What is the main difference between prescriptive and predictive analytics quizlet?

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Terms in this set (24)

Another name for predictive and prescriptive analytics is a___ analytics.


Managers can use d___ d___ to monitor various metrics of a company performance.

data dashboards

You can use request information from a database like Microsoft access by conducting d____ q____.

data queries

The computer that won the game J___ will be used to help diagnose and select treatment plans for patients at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.


The models that give the best decision subject to constraints of the situation are called o___ models.


Organizations often use s___ to assess risk. Some examples are banks stress-testing financial models, real estate investment companies assessing commercial real estate risk, and pharmaceutical companies assessing the risk of introducing a new drug.


From point-of-sales data, stores can use d___ m___ to predict which customers are likely to respond to discounts on certain items.

data mining

Sports analytics became more popular after publication of the book, M___ , which tells story of using analytics to evaluate players in baseball.


H___ supports big data processing through storing and processing the data on clusters of computers.


Many companies are searching for d___ s___ who know how to effectively process and analyze big data from being trained in both computer science and statistics.

data scientists

For each statement, choose the most relevant of Big Data's 4 V's:

Real-time streaming data is difficult to store and analyze in a timely manner for decision making


For each statement, choose the most relevant of Big Data's 4 V's:

Cleaning data can take up to 80% of an analytics project because much of the available data are incomplete, inconsistent, and/or unreliable.


For each statement, choose the most relevant of Big Data's 4 V's:

Much of the data available now are unstructured and not in a neat table format. Examples are tweets, photos, and videos


For each statement, choose the most relevant of Big Data's 4 V's:

It is estimated that 2.5 quintillion (2,500,000,000,000,000,000) bytes of data are created each day


For each statement, choose the most relevant of Big Data's 4 V's:

Most companies in the U.S. have at least 100terabytes (100,000,000,000,000) of data stored


For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

President Trump's 2016 campaign hired Cambridge Analytics that used Facebook profiles of voters to predict the voters' personality. This helped them customize the ads to fit each voter's personality.

predictive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

The On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation (ORION) system at UPS saves fuel and driver time by suggesting the best routes its drivers can take in their delivery schedule.

prescriptive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

With Google Analytics, you can keep track of various metrics of your webpage such as screenviews, pages per session, and average session duration.

descriptive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

Airlines attempt to price the seats on the flights so as to maximize the total revenue from them.

prescriptive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

IBM decides how to allocate sales teams to each territory with the objective of maximizing overall revenue.

prescriptive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

Target wants to predict which customer is likely to be pregnant based on the customer purchase patterns.

predictive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

A sales manager receives weekly reports to keep tab on the performance of difference regions.

descriptive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

Some universities predict which students are at risk of dropping out in order to intervened assist in the hope of retaining them.

predictive analytics

For each application given, select the most appropriate of the three areas of analytics:

Netflix uses your rating of movies and the ratings of movies by other users like you to guess and recommend movies you might like.

predictive analytics

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What is the main difference between prescriptive and predictive analytics?

Predictive analytics forecasts potential future outcomes, while prescriptive analytics helps you draw specific recommendations. Predictive and prescriptive analytics are tools for turning descriptive metrics into insights and decisions.

What is the main difference between prescriptive and predictive analytics Mcq?

Prescriptive analytics is used in conjunction with predictive analytics, which uses data to forecast outcomes in the near future. The use of prescriptive analytics can assist organizations in making decisions based on facts and probability-weighted estimates rather than making snap decisions based on intuition. 3.

What is the main difference between descriptive analytics and predictive analytics?

While descriptive analytics are used by companies to understand what has happened, predictive analytics are used by companies to determine what is likely to happen next.

What is the difference between descriptive and predictive analytics quizlet?

What's the difference between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics? Descriptive-Encompasses the set of techniques that describes what has happened in the past; predictive-Use models calibrated on past data to predict the future or ascertain the impact of one variable on another.