What is the first step in caring for a victim with frostbitten fingers? quizlet

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Terms in this set (100)

A victim suffering from heat stroke may not be sweating. Not sweating can result in

Ineffective body cooling and a rapidly rising body temperature

The normal body temperature is-



is freezing of body tissues

Which of the following is a signal for heat exhaustion.

Cool,moist,pale skin

The best way to care for frostbite is by rubbing the area of the body you think might be affected.


Hypothermia can occur when body temperature drops below-


Most heat-related illnesses are self-correcting if care is not given.


Heat cramps usually affect _________ muscles.

legs and abdomen

John has been hiking in the woods for over half the day. When he returns home, he complains that he can barely feel the fingers of both hands. Those fingers are cold to the touch and have a waxy appearance. What might be happening to John?

frost bite

When you have to be working outside on a hot, summer day, you should wear-

light-colored clothing

Which statement best describes the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion?

heat stroke is life threatening,heat exhaustion in early stages can usually be reversed

Certain people are at greater risk for heat- and/or cold-related illnesses. Which of the following is not at an increased risk?

the victim has pre-existing health problems.
victim takes diuretics.
victim is not properly hydrated.
victim is not wearing appropiate clothing for the climate.
all the above.

Heat exhaustion is when the body's temperature-regulating mechanism becomes overwhelmed.


A victim suffering from hypothermia needs to be rewarmed, but not too quickly. Why?

Rapid rewarming can cause dangerous heart rhythms.

Numbness, apathy, weakness, and a glassy stare are signal for ________.


You are walking past a construction site on a hot day when you notice one of the workers staggering about. The man is sweating profusely and tells you that he feels weak and dizzy. What might be this person's problem?

heat Exhaustion

The body's first reaction to cold is to constrict the blood vessels near the skin, moving warm blood to the center of the body. What is the body's next reaction?


Heat cramps-

are painful spasms of skeletal muscles

Heat exhaustion can usually be reversed by having the victim __________.

removing wet clothing.
applying cool wet cloths.
moving the victim into a cooler enviroment.
all of the above

A person can develop a heat- or cold-related illness only when extreme temperatures occur.


Excess heat is removed from the body when blood vessels-

near the skin dilate bringing more warm blood to the surface.

Your next door neighbor has been working outside all day on a project in her back yard. When you go over to visit her, you find her sitting outside on a lawn chair. She seems to be disoriented and has rapid, shallow breathing. Her skin is also bright red and hot to the touch. What might be your neighbor's problem?

heat stroke

The surrounding air must be below 65° F before hypothermia can occur


When performing the beach drag, you should pull the victim to safety-

Head first

If needed, rescue breaths can be started while the victim is still in the water


A beach drag is best used with a victim who is


How do you support the victim's head, neck and back when using the beach drag?

by using your forearms

Which of the following could be used for a reaching assist

your arm
tree branch
all the above

An active drowning victim is best described as-

someone who is vertical in the water but has no supporting kick

What is your first goal if you find a victim who is in trouble in the water?

to keep yourself safe

Which of the following is not a priority for a drowning victim?

cpr is begun (if required) as soon as possible

ou are at a local lake and notice an adult diving off a platform in the shallow water. The man dives in but does not come back out. As you approach the scene, you see that the man is in the water, face-down. Several bystanders are present, but no one has acted. What is the first action you take to help the man?

check to see if a lifeguard or other trained professional is present before touching or moving the man

You must completely dry the victim before applying an AED.


If needed, CPR can be started while the victim is still in the water.


Why is it important to support the victim's head, neck and back when moving a victim?

to prevent movement in case of a head,neck or back injury

Which of the following is not a non-swimming rescue assist?

swimming out to victim with a floation device

Which action is not recommended when performing a reaching assist from a pool deck?

swimming out into the water

Which of the following is the appropriate rule for a victim in deep water or a rip current?

reach or throw before you go

Which method is best used for a person with a suspected head, neck or back injury who is face-up in the water?

clothes drag
head splint
beach drag

To perform a throwing assist you get in a stride position, step on the line with your forward foot, shout to get the victim's attention, bend your knees, then-

throw the device beyond the victim but within reach and throw the device so any air of water currents bring it to the victim .once it is grasped pull the victim slowly to safety.

