What is cognitive surplus computer literacy What does it mean to be computer literate?

Lily ShacterChapter 1 Study Guide1.What are Crisis-mapping tools used for?

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2.What is the purpose of Social media tools?

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3.What is meant by the Digital divide?

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4.Purpose, autonomy and mastery are reasons which motivate people for what?

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What is cognitive surplus computer literacy What does it mean to be computer literate?

Yannis Agas

Student ID: 1261744

Chapter 1 Study Guide

1. What are Crisis-mapping tools used for?

Crisis mapping tools are used to address crises. It is done so by collecting important information, data,

and reports about specific locations and mapping them out in real time, making it available for the


2. What is the purpose of social media tools?

The purpose of social media tools is to enable people to connect and exchange ideas as well as form

digital groups to fight for social change.

3. What is meant by the Digital divide?

It means that there is a gap in levels of Internet access and available tools of technology in different

areas of the world. There are many areas that do not have easy access to technology.

4. Describe the Next Einstein Initiative?

An attempt to close the Digital divide. It is a plan to focus resources on mathematical minds in Africa.

Led by Neil Turok who founded the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences to bring together the

bright minds throughout Africa.

5. Cognitive surplus when what occurs?

Cognitive surplus occurs when a new Internet is created. When everyone can contribute to what is

online. It reflects the combination of leisure time and the tools to be creative.

6. What is meant by Web 2.0?

The arrival of a new Internet that allows many people to contribute content and connect with another


7. Define Crowdfunding.

Donors agreeing to give money towards a business in exchange for a future perk. It is this means of

generating capital to start a business, primarily known online.

8. What is the Sharing Economy?

It is an impact in various industries that has resulted from constant network connectivity and

smartphones to circulate the economy in various industries.

9. What is meant by Collaborative Consumption?

Implying that we are joining together as a group to use a specific product more efficiently. Share the

services of a product instead of outright owning it.

10. What is meant by the term Computer Literate?

Meaning you have a good understanding of the capabilities and limitations of computers as well as their

use in a safe but efficient way.

What is Crisis mapping software and how does this technology impact society?

Crisis-Mapping technology uses data, reports, and other forms of information about individual locations and events to map them in real time. This information allows first responders and aid groups to identify people that need evacuations or resources and distribute those resources at locations to maximize their impact.

What is obtaining the opinions of many people on the quality of products or services?

________ is obtaining the opinions of many people on the quality of products or services. The act of obtaining knowledge, and ideas from many people on certain goods and services is crowdsourcing.

What are tools that enable people to connect and exchange ideas?

Correct Answer: B) Social networking: It is a web-based computer-assisted communication, collaboration, and information sharing application.

What is the field of study focused on the management processing and the automatic retrieval of information?

Affective computing is a field of study focused on the managing, processing, and automatic retrieval of information.