, yielding less glomerular filtration pressure, and thus less filtrate entering Bowman’s space.[33]

    As discussed previously, sympathetic stimulation offers a fourth mechanism of regulation, as such stimulation preferentially constricts the afferent arteriole, yielding less filtrate entering Bowman’s space.[28]

    In general, constriction of the afferent arteriole or dilation of the efferent arteriole will decrease pressure in the glomerular capillaries, creating less pressure driving filtrate into Bowman’s space. By contrast, dilation of the afferent arteriole or constriction of the efferent arteriole will increase pressure in the glomerular capillaries, creating more pressure driving filtrate into Bowman’s space.

    Surgical Considerations

    Healthy glomeruli, including Bowman’s capsule and Bowman’s space, are necessary for the proper functioning of the kidney. All glomeruli exist within the cortex of the kidney. Thus those performing renal operations should strive to maintain as much renal cortex as possible to preserve glomeruli and renal function.[34]

    Clinical Significance

    The glomerulus is clinically significant because it is the location where filtration in the kidney begins. All actions of the nephron downstream of the glomeruli rely on the passage of filtrate from the glomerular capillaries into Bowman’s space.

    Several diseases can affect the glomerulus. These diseases broadly divided into those presenting as nephrotic syndrome and those presenting as nephritic syndrome. The nephrotic syndrome is characterized by proteinuria of greater than 3.5 grams of protein per day, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and hyperlipidemia.[34][35] The nephritic syndrome is characterized by oliguria, hematuria, red blood cell casts in the urine, proteinuria under 3.5 grams of protein per day, and hypertension.[35]

    Some of the major causes of the nephrotic syndrome are minimal change disease, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, and amyloidosis.[35] Nephrotic syndromes are generally the result of damage to the foot processes of the podocytes or the GBM. Some of the major causes of the nephritic syndrome include post-infectious glomerulonephritis, infective endocarditis, IgA nephropathy, Lupus nephritis, Goodpasture disease, and vasculitis.[35] Nephritic syndromes generally result from damage to the glomerular capillary endothelium or the GBM.

    Other Issues

    Dysfunction of podocytes (cells in close contact with Bowman's capsules) causes a deterioration of glomerular function. Bowman's capsules and Bowman's space are essential to protect the function of the glomerulus because they prevent the infiltration of leukocytes (macrophages and CD4 + and CD8 + T cells). Preventing the accumulation of leukocytes protects the function of the podocytes.[36]

    In Bowman's capsules, there are cells with self-renewal properties, which can transform into podocytes. This event is more frequent when the structure needs repair, for example, in the presence of diabetes, such as a safety valve. The mechanism becomes stimulated by the decrease in Gas1 (Growth Arrest-Specific 1).[37]

    One of the causes of the presence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and crescentic glomerulonephritis is the accumulation of cuboidal cells or cuboidal parietal epithelial cells (PECs) in Bowman's capsule. These cuboidal PECS can create a metabolic environment that leads to the formation of sclerotic lesions, leading to kidney damage.[38]

    Review Questions

    What is the name of the cluster of capillaries in the kidney where filtration occurs?


    Image of a glomerulus including Bowman's capsule. This image is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. No changes were made to the original image authored by Shypoetess. Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Renal_corpuscle-en.svg File (more...)



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    What is the name of the cluster of capillaries in the kidney where filtration occurs quizlet?

    -each renal corpuscle contains a cluster of capillaries called the glomerulus; the glomerulus and its surrounding Bowman's capsule constitute a renal corpuscle, the basic filtration unit of the kidney.

    Where does filtration take place in the kidneys?

    The Glomerulus Filters Water and Other Substances from the Bloodstream. Each kidney contains over 1 million tiny structures called nephrons. Each nephron has a glomerulus, the site of blood filtration.