What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

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What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

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What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

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What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet


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Terms in this set (108)

A​ 71-year-old male with a cardiac history and lower abdominal and back pain has called 911 for help. On​ scene, you detect a large pulsatile mass in his abdomen. With the exception of skin that is​ diaphoretic, the primary assessment indicates no life threats to the​ airway, breathing, or circulation. He has a history of​ hypertension, high​ cholesterol, diabetes, and is allergic to​ sulfa-based medications. Vital signs are pulse​ 92, respirations​ 20, blood pressure​ 130/66, and SpO2​ 95% on room air. What action would make you intervene​ immediately?

On​ scene, you are treating a​ 62-year-old female with chest​ pain, diaphoresis, and nausea. She states she has a history of heart problems as well as​ diabetes, for which she takes medications. She is allergic to penicillin and iodine. She is​ alert, oriented, and calm and there are no threats to the​ airway, breathing, or circulation. She took 81 mg of aspirin this morning as she always does. Her vital signs​ are: pulse​ 100, respirations​ 16, blood pressure​ 118/90, and SpO2​ 97% on room air. In overseeing the care of this​ patient, which of the following actions would demand immediate and corrective​ intervention?

A​ 67-year-old male with a history of coronary artery disease called 911 for chest pain. He states that the pain started when he was cleaning out his​ garage, but after a period of​ rest, the pain has resolved. His airway is​ patent, his breathing is​ adequate, his radial pulse is​ irregular, and his skin is warm and dry. He has a past medical history of atrial fibrillation​ (irregular heartbeat), coronary artery​ disease, and​ diabetes, for which he takes insulin. Vital signs are pulse​ 68, respiration​ 16, blood pressure​ 148/88, and SpO2​ 97% on room air. He took 81 mg of aspirin as prescribed this morning on awakening. Which of the following would you do​ first?

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What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain Quizlet

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Related questions

What immediate actions are appropriate when a patient complains of chest pain?

If your chest pain is new, changing or otherwise unexplained, seek help from a health care provider. If you think you're having a heart attack, call 911 or your local emergency number. Don't try to diagnose the chest pain yourself or ignore it. Your treatment will depend on the specific cause of the pain.

What is the immediate intervention for acute myocardial infarction?

All patients with a suspected myocardial infarction should be given aspirin. It is a powerful antiplatelet drug, with a rapid effect, which reduces mortality by 20%. Aspirin, 150-300 mg, should be swallowed as early as possible.

When a patient reports chest pain unstable angina must be identified and treated because?

Unstable angina should be treated as an emergency. If you have new, worsening or persistent chest discomfort, you need to go to the ER. You could be having a heart attack which puts you at increased risk for severe cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac arrest, which could lead to sudden death.

Which medication may be given to relieve severe chest pain for a patient experiencing an acute myocardial infarction MI )?

Nitroglycerin remains a first-line treatment for angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction. Nitroglycerin achieves its benefit by giving rise to nitric oxide, which causes vasodilation and increases blood flow to the myocardium.