Why should a heaving line be white or yellow in color?


Three teenagers are wading in the ocean. You hear lots of laughter and noise coming from the group. You see a large wave sweep one of the teenagers into deep water. His friends are laughing and waving to him. As you watch, he is trying to swim but making no progress, although he appears to be working very hard at getting to the shore. Which term best describes this person?

distressed swimmer

Which of the following is a limitation to moving one or more victims quickly and safely?

the size of the victim(s)

How do you minimize head movement when performing a head splint on a person face-down at the surface of the water?

use the victims own arms to stabilizes the head.

Why is it important to question a family member, if present, while caring for an elderly victim?

because you need to determine if any signals you are seeing are part of a previous injury or condition the victim may have

While giving care to a child you notice several signs of abuse. Your first priority is to-

care for the child's injuries or illness

While at the mall, you notice several bystanders who have crowded around an elderly woman. She is sitting on a bench and appears quite confused or dazed. As you approach the crowd, you ask what's going on. One of the bystanders says the woman is asking someone to help her. How would you approach this situation?

introduce yourself speaking slowly and clearly at the woman's eye level

Care for children with high fevers includes-

gently cooling the child

Which of the following should you remove when checking a conscious victim's ABCs?

walking canes or other physical supports
eye glasses
hearing aids
musculoskeletal braces
none of these above

The best way to begin your check of a conscious child is-

starting at the toes

How would you care for an elderly person who is suffering from a high body temperature as a result of extreme heat?

by slowing cooling the victim and calling 911 or the local emergency number

Giving care when a victim speaks a language that you do not speak is similar to giving care for a victim who is-

hearing impaired

Falls are the leading cause of death from injury for older adults.


If a victim refuses care or is threatening you, you should _____.

call 911 and remain at a safe distance

Checking one side of the body against the other for non life-threatening conditions may be difficult in a person with motor impairment because-

body part may not look normal as a result of a specific condition

You work at a day care center. One child hits another child with a toy. The child who was hit is now crying and saying that her arm hurts. As you approach her, you should first-

observe her to see if there are any apparent injuries

You and a friend are walking down the street one evening after seeing a movie. Across the street you see two teenagers hitting an elderly woman and trying to take her purse away. The woman is yelling for help. You can see a small amount of blood on her forehead. How could you and your friend attend to this situation?

call 911 or the local emergency number and withdraw from the immediate area

When interacting with an injured child, you should-

speak slowly and distinctly

When should you call 911 for a fever?

the first time a child or infant has a febrile seizure

Falls are the leading cause of death from injury for children.


If you believe the older adult victim is suffering from hypothermia, you should ask them to lie down to prevent further injury.


Where is a good location in which to place a child up to two years of age to check for any signals of illness or injury?

in a parent's or guardian's lap or arms

If you get consent from a child to care for him or her, you do not need consent from any adult responsible for the child.


It is important to control severe bleeding from any child because-

severe blood loss is life-threatening

By focusing on an object in the room while breathing, an expectant mother can-

help reduce fear and apprehension

What should you do if the umbilical cord is looped loosely around the baby's neck during delivery?

slide your forefinger along the new born's neck then gently slip the cord over the baby's head

You have assisted in the delivery of a baby. After you have cleaned out the nose and mouth, the baby is still not crying. What would you do?

stimulate the baby to cry by gently flicking the soles of its feet

To stimulate contraction of the uterus and help slow bleeding after birth-

help the mother to begin nursing the new born

Why should you use a clean towel to catch the baby as it is delivered?

because the baby will be slippery

What do contractions that are 2 to 5 minutes apart and are 45 to 60 seconds in length indicate?

the baby is beginning to pass out of the uterus and into the birth canal

Why is it important to question a pregnant woman who is in labor?

to find out if anyone has called 911 or the local emergency number, to access labor and to prepare for delivery if necessary

Many new mothers experience shock-like signals after delivery so care for shock should be given.


