What goal should a nurse set when beginning a course on pharmacology for nurses quizlet?

a) duration, b) drug half-life, e) onset of action, and f) timing of peak effect

Pharmacokinetics involves the study of absorption, distribution, metabolism (biotransformation), and excretion of drugs. In practice this includes the drug half-life, timing of peak effect, duration, metabolism or biotransformation, and site of excretion. Receptor antagonism and selective toxicity would not be part of pharmacokinetics but would be associated with pharmacodynamics that describe the physiological effect of a chemical, or drug, on the body.

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Terms in this set (32)

A nurse working in radiology administers iodine to a client who is having a computed tomography (CT) scan. The nurse working on the oncology unit administers chemotherapy to clients who have cancer. At the Public Health Department, a nurse adminisTtEerSsTaBmANeaKsSleEsL-mLEuRm.pCs-OrMubella (MMR) vaccine to a 14-month-old child as a routine immunization. Which branch of pharmacology best describes the actions of all three nurses?


The care provider has prescribed intravenous hydromorphone, an opioid, for a client using a client-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump. The nurse is aware that this drug has a high abuse potential. Under what category would hydromorphone be classified?

Schedule II

When involved in phase III drug evaluation studies, what action should the nurse perform?

Monitor and observe clients closely for adverse effects.

What concept is prioritized when a provider is considering the substitution of brand name drug with a generic drug?


A nurse is assessing the client's home medication use. After listening to the client list current medications, the nurse asks what priority question?

"Do you take any over-the-counter medications?"

What goal should a nurse set when beginning a course on pharmacology for

At the completion of the course, the nurse will know general drug information because the nurse can consult a drug guide for specific drug information.

A nurse is instructing a pregnant client concerning the potential risk to her
fetus from a pregnancy category D drug. What should the nurse inform the client?

"There is evidence of human fetal risk, but the potential benefits from use of the drug may be acceptable despite potential risks."

Discharge planning for clients leaving the hospital should include instructions on the use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Which comments by the client should prompt the nurse to provide health education? Select all that apply.

"OTC drugs are safe and do not cause adverse effects if taken properly."
B) "OTC drugs have been around for years and have not been tested by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."
C) "OTC drugs are different from any drugs available by prescription and cost less."
E) "OTC drugs can often be used as a cost-effective substitute for prescribed

A nurse is unfamiliar with a drug that a client in the community has recently
been prescribed. What information source should the nurse consult?

A nurse's drug guide

A nursing student is preparing to begin a pharmacology course. The student should anticipate what areas of study? Select all that apply.

Impact of drugs on the body
D) The body's response to a drug

The nurse is caring for an older adult who needs to know that drugs, even when taken correctly, can produce negative or unexpected effects. The nurse should address what topic during health education?

Adverse effects

The nurse has just administered a client's medication. What action should the nurse perform next?

Assess for drug effects.

The nurse receives an order to administer an unfamiliar medication and obtains a nurse's drug guide published 4 years earlier. What is the nurse's most prudent action?

Find a more recent reference source.

The nurse is preparing a client for discharge knowing the client will be self- administering medication at home. What is the nurse's most appropriate action?

Provide thorough medication teaching about drugs and the drug regimen.

In response to the client's question about how to know whether drugs are safe, the nurse explains that all medications in the United States undergo rigorous scientific testing controlled by what organization?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The nurse is assisting with a phase I drug study. What potential participant would be most appropriate?

A 22-year-old male with an unremarkable health history

The client tells the nurse about a new drug being tested to treat the disease he or she was diagnosed with and asks the nurse whether the doctor can prescribe a medication still in the preclinical phase of testing. What is the nurse's best response?

"Drugs in the preclinical phase of testing are only tested on animals and so would not be available to you."

The nurse is caring for a client who had a severe, acute, previously unseen adverse effect of a drug in phase III testing. The client asks, "After all the testing done on this drug, didn't they know this adverse effect could occur?" What are appropriate responses by the nurse? Select all that apply.

