What is the best way to develop a personal speaking style that is clear, vivid, and appropriate?

Public speaking is an essential ability to master as a business owner, not only because it can help you give memorable speeches and gain popularity points for yourself and your organization, but also because it can vastly improve your overall business communication.

Whether it’s at a cocktail party, industry event or when you’re meeting with potential investors or customers, the ability to express your thoughts in a clear, concise and convincing manner makes all the difference. The better you become at public speaking, the more PR you can generate for your business and yourself as an expert in your field.

Below, 15 coaching experts from Forbes Coaches Council share several ways to become more effective at public speaking, from knowing how to engage with your audience to paying attention to your body language and telling a compelling story. Here is what they recommend:

All images courtesy of Forbes Councils members.

1. Tell A Story

Effective public speakers understand that the human mind over generations is "wired for story." The best speakers not only tell stories well but use vivid visual imagery and emotions to hook the audience. The story must be simple, relatable, and must present a point of view for it to be most effective. Personal stories are often the best since they are more credible and hence inspire action. - Viswanath Parameswaran, Institute of Transformational Coaching

2. Connect One Person At A Time

When I train speakers, I make sure they understand they are not talking to an audience or crowd. They are speaking to a group of many one persons. Each person in that room is someone you want to connect to, speak to, reach and impact. Make eye contact and speak to people in different parts of the room very deliberately. Speak to each person's potential concerns. - Janet Zaretsky, The Zenith Business

3. Remember It's About The Audience

Most talented speakers are great at storytelling. However, when telling your story, never forget that you are doing it for the sake of the audience. It shouldn't be about you, so make it crystal clear why, and how, your story can help the audience. That way your message will be more than entertaining, it will also be empowering and inspirational! - Donald Hatter, Donald Hatter Inc.

4. Pay Attention To Gestures And Tonality

As a public speaker, you want to pay attention to your body language and your vocal cues. While good public speakers deliver effective speeches, great public speakers are actively aware of their body and their voice at all times. Use open body language and practice allowing your tone to help dictate the audience's emotional response to your talk. - Erika Couto, Erika Couto, Inc.

5. Tell 'Em, Tell 'Em And Tell 'Em Again

Plan ahead. Start by telling the audience what you're going to tell them, then tell them, then tell the audience what you just told them. That's the best way to prepare for a public speaking engagement -- in three simple parts. - Kimberly Buchanan, The Buchanan Group

6. Create An Absolute Emotional Appeal

Some of the best advice I ever heard from a known public speaker when I asked him this question was this: Speak from the heart. I know it sounds simple but the best public speakers, even in a humorous talk, speak about something moving, something personal -- a story that moves them while they speak. Stories that move you will also move audiences to connect to your topic. - John M. O'Connor, Career Pro Inc.

7. Engage Through Your Five Senses

Great speakers connect, engage and persuade using their five senses. Sight: Make direct eye contact with as many audience individuals. Hearing: Play music at the start and end to energize. Thought: Start your presentation with a question to get the audience contemplating. Speech: Use relevant stories throughout. Touch: Shake hands with participant individuals and greet people at the doors. - Joanne Markow, GreenMason

8. Fail Forward

If you are constantly trying not to fail, you'll never succeed. Great public speakers take chances -- calculated risks -- to achieve their goals of reaching their audience and sharing their ideas. By avoiding being on the spot and skirting moments that you aren't 100% ready for, you'll stay in a safe space of being "fine." If you fall on your face, learn. When you get up, you'll be farther along. - Jennifer Oleniczak Brown, The Engaging Educator

9. Join The Speakers Association

Join the National Speakers Association and go through their speaker academy. When you complete the course you will have been trained by some of the most successful speakers in the country. You can go to chapter meetings every month and listen to a speaker talk for a couple of hours. - Jan Makela, Strength Based Leadership

10. Face Your Fear

Public speaking is intimidating but you can tackle your fear through familiarity. Get early access to the venue -- stand in each corner of the stage, sit in the audience's seats to see where you'll be seen from all angles, practice using the technology. The day of your talk, turn your audience into advocates by meeting and shaking hands with as many people as possible before your speech. - Loren Margolis, Training & Leadership Success LLC

11. Follow The Leaders

As a person who continues to work on developing my personal speaking style, I feel qualified to answer this question. I was told by an accomplished speaker that one of the best ways to improve your speaking skills is to study the "masters of the trade." There are countless videos online of exceptional speakers, past and present, that you can use as a study guide to improve your presentation style. - Kenneth Johnson, East Coast Executives

12. Become An Expert

To excel at public speaking, one needs to become a true expert in a given field or topic. Determine your area of interest and immerse yourself fully in relevant research. Follow key thought leaders to stay on top of the latest trends. Live and breathe your area of interest in order to share that passion and knowledge with others. - Kris McGuigan, Professional Courage

13. Just Start Doing It

Public speaking is the No. 1 fear and the best way to overcome it is to just start small: in the grocery line, at small meetings, kids events, church, where you feel comfortable. Think how you can speak about your family with passion and enthusiasm -- that is how you need to speak. When you have a story to share, and you capture with your natural passion and energy, the rest will follow. Start by just doing it. - Kari Price, The Art of Being a BOSS

14. Begin From The Inside Out

A great presentation is a combination of internal (mindset) and external (behavior) factors. If you have all the "right" behaviors but your mindset is lacking, people will notice the incongruence and the presentation will feel flat and fake. The most effective speakers begin with strong self-belief and define the purpose of their presentation -- what to achieve for the audience and themselves. - Lisa Martin, Lisa Martin International

15. Include Your Audience In The Presentation

Spend some time connecting with your audience before you go on stage. Go up to people individually, introduce yourself if you need to, let them know what you’re speaking about, and ask them what they’d love to learn. Then weave the answers into your presentation and if you really want to connect with your audience, remember their names and reference them in your presentation. - Regan Hillyer, Regan Hillyer International

How do you use language accurately vividly and appropriately?

There are six main characteristics of effective language. Effective language is: (1) concrete and specific, not vague and abstract; (2) concise, not verbose; (3) familiar, not obscure; (4) precise and clear, not inaccurate or ambiguous; (5) constructive, not destructive; and (6) appropriately formal.

What are two ways to bring your speeches to life with vivid?

2 ways to bring your speeches to life with vivid, animated language..
Use familiar words..
Choose concrete words..
Eliminate clutter..

How can a speaker create vivid imagery for the audience?

Vivid imagery is when the writer or speaker uses language that appeals to our five senses to help the reader or listener picture the author's meaning. Using descriptive words that tell how something feels or smells makes a sentence more vivid. For example: The apple pie smelled of cinnamon and other spices.

What must speakers use to make vivid images successful?

What must speakers use in order to make vivid images successful? a vivid image is a word picture that are created by describing objects, animals, people, places, situations. to be successful, you must use specific details.