What is the branch of psychology that studies social interactions and relationship?

In this article, I will let you know “20+ Fields of Psychology and their Definitions (Branches of Psychology)”.

Psychology is the study of behavior, mental processes, and their effects on humans. It is a social science that deals with all ranges of mental states, from the most basic mental processes to the most advanced cognitive abilities.

There are many different fields in psychology and each one provides a certain perspective. A definition is given to a field and describes what the field is all about. This blog will help you understand the different fields of psychology and their definitions.

Use and Importance of Subfields of Psychology:

Psychology is a broad and diverse field with many different subfields. Each subfield has its own unique focus and area of expertise.

The use and importance of these subfields vary depending on the specific situation.

However, in general, the subfields of psychology can be very helpful in understanding human behavior and mental health.

In any field of study, it is important to specialize. This is especially true in psychology, where there are so many different areas of research.

By specializing in a particular subfield of psychology, researchers can become experts in a specific area and develop new insights and theories.

Additionally, by focusing on a specific subfield, researchers can better understand the connections between different areas of psychology and how they all work together to explain human behavior.

What is the branch of psychology that studies social interactions and relationship?
20+ Fields of Psychology and their Definitions (Branches of Psychology)

20+fields/branches of psychology, I am going to discuss in this article, each branch has its own focus and area of research.

1. Clinical Psychology

Clinical Psychology is the most prestigious field in psychology as it provides a lot of opportunities for research and development.

The district as a whole, comprises analysis, therapy, and treatment of mental sickness. The professional clinical psychologist acts under this perspective to cure the abnormal behavior of an individual.

clinical psychology is critical for helping with various psychological problems like depression or anxiety. Professional clinical psychologists diagnose mental illness and help patients related to abnormal behavior in the treatment of individual patients.

2. Abnormal Psychology

The study of children’s behavior and psychology is basically the main focus of child psychology. Child psychology refers to their physical and mental both, emotional, and social development.

It is a complicated branch that explores in detail the growth phases a child goes through during each stage of development.

Children’s psychology is a more complex branch of psychology and requires special attention as it may require guidance to understand how different age groups think in general.

Child Psychologist works in different ways, school and educational psychologist, abnormal child psychologist, and developmental psychologists.

3. Biological Psychology

As we all know that biology is the study of life. In biological Psychology, we could say that biology and psychology are combined to form behavioral neuroscience.

Psychobiology and physiological psychology terms are also used for this branch of psychology.

it is concerned with the relation between brain function to behavior (although most commonly referred to as neuroscience).

This field of psychology aims to understand human behavior by studying how the nervous system influences behavior.

4. Cognitive Psychology

This branch of psychology, Cognitive psychology refers to something that relates to a thought process.

It is a process that involves experiments and observational research to gain a better understanding of people’s thoughts, perceptions, emotions, etc., and how they relate to certain circumstances.

It is involved in mental activities like perception, thinking, and memory. Psychologically, cognitive psychology refers to the study of a person’s mental development or way of behaving or a particular trait they possess.

5. Counseling Psychology

Counseling psychology is a branch of psychology that provides advice and/or recommendations to others to help them with issues they might be facing.

For example, it may assist people struggling with various psychological issues by providing methods of dealing with work-related stress.

Counseling psychologists may also come in handy when assisting people who are suffering from various types of traumas or life difficulties.

Counseling psychologists help people suffering from stress or depression by helping them recover from traumas in the past, so they come to normal life.

6. Comparative Psychology

Comparative psychology is a branch of psychology that refers to the study of animal psychology and behaviors.

Comparative psychology presents a different theory that centers on examining animals’ behavior and mental traits.

While there are many similarities between humans and other animals – they can both feel emotional affection towards their families; they both have a desire to survive; they both must go out of their way to obtain food, water, etc.

Comparative psychology mainly studies the behavior of animal minds and how their mental abilities would stack up against that of a human being’s mind.

Comparative psychologists tend to focus more on topics such as animal development. Although the study itself is called Animal Psychology,

7. Developmental Psychology

Developmental psychology is a field of psychology that concerns how people grow and change over their lifetimes.

Developmental psychologists don’t just look at physical growth, they also study social, emotional, and cognitive changes as well.

This unique field has become incredibly popular, especially among parents and educators. It also considers how adults change as they mature, aging into becoming wiser and more experienced adults.

In developmental psychology, there are several other branches of interest including ethical development and moral reasoning, emotional development, social and cultural influences on child development, Developmental challenges, and learning disabilities, and many more.

8. Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology The field of Psychology can be incredibly fascinating! While we need to differentiate the term from Criminal Psychology.

Forensic psychologists are more commonly known as profilers and their main focus is to address cases of mental health-related criminal behavior.

Often times forensic psychologists are called in to assist in investigations of crimes involving traumatic footage or evidence regarding disabled or missing persons by using their expert knowledge of human behavior.

They also can help victims that have been exposed to various forms of sexual assault by identifying trauma’s influence on actions, thoughts, or feelings associated with their daily lives.

They help develop a clearer picture of the offender’s personality and motives for the crime that has been committed.

The term community is probably familiar to all my readers. community refers to the society we come from.

Community Psychology’s definition includes identifying and addressing the needs of individuals, groups, or communities.

The concept of community psychology tells us much about the relationship between society and human beings.

Individuals are greatly influenced by society, and so it’s up to us to keep an eye on them for the constant betterment of their well-being.

One way to do this would be just by making sure that people around you feel safe at all times and that they’re having a positive influence on your everyday life!

10. Educational Psychology

What is the branch of psychology that studies social interactions and relationship?
Educational Psychology

Educational psychology is a branch of psychology in which we study how learners can learn effectively by evaluating different teaching methods and instructional processes.

Educational psychology is an important discipline. It combines several related and broad fields of study, including developmental psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology.

Educational psychology has a unique specialty that includes:

  • Research on learning processes.
  • Development of instruction and learning materials.
  • Teaching techniques and approaches that assist students in meeting educational goals.
  • Evaluating educational programs and materials.
  • Researching the cognitive abilities of children.

11. Health Psychology

Health psychology is a branch of psychology that especially focuses on the relationships between mental health, behavior, and physical health.

Health psychology is a specialty area that focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior, and social factors influence wellness as well as the prevention and treatment of disease.

This field of psychology is focused on understanding how biological factors, psychological factors, behavioral factors, and social factors affect certain health conditions in people – whether it is related to a disease or an injury.

This field of practice also focuses on the individual patient or client’s needs as well as their social environment and circumstances when treating various health-related issues.

As part of their research, many health psychologists work directly with individuals and the community.

12. Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Industrial-organizational psychology is the study of workplace behavior. It can help employers understand how to best motivate and manage their employees.

Psychologists can also help organizations identify and correct problems with their workplace policies or procedures.

Psychologists use their knowledge of psychology to help organizations improve their productivity and efficiency.

Some of the areas that Industrial-Organizational psychologists typically focus on include selection, training, motivation, job satisfaction, and leadership.

One of the main goals of I-O psychology is to help organizations find and hire the best employees.

One way that I-O psychologists do this is by using psychological tests to measure an individual’s skills and abilities.

They also use personality assessments to identify candidates who are a good fit for a particular job.

I-O psychologists also play a role in employee training, they often develop training programs that are designed to improve employees’ skills and knowledge.

13. Cross-Cultural Psychology

Cross-cultural psychology studies how different cultural groups think, feel, and behave. It is a relatively new field that has gained popularity in recent years, as globalization has made it increasingly important to understand how people from different cultures interact.

Cross-cultural psychologists seek to identify universal principles of human behavior, as well as differences in thinking and behavior among cultural groups.

One of the goals of cross-cultural psychology is to reduce prejudice and discrimination against cultural minorities.

By understanding the similarities and differences among cultural groups, we can learn to appreciate and respect the diversity of the world’s population.

14. Experimental Psychology

Experimental psychology studies how people think, feel and behave.

Researchers in this field use scientific methods to examine the effects of different variables on human behavior.

This approach allows them to measure the impact of different interventions and treatments.

Researchers in experimental psychology can work in a variety of settings, including universities, hospitals, and private companies.

They may study topics such as memory, emotions, social interactions, or cognitive processes.

Some psychologists also use experimental methods to help people with mental health issues or behavioral problems.

15. Sports Psychology

Sports psychology is the study of how psychological factors affect sports performance and participation.

Researchers in this field examine topics such as the effects of stress and anxiety on athletic performance, motivation, team dynamics, and the psychological aspects of injury and rehabilitation.

Some sports psychologists also work with athletes to help them develop mental skills such as focus, concentration, and goal setting.

16. School Psychology

School psychology is the study and practice of psychology within the educational system. It is a unique field that blends psychological theory and research with practical application to help students succeed in school.

School psychologists work with students, parents, educators, and other professionals to address a wide range of issues, including academic problems, behavioral issues, social skills development, and mental health concerns.