"Your response to this medication will be reported to the drug company and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."
C) "When a drug begins to be used by a large clinical market, new adverse effects may be found."

The telephone triage nurse receives a call from a client asking for a prescription for an opioid (narcotic) to manage the surgical pain. The nurse explains that opioid prescriptions must be written and cannot be called into the pharmacy. The client says, "Why are opioids so difficult to get a prescription for?" What is the nurse's best response?

"Controlled substances like opioids are controlled by the FDA and the DEA."

The nurse explains the Drug Enforcement Agency's (DEA's) schedule of controlled substances to the nursing assistant who asks, "Do you ever get a prescription for schedule I medications?" What is the nurse's best response?

"Schedule I medications have no medical use so they are not prescribed."

The nurse, working on the maternity unit, receives a call from a pregnant woman asking how she can know whether a medication is safe to take while pregnant. What is the nurse's best response?

"Never take medication until you receive approval from your healthcare

A client asks the nurse, "What is a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number?" What is the nurse's best response?

"DEA numbers are given to physicians and pharmacists when they register with the DEA to prescribe and dispense controlled substances."

The nurse is preparing to move to another state. The nurse should complete which action?

Become familiar with local policies and procedures for controlled substance administration

The client looks at the prescription provided by the doctor and asks the nurse about the notation "DAW." What implication of this notation should the nurse explain?

The pharmacy where the client fills the prescription will not substitute a generic drug.

The nurse is preparing to administer the drug papaverine (Pavabid). What does the nurse identify the name Pavabid as?

The brand name

The client is prescribed a medication that was just approved by the FDA. The client tells the nurse, "This medication is too expensive. Could the doctor order a generic form of this medication?" What is the nurse's best response?

"New medications are patented by the manufacturers. A generic is not available."

The nurse learns that a drug needed by the client is classified as an orphan drug. The nurse should recognize what possible characteristics of this drug? Select
all that apply.

The drug is rarely prescribed.
B) The drug has dangerous adverse effects.
C) The drug treats a rare disease.

While collecting a medication history, the client admits to doubling the recommended dosage of acetaminophen, saying "It's harmless or they would require a prescription." What is the nurse's best response?

"OTC drugs are serious medications and carry serious risks if not taken as directed."

The client asks the nurse, "Is it safe to take over-the-counter (OTC) medications with prescription medications?" What are appropriate responses by the nurse? Select all that apply.

"OTC medications can interact with prescription medications."
B) "It is important to tell your doctor all medications you take, including OTC."
C) "OTC medications could mask or hide signs and symptoms of a disease."

Before administering a prescription medication, the nurse should confirm what information on the drug label? Select all that apply.

Brand name
B) Generic name
C) Drug concentration
D) Expiration date

31. The nurse explains that what drug resource book is compiled from package inserts?

Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)

A client has been prescribed a new medication but is skeptical to begin taking it after reading about potential risks in an online discussion forum. What is the nurse's best response?

"It's excellent that you're investigating your medications. Can I recommend some useful websites for you?"

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What is the importance of studying pharmacology to nurses?

Nurses play an integral role in administering medication to patients, and depending on the environment in which they work, they may be doing this every few minutes. As a result, it's imperative that nurses have a solid understanding of pharmacology, and potentially fatal drug interactions.

What is the purpose of the nursing process in terms of pharmacology?

The Nursing Process is applied to each category of drugs, ensuring that you administer medications accurately and safely, and includes the steps of assessment, human need statements, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

What is the purpose of the nursing process in terms of pharmacology quizlet?

How does the nursing process apply to pharmacology? It guides individualized medication therapy and related care for a patient.

What is the best way to study nursing in pharmacology?

Using flashcards is one of the most effective ways to study pharmacology. You can purchase pre-made online/digital note cards including LevelUp RN, or Nurse in the Making. An even better option is to make them yourself.


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