Why is it important to ask a pregnant mother if this is her first pregnancy?

the first stage of labor normally takes longer with first pregenacies

During the first stage of labor, the mother's pain and discomfort may increase as a result of-

tensing up because of fear

While assisting in a delivery, you notice a prolapsed umbilical cord. What is the best care for the mother and child?

have the mother assume a knee- chest position

Breathing slowly and deeply during labor often aids muscle contractions.


Why is it useful to have a bulb syringe when assisting in the delivery of a baby?

to suction secretions from the infant's mouth and nose immediately after birth

Which statement best describes stage one of labor?

contraction of muscles in the uterus

While assisting with a delivery, you can help the head of a baby emerge from the mother's birth canal by-

applying light pressure to the baby's head

What are the two priorities in caring for a newborn?

make sure the airway is open and clear
maintain normal body temperature

A series or set of three signals can be used to signal "Help!"


When help is delayed and you are caring for a victim, you should be sure to recheck the victim's condition-

every 15 minutes for conditions that are not life threathing

The best thing you can do in a delayed-help situation is to get help, even if this means leaving the victim.


Several factors that you should consider when deciding whether to move a victim yourself include-

the amount of assistance you have the distance to be traveled and the extent of the victim's injuries

In general, the care you give for a victim in a delayed-help situation is no different from the care you give for any victim.


Which of the following conditions would not be a consideration for shock development in a delayed-help situation?


The use of a tourniquet to control bleeding is-

rarely needed and should only be uses when all other methods to control bleeding have failed

Your text defines a delayed-help situation as one in which emergency assistance is-

delayed for more than 30 minutes

Which of the following is not the best option for seeking help in a delayed-help situation?

stay where you are and wait for help to arrive

You are in a delayed-help situation; however, the victim's injuries are not severe. Even though moving the victim might cause additional injury, you are concerned that the conditions at the scene are unsafe. Which of the following options might be the best course of action in this situation?

transport the victim to help

An improvised help sign that could be created to signal an aircraft is-

a large "X" mark on the ground

Which of the following might create a delayed-help situation?

you are far from a telephone or other means of communication

When in a delayed-care situation and caring for a victim with a head, neck or back injury, it is best to-

stay where you are and wait for rescue personnel to arrive

When sending someone to get help, you should make sure that-

the person carries certain vital information in writing

You and Mary are on a walk through the woods when Mary slips and injures her ankle. She is unable to walk, and you cannot carry her out of the woods. You should Check ______.

the scene for safety
the person or persons
for resourses
all of the above

n a delayed-help situation, you should gather information that you will need to plan how and when to get help. The kind of information you should gather includes-

any conditions that would make it difficult for you to get help

In a delayed-help situation you should perform a head-to-toe exam on an unconscious victim.


A natural shelter that you could use in an emergency would be-

a cave, overhang or a large tree

If medical care is more than 2 hours away you might want to give care for shock by giving a fully conscious adult victim-

about half a cup of cool water or clear juice to sip slowly over a 20- minute period

One important piece of information to give rescuers when you call for help is-

your location, including prominent landmarks if possible

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What is the first step in caring for a victim with heat exhaustion quizlet?

What is the first step in caring for a victim with heat exhaustion? Move the victim from the heat to rest in a cool place.

What is the first step in caring for a victim who has been bitten by a venomous snake quizlet?

Wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water. In almost all cases of poisoning in a responsive victim, it is better to call the Poison Control Center rather than a healthcare provider because the PCC has the most accurate and up-to-date information. You can only reach the Poison Control Center through 9-1-1.

What is the most effective first aid treatment for frostbite to hasten the return of blood to the affected area?

If your skin is numb, you may not be able to feel if the water is too hot. That could cause further damage. Instead, soak the affected hands and feet in warm water (104 F to 107 F), or place a washcloth with warm water on the affected areas that can't be submerged, like nose and ears, for at least 30 minutes.

Which of the following would be your first step of care for a person affected by an absorbed poison?

First steps If the person inhaled poison, get him or her fresh air right away. If the person has poison on the skin, take off any clothing the poison touched. Rinse skin with running water for 15 to 20 minutes. If the person has poison in the eyes, rinse eyes with running water for 15 to 20 minutes.