Social psychology is the study of how people think about, feel about, and behave toward other people. It is also the study of how people interact with each other in groups and in society.

Researchers in social psychology look at a variety of topics, including prejudice and discrimination, aggression and violence, social influence and conformity, human development, and interpersonal relationships.

18. Family Psychology

Family psychology is the study of families and their dynamics. It can encompass everything from the way family members interact with each other to how they handle stressors and crises.

Family psychologists may work with individual family members or with the entire family unit.

They may provide therapy or counseling, or they may offer parenting advice or help families deal with major life changes.

Family psychology is a relatively new field, having only been around for about 50 years. However, it has grown rapidly in recent years as more and more people become interested in learning more about their families and how they can improve their relationships.

One of the goals of family psychology is to help families function effectively both as individuals and as a group.

Family psychologists often work to identify and resolve conflicts within families, and they also help families learn how to cope with difficult situations such as illness, death, and divorce.

19. Personality Psychology

Personality psychology is the study of individual differences in behavior. It examines how people differ in their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Personality psychologists are interested in understanding why people are different, and how these differences affect both everyday life and overall well-being.

One of the key areas of focus within personality psychology is the concept of personality traits.

Personality traits are defined as enduring patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior that can be seen across many different situations.

Some of the most common personality traits include extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Personality psychologists use a range of different assessment tools to measure different aspects of personality.

These tools can include self-report questionnaires, interviews, and behavioral measures. By using a variety of assessment methods, researchers can get a more complete picture of an individual’s personality profile.

20. Media Psychology

Media psychology is the study of how people interact with and respond to various forms of media, from television and movies to the Internet and social media.

Media psychology can be used to help understand why people engage with certain types of media, what effects different forms of media have on individuals and groups, and how people use media to communicate and interact with each other.

Media psychology has become an increasingly important field in recent years as more and more people get their information and entertainment from electronic sources.

Researchers in the field of media psychology is exploring a variety of questions about how different forms of media affect individuals, including issues such as body image, aggression, violence, social networking, addiction, and learning.

Media psychologists also study how people use media for personal expression and communication.

21. Environmental Psychology

Environmental psychology is the study of how people interact with their surroundings. It looks at how the environment can affect a person’s mood, emotions, and behavior.

Some of the areas that environmental psychology research includes are architecture, urban planning, landscape design, and environmentalism.

Environmental psychologists also study how people’s interactions with their environment can lead to positive or negative outcomes for both the individual and society as a whole.

22. Child Psychology

The definition of psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. When it comes to child psychology, this means studying how children think, feel, and behave.

This can provide insight into why they act a certain way, as well as help, identify any potential problems early on.

One of the most important things about child psychology is that it helps us understand how children develop over time.

We can see how their personality starts to form, how they learn new skills, and how they interact with others.

This information can help guide parents on what to expect from their children at different stages of development.

Another key aspect of child psychology is helping to identify any potential problems early on. If a child is struggling in school or having trouble interacting with others, it may be due to a psychological issue.


In conclusion, there are many branches of psychology, each with its own definition and area of focus.

It is important to be familiar with these branches to understand the different ways psychologists study the human mind and behavior.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these branches, be sure to do some research online or talk to a psychologist in your area.

So, these are the 20+ branches of Psychology and their definitions, I hope you have gone through them.

If you have any kind of questions or suggestions regarding this article, you can ask me in the comment section below.

I will respond as soon as possible.

Thanks for Reading.

Keep Study and Learning with Adil blogger.

What branch of psychology is social psychology?

Social Psychology Social psychologists strive to understand individual behaviors and personalities within a social context. Psychologists in this branch study the social factors that influence how people act and the condition in which those actions occur.

What type of psychology is connected to relationships and society?

Social Psychology Studies Human Interactions Social psychologists are interested in all aspects of personality and social interaction, exploring the influence of interpersonal and group relationships on human behavior.

What are the three branches of psychology?

It is important to recognize that these three icons were the primary leaders in the three great paradigms in American psychology—behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and humanistic psychology—thus suggesting a link between the three great branches of the discipline and the three most historically significant schools of thought ...

Which branch of psychology focuses on how we interact with and relate to others?

Social psychology focuses on how we interact with and relate to others. Social psychologists conduct research on a wide variety of topics that include differences in how we explain our own behavior versus how we explain the behaviors of others, prejudice, and attraction, and how we resolve interpersonal conflicts.